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Progress in the Molecular-Genetic Study of Intelligence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT— The past decade has seen a major shift in the genetic study of human intelligence; where classic studies aimed to quantify the heritability of intelligence, current studies aim to dissect this heritability into its molecular-genetic components. Five whole-genome linkage scans have been published in the past year, converging on several chromosomal (or genomic) regions important to intelligence. A handful of candidate genes, some of which lie in these genomic regions, have shown significant association to intelligence and the associations have been replicated in independent samples. Finding genes brings us closer to an understanding of the neurophysiological basis of human cognition. Furthermore, when genes are no longer latent factors in our models but can actually be measured, it becomes feasible to identify those environmental factors that interact and correlate with genetic makeup. This will supplant the long nature–nurture debate with actual understanding.  相似文献   
Summary   Religious Faith and Criticism of Religion of Enlightenment. Restrictions of the Use of Reason in the Light of Critical Philosophy. In the this paper I analyse the present problem situation of the christian faith with respect to the assumption of the existence of God and the role of Jesus and I criticize the problem-solutions offered by Bultmann, Ratzinger, Küng and Habermas. I try to show that all these solutions imply a similar arbitrary restriction of the use of reason.  相似文献   
VIQ-PIQ differences have been studied in children with autism and Asperger syndrome but have not been studied in a separate group of children with PDD-NO, although, PDD-NOS has a much higher prevalence rate than autism and deficits in communication and social interaction are severe. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) was administered to 100 children, aged 6-12 years, with PDD-NOS (n = 76), autism (n = 13), and Asperger syndrome (n = 11). PDD-NOS was diagnosed using explicit research criteria. No overall differences between VIQ and PIQ were found in PDD-NOS and autism. Peaks in the subtest scores on Information, Similarities, Picture Arrangement, and Mazes, and troughs in the subtest scores on Comprehension, Digit Span, and Coding were demonstrated in children with PDD-NOS. Their score on the Freedom from Distractibility factor was lower than the scores on the Verbal Comprehension factor and the Perceptual Organization factor. Children with PDD-NOS seemed to have a similar VIQ-PIQ profile as children with autism, and on the subtest level children with PDD-NOS showed some similarities to children with Asperger syndrome or autism. It was not possible to distinguish PDD-NOS from autism or Asperger syndrome by using IQ scores.  相似文献   
Issues like faith and Church, religion and religiousness are not valued particularly highly among the young. At the same time a search for the meaning of life and an orientation in one’s own behaviour still seem to be significant and transcendent focal points are being sought to deal with these issues. This article questions the value that religion, faith and the Church have for young people on the basis of empirical data. Five types of religious orientation of young people are identified: a churchly Christian type, an autonomously Christian type, a conventionally religious type, an autonomously religious type and, finally, a non‐religious type. The empirical data are taken from a study of about 800 pupils in the Grade 11 (age 16–17 years) from grammar schools (Gymnasien) in Germany.  相似文献   
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