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The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between the reading rates of stutterers and nonstutterers during both silent and oral reading of fluently spoken words. Ten adult stutterers and 14 nonstutterers were instructed to read two lists of words over four trials each. The first trial of either the first or the second list was a silent reading trial. All the other trials were oral reading trials. The word lists consisted of nouns with word lengths from two to five syllables. The dependent variables were the silent and oral reading times per word and per syllable. The major findings were that stutterers, as compared to nonstutterers, required longer reading times per word and per syllable during both silent and oral reading. These results indicate that stutterers differ from nonstutterers in the basic processing time for verbal material.  相似文献   
作为实践哲学的哲学伦理学与作为应用的“实践”伦理学的严格区分,是随着近代以来“理论”和“实践”的二元对立兴起的,在古代的哲学中不仅不存在这种区分,而且在亚里士多德那里“理论”也是一种“实践”,一种最高的生活方式。理论与实践的二元区分使得哲学伦理学本身变得可疑,事实上也陷入了困境,而要走出这种困境,在哲学伦理学内部可以看出有两条可能的出路,一条是康德的形式主义路线,一条是亚里士多德的道路。但两者都不能独立解决这一困境,而要互补为一门伦理学可能的部分才是可行的。  相似文献   
Do behavioural observations on the transitions between alternative perceptual interpretations of stimuli carry information about temporal characteristics of brain activity involved in binding? Promising methods for capturing critical attributes of this activity are the psychophysical methods of parameter adjustment. Of particular value are situations that include an adjustment of periodically repeating components, since the interaction of these with periodic “carrier processes” in the brain may produce informative patterns of interference. Previous evidence reveals that in different paradigms the spectral time signatures of transition tune in to a superordinate structure of quantal time values. In agreement with predictions of the taxonomic “time quantum model” (TQM), quantal time values are organized in groups called ranges which cover intervals of discretely varying sizes. These findings suggest properties characteristic of oscillatory mechanisms which are active in temporal binding. Of critical importance is the extreme precision of timing, agreement of critical periods across individuals, as well as across tasks of varying complexity, and indications of single-shot timing.  相似文献   
Previous research has established a general relation between networking and career outcomes, as postulated by theories on protean careers and career self management. We suggest that specific facets of networking behavior differentially affect specific career mobility outcomes over time. In a 2-year prospective study, we examined the impact of six facets of networking on the likelihood receiving a promotion, changing employer, or remaining in the current position. Results show that internal networking is related to promotions and change of employer, whereas external networking is only related to change of employer. Moreover, internal networking shows a differential relation with the temporal proximity of promotions where using internal contacts predicts promotions in the first year and building and maintaining internal contacts predict promotions in the second year. However, this temporal pattern did not hold for external networking, where only maintaining external contacts predicted change of employer in the second year.  相似文献   
Does it pay to pay online panel members? A three-wave longitudinal experiment was conducted with an online panel to examine whether per person payments, paid through an online intermediary, influence response and retention rates. In the payment condition, participants were promised payment for participation at each wave, whereas control participants were not offered any payment. The promise of a payment had a negative effect on response in Wave 1, but a positive effect on response in Wave 2. Payment had no significant effect on retention. Completing a given wave was an indicator for responding to a subsequent invitation.  相似文献   
Conditions for the disappearance of long-range apparent movement were investigated. In an experiment on beta motion, critical interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of downward simultaneity thresholds for stimuli presented in continuous alternation were determined for exposure durations (EDs) varying from 3 to 160 msec. Each subject performed each test twice. Data were collected in three sessions, each for one of three angular separations (3°, 6°, and 12°) and the full set of EDs. The distribution of critical ISIs collapsed across subjects, EDs, and angular separations shows sharp maxima at regular distances within a range of 0–110 msec ISI. Significant or near-significant peaks were found at ISIs of 5, 9,22,27, 43, 55, and 107 msec. Although mean critical ISIs shifted with spatial separation, no essential shift of the main maxima occurred. Evidence of a periodic modulation with a period duration of 4.5 msec was obtained from the distributions of differences between critical ISIs of the first tests and their replications, which exhibit extremely low standard deviations (< 10 msec). These results agree well with previous analyses (Geissler, 1987, 1992) that led to a taxonomic model of quantal timing, briefly summarized in this paper. Further consequences are discussed and related to earlier developments (Geissler, 1991, 1992,1997).  相似文献   
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