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孟景  沈林  吕振勇  杨周  陈红  Todd Jackson 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1515-1522
在以往研究中“pain matrix”被认为是加工自我和他人疼痛信息的特异性神经机制, 也可能是个体对他人疼痛共情的原因。但是最近的研究发现非疼痛的感觉刺激也能激活该脑区, 因此疼痛表征在自我和他人间是否存在一致性受到质疑。研究采用启动范式从两个方面入手探索自身疼痛和疼痛共情间是否存在一致性关系。实验一使用疼痛和非疼痛图片为启动刺激, 疼痛或热刺激为靶刺激, 发现相对于非疼痛图片, 疼痛图片启动下被试对自身疼痛刺激的反应时减少, 疼痛水平和情绪反应增强。实验二使用疼痛和热刺激为启动刺激, 疼痛或非疼痛图片为靶刺激, 发现相对于热刺激, 疼痛刺激启动下被试对疼痛图片的反应时减少。同时, 在两个实验中非疼痛的靶刺激都不受启动刺激的影响。这说明疼痛表征在自我和他人间存在一致性效应。  相似文献   
男性气质是和女性气质相对或平行的、具有一定可塑性的人格特质, 是个体内化了的、关于男性应展现出的、符合男性气质意识形态的构念, 维系着自我概念和行为的一致性。男性气质的形成依赖于性别自我认同、社会认同和文化认同。固执地遵从特定社会化的男性气质意识规范会影响男性的心理健康。对男性气质的理论基础、研究取向:意识形态取向、社会建构取向和认同取向, 以及相关研究领域进行了系统阐述。未来研究应改进测量工具, 更新研究设计, 细化研究领域, 发展男性气质多元化实践以及男性气质的跨文化研究。  相似文献   
人们常将满意的结果归因于自己的能力或努力, 将不满意的结果归因为他人或环境, 这种接受成功的荣誉而否认失败责任的倾向称为自我服务偏向。目前, 对该偏向的理论解释并未达成统一的结论, 争论主要集中在其产生是由认知驱动或动机驱动, 抑或两者兼有。大量研究表明, 自我服务偏向普遍存在于日常生活中, 并受年龄、性别、文化、精神机能障碍等因素的影响, 但对其脑机制的研究相对较少。未来研究中, 应拓宽对非抑郁症精神机能障碍患者的自我服务偏向研究以及不同群体自我服务偏向特点的研究; 自我服务偏向的脑机制研究、跨文化研究以及国外已有研究成果在我国的适用性也将成为未来研究的关注点。  相似文献   
白血病细胞因具有生物学的异质性、分化程度的差异性和细胞形态的多形性等特点,需要明确分型。而它的分型经历了FAB(法国、美国、英国协作组,French-American-British Co-operative group)分型、MIC(morphology,immunology and cytogenetic)分型,最后到MICM(morphology,immunology, cytogenetic and molecular)分型。  相似文献   
器官移植在我国正处于快速发展阶段,目前除技术层面的问题外,供体数量严重不足和分配不公的问题也十分突出.本文对我国器官资源短缺原因、器官移植立法的迫切性、器官移植市场的规范化引导等问题做了全面论述,尤其对如何建立可靠的供体库和器官分配公平性的实现等问题做了较为深入细致的探讨.  相似文献   
This article argues that traditional Christology is intimately bound up with a triumphalist agenda that denies Jesus’ Jewishness and is structurally antisemitic. Taking an antiracist stance, the article argues that systemic rethinking of Christianity’s theological resources is needed, which must be anti-antisemitic and antiracist. This involves reconfiguring how we take on board Jesus’ Jewishness in a post-Holocaust context and recognizing Jesus as a Jewish prophet. From this, it is tentatively suggested that rethinking the role of the Messiah involves understanding a Levinasian Messiah who does not come, but rather calls upon us to act in a Messianic role before the Other as an ethical imperative.  相似文献   
Some Cautions for Research on Personality and Health   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article comments on three conceptualizations of the relationship between personality and disease as they relate to the papers in this issue. Despite the sophistication and promise of recent research in this area, conceptual and methodological difficulties present in earlier psychosomatic research have persisted. In this area, robust and convincing associations between traits and disease remain largely elusive, and stable, valid measures of psychological factors are relatively rare. In addition, the mechanisms relating behavior to health are sometimes sketchy or overstated. We suggest that the most productive research strategies will focus on mechanisms linking behavior to health, rather than merely correlating traits with measures of disease. Needed are continued close attention to these pitfalls by researchers as well as the maintenance of a critical attitude by readers.  相似文献   
Two experiments examine the value of adaptation level theory as an explanation of the peak shift phenomenon in stimulus generalization using linear arm movements. The first experiment manipulates the differences in adaptation levels during training by varying the frequency of experience of the training stimulus. Significant shifts in the peaks of generalization gradients were subsequently identified. The peak shifts were in the direction predicted by adaptation level theory. The second experiment manipulates testing adaptation levels by biasing the generalization test movements. Three groups of subjects performed differentially weighted test sequences in which the relative number of short, medium, or long movements was manipulated. Significant peak shifts of generalization gradients were observed in the direction predicted by adaptation level theory.  相似文献   
本文旨在对认知重评和表达抑制两种常用情绪调节策略的自发脑网络特征及认知神经活动进行深入探讨。研究采集36名在校大学生的静息态和任务态脑电数据,经过源定位和图论分析发现节点效率与两种情绪调节显著相关的脑区,以及脑区之间的功能连接。研究结果表明,在使用认知重评进行情绪调节时会激活前额叶皮质、前扣带回、顶叶、海马旁回和枕叶等多个脑区,在使用表达抑制进行情绪调节时会激活前额叶皮质、顶叶、海马旁回、枕叶、颞叶和脑岛等多个脑区。因此,这些脑区的节点效率或功能连接强度可能成为评估个体使用认知重评和表达抑制调节情绪效果的指标。  相似文献   
This study examined the relation between the amount of mathematical input in the speech of preschool or day-care teachers and the growth of children's conventional mathematical knowledge over the school year. Three main findings emerged. First, there were marked individual differences in children's conventional mathematical knowledge by 4 years of age that were associated with socioeconomic status. Second, there were dramatic differences in the amount of math-related talk teachers provided. Third, and most important, the amount of teachers' math-related talk was significantly related to the growth of preschoolers' conventional mathematical knowledge over the school year but was unrelated to their math knowledge at the start of the school year.  相似文献   
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