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The juvenile justice system as we know it today evolved in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as a result of reformers' desires to create separate juvenile courts designed to rehabilitate delinquent youths. The first step of the current system is the intake phase where a probation officer decides whether a petition should be filed against the juvenile or whether the juvenile should be diverted to a social service agency. If a petition is filed, the next issue that arises is whether the juvenile will be detained pending the hearing on the petition. In most instances, the minor will be released to the custody of his or her parents unless there is evidence that the juvenile will flee or engage in additional criminal conduct prior to the hearing. The juvenile court, in most states, will also determine whether the juvenile will benefit from the rehabilitative treatment offered by the juvenile court. If not, the matter will be transferred to adult court. If the juvenile court retains jurisdiction, an adjudicatory hearing will be held to determine whether the minor engaged in criminal conduct. After the adjudicatory hearing, those juveniles who are found to be delinquent receive a disposition. A wide range of dispositions are available to juvenile court judges, with the most common being probation.  相似文献   
Impaired auditory comprehension and fluent but semantically empty speech in conjunction with preserved repetition characterize the syndrome of transcortical sensory aphasia (TSA). Repetition, however, may be mediated by at least two distinct processes--a lexical process that may involve the recognition and subsequent activation of discrete stored word representations and a nonlexical process that involves phonologic decoding and immediate phonologic encoding from immediate memory. We investigated the spontaneous speech, reading, and tendency to recognize and spontaneously correct syntactic errors in four patients with TSA: this analysis suggests there are two subtypes of TSA. We contend that in one subtype both the lexical and direct repetition (or speech production) mechanisms are preserved, but in the second subtype the lexical mechanism is disrupted and repetition is mediated by the nonlexical mechanism.  相似文献   
Three distinct reading mechanisms have been proposed: the phonologic conversion system in which letters are converted to their sound equivalents (phonemes) before meaning is established, and two lexical or whole-word mechanisms in which a word (or root morpheme) is identified as a single unit rather than by phonologic conversion. The two lexical mechanisms differ in that one is inextricably linked to semantics but the other is not. The phonologic conversion system may depend more on the perisylvian phonologic system than do the lexical mechanisms, which may be mediated by left parietal or occipital areas or by the right hemisphere. Described here is a patient who had an infarction that partially isolated the perisylvian speech areas and disconnected the partially preserved lexical systems from the phonologic mechanism. He read visually presented orthographically irregular words but could not pronounce orally spelled irregular words. Although he could not read nonwords, he could pronounce orally spelled nonwords and orthographically regular words. These observations suggest that the lexical and phonologic conversion systems are functionally and anatomically distinct.  相似文献   
Prompted by a concern with the effects of appearance on how individuals and their work are regarded and how rewards are allocated in work settings, an experiment was conducted to determine whether physical attractiveness differentially affects the performance evaluations and recommended personnel actions for men and women holding managerial and nonmanagerial jobs. As predicted, attractiveness proved to be advantageous for women in nonmanagerial positions and disadvantageous for women in managerial ones. Unexpectedly, however, appearance had no effects whatsoever on reactions to men. Additional results indicated that attractiveness enhanced the perceived femininity of our female stimulus people, but did not enhance the perceived masculinity of those who were male. These data were interpreted as supportive of the idea that the differential effects of appearance in work settings are mediated by gender characterizations, and that fluctuations in the perceived person-job fit are key to understanding the seemingly inconsistent reactions to attractive and unattractive women in employment situations. The theoretical and applied implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
The standard nomenclature divides nonfluent aphasic syndromes with relatively spared comprehension into Broca's aphasia and transcortical motor aphasia. We report on a patient with a persistent nonfluent aphasia from a discrete, primarily cortical, frontal-opercular lesion who had impaired syntax but intact repetition and, therefore, did not conform to the traditional classification. Based on this patient's behavior and a review of other cases, we have divided the nonfluent aphasias with intact comprehension into five disorders. (1) Verbal akinesia-exhibiting diminished intention or drive to speak and associated with medial frontal lesions (supplementary motor area and cingulate gyrus) or with lesions damaging the efferent projections from these areas. (2) Disorders of syntax-telegraphic and agrammatic utterances that may be associated with dominant pars opercularis lesions. (3) Phonemic disintegration-a failure to correctly produce phonemes, which may be associated with injury to the opercular primary motor cortex or efferent projections from this area. (4) Defects of lexical access-patients who struggle to find words and are impaired at timed word-generation tasks. Defects of lexical access may be associated with lesions of the pars triangularis and adjacent prefrontal cortex. (5) Mixed defects. According to this model, the traditional patient with Broca's aphasia would exhibit disorders of syntax, phonemic disintegration, and defects of lexical access, whereas the traditional patient with transcortical motor aphasia would have verbal akinesia or defects of lexical access or both. Our patient had defects of lexical access and syntax, but only mild symptoms of phonemic disintegration, suggesting that his opercular primary motor cortex was relatively intact. Our patient's ability to repeat normally while his propositional speech remained telegraphic suggests that different neural mechanisms subserve these functions.  相似文献   
