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程浩 《周易研究》2015,(2):40-45
《归藏》被《周礼》称作"三易"之一,但其在先秦两汉绝少被称引,直到六朝才受到广泛关注。从《归藏》的流传路径来看,无论是六朝时的评论与称引还是清人的辑佚,其源头都是汲冢所出的易类文献。所谓的传世《归藏》,其实就是汲冢所出的类似"清华简《别卦》"、"王家台《易占》"以及"北大简《荆决》"、"清华简《筮法》"等易类文献的汇编,它包含了一种在战国时非常流行的筮占理论体系,但不一定与《周礼》所说的《归藏》有实际联系。  相似文献   
<正>2010年6月2日至6日,海内外道学研究者、隐修者在美国洛杉矶市罗耀拉大学(Loyola Marymount University)召开第六届道学国际会议。前五届依次在波士顿大学(2003)、四川大学(2004)、慕尼黑大学(2006)、香港教育学院(2007)、武当山(2009)召开,在美国,这是第  相似文献   
The impact of types of social connectedness—family, other adult, and school—on suicide ideation and attempts among all youth, the relative impact of each type, and effect modification by sexual orientation was assessed. Data were from the 2007–2009 Milwaukee Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. Multivariable logistic regression analyses calculated the risk of suicide ideation and attempts by sexual orientation, types of social connectedness, and their interaction. Among all youth, each type of connectedness modeled singly conferred protective effects for suicide ideation. Family and other adult connectedness protected against suicide attempts. When modeled simultaneously, family connectedness protected against ideation and attempts. Sexual orientation modified the association between other adult connectedness and suicide ideation. Findings suggest that family connectedness confers the most consistent protection among all youth and sexual orientation does not generally modify the association between connectedness and suicidal behavior.  相似文献   
The relationships of Internet use, web communication, and sources of social support with adolescent self‐injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITBs) in Taiwan were investigated. The study sample of 391 12 to 18‐year‐olds was selected from nine public high schools. Findings show that girls are more likely to have SITBs, except for suicide gestures. Web communication is a risk factor for SITBs in boys but not in girls. Family support is protective in both genders. Support from friends is protective and support from significant others was a risk factor for suicide plans in girls. Support from virtual social communities can have both positive and negative effects on adolescent SITBs, with different effects by gender.  相似文献   
美善是柏拉图对理想人格的一种构型,他把希腊语中"美的"和"善的"两个词连接起来,形成一个新的名词来描述哲学所能构想的理想人格型相,对人性的自然属性和社会属性及人性的整全性与居间性进行了奠基性的阐释。通过哲学的爱欲教化,柏拉图力图完成美的世界与道德宇宙的和谐统一,最终把哲学定位为爱欲的教化。  相似文献   
Background and objectives: Previous studies have not consistently concluded whether high-anxious persons exhibit attentional bias towards negative natural auditory stimuli. The present study explores whether auditory negative stimuli could induce attentional bias to negative sounds in real life and investigates the exact nature of these biases using an emotional spatial cueing task.

Design: Experimental study with a mixed factorial design.

Method: We created two groups according to the state-trait anxiety scale, namely high and low trait anxiety. Participants (N?=?68 undergraduate students) were required to respond to an auditory target after receiving a negative (aversive sounds from natural life) or neutral auditory stimuli.

Results: A 2 (Validity: valid/invalid)?×?2 (Cue Valence: negative/neutral)?×?2 (Anxiety Group: LA/HA) repeated-measures ANOVA on reaction times revealed that participants with high trait anxiety exhibited slower reaction times in invalid trials following negative cues than following neutral cues. Higher levels of trait anxiety were associated with more difficult attentional disengagement from negative auditory information.

Conclusions: The results demonstrate that impaired attentional disengagement was one of the mechanisms by which high-anxious participants exhibited auditory attentional bias to natural negative information.  相似文献   

<正>○当代道教发展态势管见黄永锋在《世界宗教文化》2010年第4期撰文指出,20世纪80年代以来,中国道教发展态势良好。然而,道教目前也面临许多问题,甚至困境。当前困扰道教发展的主要问题有三个方面:第一、道教与民间信仰的错位。目前,许多人对道教与民间信仰之间的关系的认识存在误区,一种倾向是将两者割裂开来,另外一种倾向是将二者混同。  相似文献   
<录异记>是杜光庭一部重要作品,具有较强的文学色彩,但自古及今,常被目为与道教无涉的文言小说,而实际上该书具有鲜明的宗教特征.这主要体现在内容和结构编排上.<录异记>内容不仅记载仙类故事,还有很多与道教密切相关的图谶瑞应;结构看似混乱芜杂,实际有自己内在的组织方式,内中暗含成仙得道的"变化"学说.<录异记>是一部带有较强道教色彩的宗教文献,应该是典型的宗教文学作品.  相似文献   
马克思《博士论文》附录中对普鲁塔克的宗教论战,在其《关于伊壁鸠鲁哲学的笔记》2-3中有更加具体而详尽的展现。马克思对普鲁塔克的批驳与他对伊壁鸠鲁反宗教立场的肯定相一致。本文旨在通过对《笔记》的研读,弄清楚马克思如何就普鲁塔克的相关文本,有针对性地驳斥普鲁塔克对伊壁鸠鲁学说尤其宗教观的反驳,如何借此突显哲学与宗教的对立及其反对和战胜宗教的合理根据。  相似文献   
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