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Early olfactory preference learning in rat pups occurs when novel odors are paired with tactile stimulation, for example stroking. cAMP-triggered phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein (pCREB) has been implicated as a mediator of learning and memory changes in various animals (Frank and Greenberg 1994). In the present study we investigate whether CREB is phosphorylated in response to conditioned olfactory training as might be predicted given the proposed role of the phosphorylated protein in learning. On postnatal day 6, pups were trained for 10 min using a standard conditioned olfactory learning paradigm in which a conditioned stimulus, Odor, was either used alone or paired with an unconditioned stimulus, Stroking (using a fine brush to stroke the pup). In some instances stroking only was used. The pups were sacrificed at 0, 10, 30, or 60 min after the training. Using Western blot analysis, we observed that the majority of olfactory bulbs in conditioned pups (Odor + Stroking) had a greater increase in pCREB activation at 10 min after training than pups given nonlearning training (Odor only or Stroking only). The phosphorylated protein levels were low at 0 min and at 60 min after training. This is in keeping with the slightly delayed and short-lived activation period for this protein. The localization of pCREB increases within the olfactory bulb as seen by immunocytochemistry. Naive pups were not exposed to odor or training. There was a significantly higher level of label in mitral cell nuclei within the dorsolateral quadrant of the bulb of pups undergoing odor-stroke pairing. No significant differences were observed among nonlearning groups (Naive, Odor only, or Stroking only) or among any training groups in the granule or periglomerular cells of the dorsolateral region. The localized changes in the nuclear protein are consistent with studies showing localized changes in the bulb in response to a learned familiar odor. The present study demonstrates that selective increases in pCREB occur as an early step following pairing procedures that normally lead to the development of long-term olfactory memories in rat pups. These results support the hypothesized link between pCREB and memory formation.  相似文献   
Despite opposition from professional groups such as the American Psychiatric Association and the American Bar Association, “Guilty But Mentally Ill” (GBMI) statutes now exist in at least 12 states and are being considered in others. This paper reviews the development of the GBMI alternative to the insanity defense from a historical perspective, focusing especially on the reasons for its development in Michigan, the first state to pass GBMI legislation over 9 years ago. Using the Michigan experience, the GBMI statute is reviewed in terms of its perceived purpose and its success in accomplishing that purpose. Then recommendations for future changes are made.  相似文献   
MATLAB and graphical user interfaces: Tools for experimental management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MATLAB is a convenient platform for the development and management of psychological experiments because of its easy-to-use programming language, sophisticated graphics features, and statistics and optimization tools. Through implementation of the Brainard-Pelli Psychophysics Toolbox, the MATLAB user gains close temporal and spatial control over the CRT, while retaining the simplicity of an interpreted language conducive to rapid program development. MATLAB’s abilities can be further utilized through easily programmable graphical user interfaces (GUIs). We illustrate how a GUI can serve as a powerful and intuitive tool for organizing and controlling all aspects of a psychological experiment, including design, data collection, data analysis, and theory fitting.  相似文献   
解读曼殊五部曲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏曼殊是清末民初萃集革命与刨作于一身的“奇人异僧”。从革命的角度说,他意志坚定,积极投身于孙中山领导的资产阶级民主革命,为推翻清朝统治和袁世凯帝制尽心竭力;从创作的角度说,他多才多艺,以风格独特的诗歌、小说、散、翻译、绘画树帜坛,赢得生前和身后无数读的击节和赞赏;从身份的角度说,他是个亦僧亦俗、亦侠亦儒的革命和艺家。他曾获得的桂冠大体停留在不大反映本质的“诗僧”、“情僧”、“风流和尚”、“革命和尚”等一类称号上,然而随着这位传奇的历史人物的“真面目”越来越清晰呈现于世,而不再继续充当人们揣测的对象。  相似文献   
菩萨是梵文音译“菩提萨”的简称,其菩提汉译为觉悟,萨汉译为众生,或有情(一切有感情之物),全译为觉有情、觉悟的众生之意。根据修行的层次,菩萨可分为胁侍菩萨和供养菩萨。胁侍菩萨是修行层次最高的菩萨,其修行觉悟仅次于佛或等同于佛。每尊佛都有两位或几位胁侍菩萨。在石窟壁画中经常画的“八大菩萨”,即是释迦牟尼佛左右的胁侍菩萨——文殊菩萨、普贤菩  相似文献   
Three studies are reported, which examined individual differences in deductive reasoning as a function of intellectual ability and thinking style. Intellectual ability was a good predictor of logical performance on syllogisms, especially where there was a conflict between logic and believability. However, in the first two experiments there was no link between ability and performance on indicative selection tasks, in sharp contrast to previous research. This correlation did, however, return in the final study. Our data are consistent with the claim that the correlation with logical accuracy on abstract selection tasks is found primarily with participants of relatively high ability. At lower levels, pragmatically cued responses are given but those of slightly higher ability divorce the rule from the scenario and respond consistently (though incorrectly) across problems. Self-report questionnaires were generally poor predictors of performance, but a measure of the ability to generate alternative representations proved an excellent predictor. These results are consistent with a mental models approach to reasoning and also have implications for the debate about human rationality.  相似文献   
This study identified sources of map orientation critical for successful spatial problem solving by rats of a plus maze embedded in water. Disorientation slowed, but it did not prevent acquisition of goal location. Use of a circular enclosure with multiple points of entry prevented reliable goal location. A single entry point enabled the rats to locate a fixed goal. A cue array within the enclosure was ineffective in providing orientation. These data suggest that stable map orientation can be derived from entry location when enclosure geometry is uniformative, but is not readily taken from cue arrays. They further suggest that map orientation is reset when rats enter an enclosure.  相似文献   
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