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贺来 《哲学研究》2012,(7):3-8,128
<正>一、哲学的"两面性"及其思想风险哲学作为人类思想文化的重要"扇面",包含着对于美好事物的执着而高远的憧憬和追求,于是,以哲学为志业的哲学家们自然会把自身对美好事物的憧憬和追求对象化和投射到哲学上,认为哲学具有毋需反思的美好甚至"神圣"的价值和品格。这种对哲学的自我理解无疑有其深刻的历史与现实根据。然而,当人们沉浸在对哲学的自我陶醉之中时,往往容易遗忘哲学的另一面,那就是它所蕴含的思想风险以及为此所应承担的重大思想责任。自觉地反思哲学的思想风险及其思想责任,对于深化哲学的自我理解、提升哲学的自觉意识具有十分特殊的意义。  相似文献   
中国化的马克思主义宗教观是中国共产党把马克思主义宗教观同中国宗教的具体实际相结合而揭示的关于宗教问题的理论观点、方针政策和实践经验的总结。中国化的马克思主义宗教本质观、历史观是对马克思主义宗教基本观点的继承和超越;中国化的马克思主义宗教安全观、适应观是对马克思主义宗教观的发展和创新;中国化的马克思主义宗教和谐观是马克思主义宗教观中国化的最新理论成果。  相似文献   
喻嘉言是清初三大名医之一,但他早年习儒,后又出家为僧,继又脱离僧团,四处云游,行医济世。在此之中,喻氏在继承中国医学传统的同时,坚持奉守佛门理论与戒律,留下了多本医学著作,形成了独具特色的佛医理论,付诸实践,活人不少,得到佳誉。喻氏的佛医思想一是对阴病诊治的突出。二是结合佛门明心见性之观念,而注重对病家的精神调养。三是以佛门素食原则为本的饮食和药饵之治则。四是对行医者的选定与仿佛门戒律的医门戒律的阐述。  相似文献   
道教界普遍认为谢自然是司马承祯的女徒弟,本文通过系统梳理谢自然有关传记文献资料,对其生平行止和交游进行了细致考证,指出上述说法纯属道士诞妄虚夸之辞。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to explore whether the modulation effects of attentional biases toward time information representing immediate rewards and delayed rewards differ between individuals with high and low trait self-control. Forty participants with high trait self-control and 40 with low trait self-control were selected based on their responses to the Chinese version of the self-control scale, and they were asked to complete an intertemporal choice task and dot probe task first and then a cue-target task a week later. The results showed that the participants with low trait self-control were more likely to choose immediate rewards than participants with high trait self-control. Furthermore, facilitated attention and difficulty in attention disengagement toward present-related words were found among participants with low trait self-control with higher frequency than among those with high trait self-control. Finally, facilitated attention toward present-related words moderated the indifference points among the participants with low trait self-control.  相似文献   
本文从空间分布的整体状况、空间分布的国内格局、空间分布的载体特征和类型特点四个方面对我国历史档案资源的空间分布特征进行了系统地探讨,并在此基础上揭示了这些特征形成的复杂的历史文化原因.  相似文献   
Younger and older adults' visual scan patterns were examined as they passively viewed younger and older neutral faces. Both participant age groups tended to look longer at their own-age as compared to other-age faces. In addition, both age groups reported more exposure to own-age than other-age individuals. Importantly, the own-age bias in visual inspection of faces and the own-age bias in self-reported amount of exposure to young and older individuals in everyday life, but not explicit age stereotypes and implicit age associations, significantly and independently predicted the own-age bias in later old/new face recognition. We suggest these findings reflect increased personal and social relevance of, and more accessible and elaborated schemas for, own-age than other-age faces.  相似文献   
非政治公共领域的性质决定了它对构建中国实现现代化的良性结构性基础具有重要意义和价值.那么,如何促进非政治公共领域的健康生长和发育呢?它的关键元素是什么?通过对中欧各自的历史文化、文明进程与非政治公共领域生存发展的态势之比较,揭示了平等、自治、权利、契约、民主、正义等文明因子正是非政治公共领域图存发展的关键元素.它旨在强调中国欲要促进非政治公共领域的蓬勃发展和构建中国社会的良性结构性基础,则需借鉴欧洲经验,重在打造具有这些文明因子的新型文化体系.  相似文献   
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