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信息流广告飞速发展的同时用户广告回避愈发普遍,然而传统广告回避结论无法平移到该情境。本研究基于用户动态的信息加工视角,试图探讨(1)动态信息加工状态下(收敛式vs发散式)产生广告屏蔽和广告跳过行为的内在机制;(2)采用归因引导重定向策略,挖掘用户屏蔽广告的“残留效应”所带来的信号价值;(3)采用广告凸显重定向策略,突破用户跳过广告的“学习效应”造成的负面影响。丰富现有理论的同时,为信息流广告的响应式优化提供理论和决策支持。  相似文献   
Drawing on the componential model of creativity (Amabile), we examined how shared leadership and a formally appointed leader's transformational leadership jointly cultivate team creativity in two studies. We conducted an experiment with a sample of 109 undergraduate students (32 teams) enrolled in a business plan competition (Study 1) and a field survey based on multisource, time-lagged data collected from 251 full-time employees working on 64 research and development teams (Study 2). The results from both studies revealed that shared leadership enhanced team members’ individual creative self-efficacy and individual creativity, which in turn improved team creativity. Moreover, the results from Study 2 showed that a formally appointed leader's use of different transformational leadership behaviors had different impacts on individual and team creativity. Individual-focused transformational leadership strengthened the positive effect of shared leadership on team members’ average individual creativity, whereas group-focused transformational leadership facilitated the translation of teams with high average individual creativity into teams with high levels of team creativity. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
网络慈善众筹是从在线社区获得财力捐助的行为。本研究通过3个实验,考察在线社交平台上受益者面部表情与捐赠者–受益者关系对慈善众筹捐赠行为的影响。结果发现,快乐的面部表情对捐赠金额和分享意愿的影响总体上比悲伤更大;捐赠者–受益者共有的熟人关系比陌生人关系对捐赠金额与分享意愿的影响更大;面部表情与捐赠者–受益者关系对慈善众筹的捐赠金额存在交互作用,但对分享意愿没有显著性影响。结果表明,在线社交平台的慈善众筹捐赠行为更偏好有快乐面部表情的受益者,并且更多地受到间接的、社会交换预期微弱的熟人共有关系的影响。  相似文献   
霍妮神经症理论述评   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
依照神经症演进的心理历程为线索,从神经症的起因、人际策略、心理内防御策略、最终表现和治疗五个方面系统论述了霍妮的神经症理论,并在此基础上指出,霍妮的神经症理论是对弗洛依德思想的批判继承,其理论影响力、应用性正受到应有的关注。  相似文献   
幽门螺杆菌感染与慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡、胃癌及胃黏膜相关性淋巴瘤有关.疫苗是防治幽门螺杆菌感染切实可行的方法.近年来新的防治和根除幽门螺杆菌感染的疫苗正在开发并取得了很大的进展.本综述结合本室研制Hp疫苗的研究基础,简要概述疫苗保护性抗原的筛选、黏膜免疫佐剂及接种途径、Hp疫苗的保护性免疫机制、Hp感染动物模型的建立及Hp疫苗人体临床试验等方面的研究进展.  相似文献   
有偿献血HIV感染者的情绪障碍   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
考察有偿献血HIV感染者的情绪状况,探讨他们面临的艾滋病压力和对感染HIV的认知评价对其情绪的影响。方法:采用Beck抑郁量表、焦虑自评量表、艾滋病压力量表、认知评价量表作为测查工具,测查了185名有偿献血HIV感染者,并收集了人口学资料、症状资料和其它信息。结果:(1)92%的有偿献血HIV感染者有中、重度抑郁障碍,他们的焦虑程度高于神经衰弱者和焦虑症者;(2)艾滋病压力不仅通过认知评价而且会直接对情绪障碍产生影响;(3)认知评价在艾滋病压力和情绪障碍之间起部分中介作用。结论:有偿献血HIV感染者抑郁、焦虑情绪障碍严重,艾滋病压力和认知评价对情绪障碍的产生都有直接或间接的影响  相似文献   
The following paper describes a new technique for simulating peripheral field losses in virtual environments to study the roles of the central and peripheral visual fields during navigation. Based on Geisler and Perry's (2002) gaze-contingent multiresolution display concept, the technique extends their methodology to work with three-dimensional images that are both transformed and rendered in real time by a computer graphics system. In order to assess the usefulness of this method for studying visual field losses, an experiment was run in which seven participants were required to walk to a target tree in a virtual forest as quickly and efficiently as possible while artificial head and eye-based delays were systematically introduced. Bilinear fits were applied to the mean trial times in order to assess at what delay lengths breaks in performance could be observed. Results suggest that breaks occur beyond the current delays inherent in the system. Increases in trial times across all delays tested were also observed when simulated peripheral field losses were applied compared to full FOV conditions. Possible applications and limitations of the system are discussed. The source code needed to program visual field losses can be found at lions.med.jhu.edu/archive/turanolab/Simulated_Visual_Field_Loss_Code.html.  相似文献   
家长式领导与组织公正感的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周浩  龙立荣 《心理学报》2007,39(5):909-917
以428名企事业单位员工为调查对象,采用问卷法,探讨了家长式领导与组织公正感的关系,结果表明:(1)仁慈领导对组织公正感各维度有显著的积极影响;德行领导对组织公正感各维度有显著的积极影响;权威领导对领导公正有显著的消极影响;(2)在分配公正、程序公正上,德行与权威领导有显著负交互效应;在领导公正、领导解释上,仁慈与权威领导有显著负交互效应。最后,对研究的理论和实践意义作了探讨,并提出了未来的研究方向  相似文献   
为阐明价值观在集体行动参与中的地位和影响机制,研究者以利比亚事件为背景,针对现实和网络场域中不同程度的4类集体行动倾向,在天津市957名大学生中进行问卷调查研究,结果发现:价值观显著增加了低成本集体行动倾向解释率,并调节着情绪、工具性动机和社会认同对集体行动倾向的影响;中国人进行集体行动决策时具有集体主义理性计算特征;不同场域和程度的集体行动有其各自规律.结论:价值观在集体行动参与决策中是一种与社会认同类似的基础性变量.  相似文献   
Economic and psychological studies have determined the tendency to improve cooperation in initial interactions in which people are required to contribute in public good games. The current study examined the behavioural changes of individuals during finite interaction times. Participants were invited to make decisions twice in a step‐level public good game, and their belief in achieving the collective interest was measured. Participants were divided into three groups based on their first decisions. Results showed that high contributors demonstrated high levels of contribution in their subsequent interactions, whereas low and equal contributors increased their levels of contribution after the initial interaction. Additionally, the cooperative level of low contributors increased along with their cooperative belief. The theoretical and practical implications of changes of behaviour and belief in repeated social dilemmas were identified.  相似文献   
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