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In three experiments, we investigated the spatial allocation of attention in response to central gaze cues. In particular, we examined whether the allocation of attentional resources is influenced by context information—that is, the presence or absence of reference objects (i.e., placeholders) in the periphery. On each trial, gaze cues were followed by a target stimulus to which participants had to respond by keypress or by performing a target-directed saccade. Targets were presented either in an empty visual field (Exps. 1 and 2) or in previewed location placeholders (Exp. 3) and appeared at one of either 18 (Exp. 1) or six (Exps. 2 and 3) possible positions. The spatial distribution of attention was determined by comparing response times as a function of the distance between the cued and target positions. Gaze cueing was not specific to the exact cued position, but instead generalized equally to all positions in the cued hemifield, when no context information was provided. However, gaze direction induced a facilitation effect specific to the exact gazed-at position when reference objects were presented. We concluded that the presence of possible objects in the periphery to which gaze cues could refer is a prerequisite for attention shifts being specific to the gazed-at position.  相似文献   
We investigated the relation between action and perception in speech processing, using the shadowing task, in which participants repeat words they hear. In support of a tight perception–action link, previous work has shown that phonetic details in the stimulus influence the shadowing response. On the other hand, latencies do not seem to suffer if stimulus and response differ in their articulatory properties. The present investigation tested how perception influences production when participants are confronted with regional variation. Results showed that participants often imitate a regional variation if it occurs in the stimulus set but tend to stick to their variant if the stimuli are consistent. Participants were forced or induced to correct by the experimental instructions. Articulatory stimulus–response differences do not lead to latency costs. These data indicate that speech perception does not necessarily recruit the production system.  相似文献   
Depressive disorders are major public health issues worldwide. We tested the capacity of a simple lexicographic and noncompensatory fast and frugal tree (FFT) and a simple compensatory unit-weight model to detect depressed mood relative to a complex compensatory logistic regression and a naïve maximization model. The FFT and the two compensatory models were fitted to the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) score of a representative sample of 1382 young women and cross validated on the women's BDI score approximately 18 months later. Although the FFT on average inspected only approximately one cue, it outperformed the naïve maximization model and performed comparably to the compensatory models. The heavier false alarms were weighted relative to misses, the better the FFT and the unit-weight model performed. We conclude that simple decision tools—which have received relatively little attention in mental health settings so far—might offer a competitive alternative to complex weighted assessment models in this domain.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte die Anwendbarkeit des Intelligenz-Struktur-Test (IST) von Amthauer auf die Diagnostik der Schulbegabung. Die in der Arbeit verwerteten Daten (IST, Four-Picture-Test von van Lennep und Schulnoten) wurden an 519 männlichen Gymnasiasten der Klassen 6–9 (Untersekunda bis Oberprima) erhoben. Zunächst wurde geprüft, ob sich die Hypothese Amthauers, die besagt, daß für die einzelnen Berufe optimale Intelligenzxtrukturen zu ermitteln sind, die sich in typischen IST-Profilverläufen zeigen, auch auf den Bereich der Schule und die dort angenommenen Spezialbegabungen für die einzelnen Fächer übertragen und dort verifizieren läßt. ES erwies sich (Extremgruppenvergleich und Faktorenanalyse), daß dies nicht mit der nötigen Sicherheit möglich ist. Die individuelle Vielfalt der Testergebnisse verwischt die Gruppenunterschiede. Es wurde der Versuch unternommen, eine theoretische Begründung dafür abzuleiten.Weiter wurde versucht, mittels zweckmäßiger Untertestauswahl undgewichtung eine Kurzform des IST zur treffsicheren und ökonomischeren Vorhersage des allgemeinen Schulerfolges zu entwickeln. Die Validitöt ließ sich nicht bedeutsam steigern, hingegen konnte die Testzeit auf die Hölfte reduziert werden. Die notwendigen Daten zur Anwendung Dieser Kurzbatterie Anwendung dieser Kurzbatterie wurden mitgeteilt.Es wurde gezeigt, daß sich größere Diskrepanzen zwischen realer und vorhergesagter Schulleistung (anhand der Kurzbatterie berechnet) in quantitativen Merkmalen des Four-Picture-Test von van Lennep widerspiegeln. Diese Differenzen sind nicht nur durch Unsicherheiten der Merkmalserfassung erklärbar.Schließlich wurde geprüft, ob sprachlich Begabte gegenüber mathemathisch-naturwissenschaftlich Begabten im IST-Gesamtergebnis benachteiligt sind. Es zeigte sich, daß dies nicht der Fall ist, daß hingegen der IST bezüglich seines Gesamtergebnisses eine engere Beziehung zu mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Leistungen hat als zu sprachlichen.  相似文献   