Adynamic aphasia is a form of transcortical motor aphasia characterized by sparse but otherwise normal spontaneous speech that may improve when concepts are introduced by external stimuli. Akinesia, impaired concept formation, inertia of concept generation, a defective semantic network, damage or impaired access to the verbal output lexicon, and defective semantic strategy formation have been proposed to account for this disorder. We studied a patient with adynamic aphasia and frontal lobe systems dysfunction due to bilateral striatocapsular infarctions. The patient was not akinetic but did demonstrate inertia of concept generation that could be overcome with prompting. However, prompting did not improve the number of concepts generated. He demonstrated a generally intact verbal lexicon and semantic network and normal lexical priming. However, his ability to sort closely related items into different classes without prior cuing regarding the nature of the classes was defective. Although his verbal memory was normal, he appeared to use a serial rather than a semantic strategy to recall items. Finally, despite normal lexical priming, he was impaired on a letter fluency task. These results most clearly demonstrate a defect in semantic strategy formation but indicate an additional and possibly related deficit in concept formation and a partial deficit in lexical strategy formation. All of these deficits appear to reflect impairment in the hierarchical organization of knowledge specific to the task at hand. This appears to be a key component of executive functions supported by frontal lobe systems.  相似文献   
One hundred and twenty undergraduates (60 male and 60 female) served as leaders for a one-way communication task. They were selected for the leadership position on the basis of merit or preferential selection. Among those selected preferentially, one group was given no information, another group was given positive information, and a third group was given negative information about their task-related leadership ability. As expected, when selected preferentially and provided with no ability information, males did not differ in self-views but females were far more negative in self-views than those selected on the basis of merit. However, when provided with positive information about task-related ability women selected preferentially did not differ in self-view from those selected on the basis of merit, and when provided with negative information about task-related ability men selected preferentially did evidence more negative self-views then those selected on the basis of merit. Measures of self-view included evaluations of performance, perceptions of general leadership ability, and desire to persist in the leadership role. The findings lend support to the idea that confidence in task-related ability is an important determinant of reactions to preferential selection. Implications of these findings, both theoretical and practical, are discussed.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to investigate the conditions under which the experience of victimization alters one's responses to other victims. Subjects were led to believe they either had been fairly paid for their work on a task (nonvictims) or had been underpaid (victims). Half the subjects believed that the treatment they had received was based upon personal information they had revealed about themselves (responsible subjects), while the others believed their treatment had nothing to do with them personally (not responsible subjects). All subjects were given an opportunity to evaluate, judge similarity to, and pay a second victim who was believed to be either “responsible” or “nor responsiile” for his plight. The results generally supported the experimental hypotheses. The impact the experience of victimization had on an individual's responses to another victim depended upon the individual's perception of his own state. The directionality of such altered responses was determined by the individual's perception of the other's state.  相似文献   
We describe a patient with literal alexia, agraphia, and only minimal aphasia, resulting from a left occipito-parietal ischemic infarction. Neither impaired visual processing nor impaired oral output could explain the patient's letter reading deficit, since he retained the ability to match letters of mixed case, and remained able to spell aloud and to pronounce and comprehend orally spelled words. His residual word reading was characterized by better performance for nouns and highly imageable words than for functors , poorly imageable words, and nonwords. We propose that this patient's letter reading deficit was due to a partial disconnection of his visual from his linguistic systems, with residual word reading accomplished by a semantically mediated compensatory mechanism. We suggest, further, that the dissociations between word and letter reading observed in some alexic individuals may be attributed, in part, to a difference in the relative contributions of dorsal and ventral occipital structures to the reading process.  相似文献   
A patient with spelling dyslexia maintained the ability to write, spell, and pronounce spelled nonsense words and words that require knowledge of orthographic rules of language. He was unable to perform grapheme-phoneme conversions except after naming the letter involved. We propose that he uses a letter-naming strategy to circumvent the disconnection of visual areas from the area of visual word images and that his letter-naming strategy represents a compensatory cross-cuing strategy.  相似文献   
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