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The unclear picture of the sex difference in color preference might result from personality variations. We invited 359 Chinese university students (166 men and 193 women) to undergo a color preference test and the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ), a five-factor model test. Depressive trends were measured by the Plutchik-van Praag Depression Inventory (PVP). There was no significant difference between men and women regarding either ZKPQ or PVP scale scores. However, men preferred blue and green significantly more, and their preference order of yellow was negatively correlated with ZKPQ Sociability. Women preferred purple, pink and white significantly more, their preference order of gray was positively correlated with Neuroticism-Anxiety, and the order of orange negatively with Aggression-Hostility. Our results suggest that, partly from a biological layout, men as hunters and women as gatherers prefer some different colors on the one hand, but from a social structural layout, they might try to adjust some personality traits by preferring other colors on the other, in order to attain a sex-equality but polychromatic world.  相似文献   
冷英  何秀丽 《心理科学》2012,35(2):299-303
以汉语中的叠词为实验材料,对重复知盲产生机制的类型标记个体化理论和建构理论进行检验。采用RSVP研究范式,在两个实验中让178名被试口头报告列表中出现的所有汉字(全部报告)或列表中最后两个字(部分报告)。结果发现:(1)在呈现速率为128ms和198ms时,完全重复的汉字在全部报告和部分报告任务中均存在RB效应,但在部分报告任务下出现的RB相比全部报告任务的减少了,符合建构理论的假设。(2)在全部报告条件下,不仅重复刺激的正确报告率会降低,而且与重复刺激相关的非重复刺激的正确报告率也会降低。研究表明建构理论比类型标记个体化理论更能解释RB效应的产生机制。  相似文献   
中国化的马克思主义宗教观是中国共产党把马克思主义宗教观同中国宗教的具体实际相结合而揭示的关于宗教问题的理论观点、方针政策和实践经验的总结。中国化的马克思主义宗教本质观、历史观是对马克思主义宗教基本观点的继承和超越;中国化的马克思主义宗教安全观、适应观是对马克思主义宗教观的发展和创新;中国化的马克思主义宗教和谐观是马克思主义宗教观中国化的最新理论成果。  相似文献   
事故驾驶员与安全驾驶员人格特征的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本研究采用柳井晴夫等人编制的新性格检查问卷,对60名公交车驾驶员的人格特征进行了测量.结果表明:(1)事故组驾驶员与安全组驾驶员在五个人格特征上存在显著性差异,其中事故组驾驶员攻击性、神经质倾向较强,而持久性、协调性和同情性较差.(2)男性事故组驾驶员与安全组驾驶员在四个人格特征上存在显著性差异,其中事故组驾驶员攻击性和神经质倾向较强,但持久性和协调性较差。(3)女性事故组驾驶员与安全组驾驶员在两个人格特征上存在显著性差异,前者较后者攻击性强,但缺乏同情性.(4)性别在12项人格特征上无显著性差异.本研究结果可为设计制定专门应用于交通领域的人格测验,以及对驾驶员的选拔、培训、教育和管理提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   
采用记录被试阅读完成后回答问题的正确率、反应时与眼动指标,试图探讨不同阅读能力聋人语篇理解中连接推理的加工特点与效率。结果表明:在语篇局部连贯中断情况下,高低阅读能力聋人在语篇理解过程中的连接推理加工是主动的即时性加工,而非语篇阅读完成后被动的延时性加工;但高阅读能力聋人能有效激活背景知识,所发生的连接推理加工是一个自动化的加工;低阅读能力聋人主动尝试即时激活背景知识、构建句子间的连接推理,但连接推理的加工还未达到自动化程度,推理加工的效率较低。  相似文献   
何怀远 《哲学动态》2006,23(1):27-33
马克思给予物质生产以历史基础地位,却对生产主义予以严厉的批判。这一理论取向为历代马克思主义者所继承,也成为西方马克思主义、各种新马克思主义和后马克思主义的显性话语,因而成为我们判断一个学派与马克思主义有无学脉关系的根本论题之一。生产主义批判,包括“生产主义社会”批判和“生产主义”意识形态批判两个方面。生产主义社会批判又经过了狭义生产主义批判和广义生产主义批判两个阶段。一狭义生产主义批判“生产主义社会”批判首先是对“生产—消费社会”型的经济体制和社会体制的批判。在这种体制中,生产是社会的支配原则,在生产…  相似文献   
小学生阅读迁移机制的初步研究--字词表征还是内容表征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何先友  庞多维 《心理科学》2004,27(1):134-136
探讨文章字词与内容在小学生篇章阅读迁移中的作用。结果发现,阅读水平和阅读条件均对阅读迁移效果有显著主效应。阅读水平低的被试的阅读准确性提高得更大;完全重复条件和词汇重复条件在阅读时间和准确性上都没有显著差异,完全重复条件下的阅读时间和准确性均比意义重复及无相关条件的阅读时间和准确性提高得更多;词汇重复条件下的阅读时间和准确性显著高于意义重复条件下的成绩;词汇相同的阅读准确性也显著高于无相关条件下的阅读准确性。据此,我们可以初步得出小学生的篇章阅读迁移主要依赖词汇表征,即词汇表征是小学生篇章阅读迁移的主要机制。  相似文献   
This study explored whether body specificity unconsciously influenced preferences for certain people. Participants were presented pictures of the heads of 2 persons who were described as having the similar personality, profession and family background. They were instructed to choose 1 in each pair as the preferred date, preferred friend, more charismatic boss or as the better national leader. The results showed body specificity had an influence on the selection preference on first impression. Participants tended to choose the character on their dominant‐hand side. This study not only provided the first social psychological evidence for the body‐specificity hypothesis, but also first demonstrated a role for body specificity in impression formation and selection preference.  相似文献   
Genetic testing for inherited cancer risk has recently improved through the advent of multi-gene panels and the addition of deletion and duplication analysis of the BRCA genes. The primary aim of this study was to determine which factors influence the intent of individuals with a personal history of breast and/or ovarian cancer and negative or uncertain BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing to return to a hereditary cancer program for additional genetic risk assessment, counseling, and testing. Surveys were sent to 1197 individuals and 257 were returned. Of those participants who were planning to return to clinic, most cited having family members who could benefit from the test result as the primary motivation to return. Many participants who were not planning to return to clinic cited the cost of testing as a barrier to return. Cost of testing and concerns about insurance coverage were the most commonly cited barriers for the group of participants who were undecided about returning to clinic. Results from this study may be used to guide re-contact efforts by clinicians to increase patient uptake to return to clinic for up-to-date genetic risk assessment, counseling, and testing.  相似文献   
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