Research has shown that people prefer supporting to conflicting information when making decisions. Whether this biased information search also occurs in group decision making was examined in three experiments. Experiment 1 indicated that groups as well as individuals prefer supporting information and that the strength of this bias depends on the distribution of the group members' initial decision preferences. The more group members had chosen the same alternative prior to the group discussion (group homogeneity), the more strongly the group preferred information supporting that alternative. Experiment 2 replicated these results with managers. Experiment 3 showed that the differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous groups reflect group-level processes. Higher commitment and confidence in homogeneous groups mediated this effect. Functional and dysfunctional aspects of biased information seeking in group decision making are discussed.  相似文献   
Zuberbühler K 《Cognition》2000,76(3):195-207
Crested guinea fowls (Guttera pucherani) living in West African rainforests give alarm calls to leopards (Panthera pardus) and sometimes humans (Homo sapiens), two main predators of sympatric Diana monkeys (Cercopithecus diana). When hearing these guinea fowl alarm calls, Diana monkeys respond as if a leopard were present, suggesting that by default the monkeys associate guinea fowl alarm calls with the presence of a leopard. To assess the monkeys' level of causal understanding, I primed monkeys to the presence of either a leopard or a human, before exposing them to playbacks of guinea fowl alarm calls. There were significant differences in the way leopard-primed groups and human-primed groups responded to guinea fowl alarm calls, suggesting that the monkeys' response was not directly driven by the alarm calls themselves but by the calls' underlying cause, i.e. the predator most likely to have caused the calls. Results are discussed with respect to three possible cognitive mechanisms - associative learning, specialized learning programs, and causal reasoning - that could have led to causal knowledge in Diana monkeys.  相似文献   
In three visual search experiments, the processes involved in the efficient detection of motion-form conjunction targets were investigated. Experiment 1 was designed to estimate the relative contributions of stationary and moving nontargets to the search rate. Search rates were primarily determined by the number of moving nontargets; stationary nontargets sharing the target form also exerted a significant effect, but this was only about half as strong as that of moving nontargets; stationary nontargets not sharing the target form had little influence. In Experiments 2 and 3, the effects of display factors influencing the visual (form) quality of moving items (movement speed and item size) were examined. Increasing the speed of the moving items (> 1.5 degrees/sec) facilitated target detection when the task required segregation of the moving from the stationary items. When no segregation was necessary, increasing the movement speed impaired performance: With large display items, motion speed had little effect on target detection, but with small items, search efficiency declined when items moved faster than 1.5 degrees/sec. This pattern indicates that moving nontargets exert a strong effect on the search rate (Experiment 1) because of the loss of visual quality for moving items above a certain movement speed. A parallel-continuous processing account of motion-form conjunction search is proposed, which combines aspects of Guided Search (Wolfe, 1994) and attentional engagement theory (Duncan & Humphreys, 1989).  相似文献   
The study evaluated the off-line relationship of attention, memory and other cognitive performances with the auditory event-related potentials P3 (P300) and N2. The sample comprised 200 middle-aged construction workers. Verbal, visuomotor and memory tests were administered. Attentional domains were examined using CogniSpeed software. Slowed reaction times in the test of sustained attention (vigilance) were associated with delayed P3 latency (p < 0.001) and decreased P3 amplitude (p = 0.005), as well as with delayed N2 latency (p < 0.001). Visuomotor slowing in Digit Symbol was also related to delayed P3 latency (p = 0.030) and decreased P3 amplitude (p = 0.014). In contrast, mild cognitive impairment, short- and long-term memory, and concentrating or sharing attention with high working memory demands were not related to P3. The results suggest that P3 is linked to attentional performance with low working memory demands rather than to effortful working memory updating, retrieval from memory stores, or mild cognitive impairment.  相似文献   
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