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Controversies, i.e., multiple theory confrontations, may have a strong impact on the development of science. By an analysis of the so-called “resonance controversy” in chemistry the view that controversies and their resolution differ considerably from the process of theory succession is defended. It is argued that controversies are symptomatic of foundational problems, produce theory-scattering or domain-splitting, and induce ontological shifts. An explication is given of the role of existence claims and the applicability of Ockham's Razor in the resolution of controversies. The requirement of a realistic interpretation of theories at all times, as defended by some philosophers, is criticised.  相似文献   
Aged rats with extensive prior training on the radial maze retain the capacity for accurate spatial working memory (WM) for at least 3 months without practice. To investigate the temporal limits of this influence of prior experience we compared the reacquisition of spatial WM by a group of experienced 21.5-month-old rats to the original acquisition by naive 3-month-old rats. The aged rats had received 225 radial maze tests between 3 and 11 months of age. Despite 10 months without practice the old rats rapidly reacquired critical performance. Their reacquisition was markedly superior to original learning by the young rats, even when delays as long as 5 h were imposed between the rats' fourth and fifth choices during the daily tests in the eight-arm maze. Additional tests showed that neither young nor old rats employed a response strategy to maintain accurate spatial WM performance. Experience clearly confers long-lived protection against the otherwise deleterious effects of aging on spatial WM, but the mechanism by which this influence arises is unknown.  相似文献   
The ability to think of a previously studied item has often been shown to be impaired when, in one way or another, the extraitem context is changed from study to test. In a series of five experiments, such impairment is induced in a somewhat different way. A fragment (e.g. r-i--rop) of a just-studied word (raindrop) is shown to be less readily completed if it is presented bit by bit (r------p, r----r-p, r-i--r-p, r-i--rop) rather than all at once (Experiments 1, 3, 4, and 5). No such effect is found if the word has not been studied beforehand (Experiments 2, 3, 4, and 5). This pattern of results occurs even when fragments of studied and nonstudied words occur in the same test and under conditions in which subjects cannot tell whether a given fragment is of a studied or nonstudied word (Experiments 4 and 5). In addition, for words that have been studied beforehand, the impairment is shown to increase systematically with the number of steps involved in the presentation of the word fragment (Experiment 3) and also to persist when the time allowed for completion of the final version of the fragment is increased from 4 s to a full minute (Experiment 5).  相似文献   
The hermeneutics of suspicion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The somatic and psychosocial development of 80 subjects with manifest affective-phasic psychoses is studied retrospectively and compared with that of an identically sized control group consisting of neuropsychiatrically healthy subjects. Statistically significant differences were found particularly in the answers to questions dealing with social situation and social adaptability. Achievement at school and vocational qualifications were lower among the parents of the patients than among those of the healthy subjects. Characteristic features of the patients' childhood and adolescence were transient depression, often for no apparent cause, and maladaption, and vocational wishes were fulfilled less often than among the controls. The patients experienced greater difficulty in settling in to a new group due to their contact difficulties.  相似文献   
By 48 patients with Wilson's disease the brainstem acoustic evoked potentials were stated. There were 35 pathological findings (73%), 13 were normal (27%). The waves, determined by the middle and upper brainstem (Pons and Mesencephalon) showed most of all pathological changes. Those patients with forms of Wilson's disease called Pseudoskelerose and Pseudoparkinson showed the most pathological findings. But one could watch these findings by about 30% of patients in preclinical stage. This method can possibly be used for early detection of disorders of brainstem functions and in the same way it can be used for control of treatment by patients in preclinical stage.  相似文献   
In previous work by the senior authors, brief adaptation to glasses that changed the accommodation and convergence with which objects were seen resulted in large alterations in size perception. Here, two further effects of such adaptation are reported: alterations in stereoscopic depth perception and a change when distance is represented by a response of S’s arm. We believe that the three effects are manifestations of one primary effect, an alteration of the relation between accommodation and convergence on the one hand and the distance they represent in the nervous system (registered distance) on the other. This view was supported by the results of two experiments, each of which demonstrated that the alterations in stereoscopic depth perception could be obtained after adaptation periods which had provided no opportunity to use stereoscopic vision, and that the adaptation effect was larger for depth perception than for size perception when it was obtained under the same conditions; the latter finding was expected if both effects resulted from the same change in registered distance. In three of the five experiments here reported, the variety of cues that could represent veridical distance during the adaptation period was limited. In one condition of adaptation, only the pattern of growth of the retinal images of objects that S approached and the kinesthetic cues for S’s locomotion served as cues to veridical distance. In two other conditions S remained immobile. In one of these, only the perspective distortion in the projection of the scene that S viewed mediated veridical distance, and in the other one familiar objects of normal size were successively illuminated in an otherwise totally dark field, conditions from which opportunities to use stereoscopic vision were again absent. After exposure to each of these adaptation conditions, adaptive changes in perceived size and larger ones in perceived stereoscopic depth were obtained. Because we found that familiar size may serve as the sole indicator of veridical distance in an adaptation process, we concluded that it can function as a perceptual as distinguished from an inferential cue to distance.  相似文献   
Accommodation and convergence primarily serve to adjust the eyes to the distance of the object viewed, but, once made, these oculomotor adjustments serve as cues for the object’s distance. Experiments are reported that show that the relation between oculomotor adjustments and the distances they signify can be changed by adaptation to glasses that cause alteration in the oculomotor adjustments with which objects are viewed. This changed relation manifested itself in marked alterations of size perception. Wearing, for 30 min, glasses that caused a change in accommodation and convergence corresponding to a smaller object distance and equivalent to 1.5 lens diopters caused subsequent mean size increases that ranged from 50% to 65%. Adaptation to glasses that changed oculomotor adjustments in the same amount but in the opposite direction resulted in decreases in perceived sizes that varied from 18% to 40%, dependent on the distance of the test object. These were the results of size estimates obtained before and after the adaptation period under conditions where only accommodation and convergence served as cues for distance. A newly developed test of size perception was also used, in which S adjusted the size of the projected image of an array of familiar objects on a screen until the size of the objects appeared normal. Again, such adjustments were made before and after the adaptation period, and size differences were obtained that were in the direction to be expected of adaptation and varied in amount between 12% and 33%, dependent on the distance of the screen. The reason for the different amounts of size change measured by the two kinds of tests was investigated.  相似文献   
Summary Three dependent variables were derived from an extended Signal-Detection paradigm: memory performance, confidence level, and response-bias. In the assessment of memory items, S and 2 confederates were exposed periodically to fictitious results which implied inferiority or superiority of S. Memory performance was generally better in group situations than when the subject was alone. Within groups, inferiority motivated S to improve. Significant confidence differences between correct and false judgments and, if S judged falsely, a high susceptibility to cognitions about S's relative performance, led theoretically to a distinction between internal and external cues and to the assumption that S wished to avoid uncertainty. Response-bias was found to be independent of motivation and very close to expected stimulus occurrence. The reward/cost theory of Thibaut and Kelley accounts for the motivation engendered and is linked to some theoretical considerations about processing objectively classifiable stimuli in social context.
Zusammenfassung Aus einem erweiterten Signal-Detection-Paradigma wurden 3 abhängige Variablen abgeleitet: Gedächtnisleistung, Sicherheitsniveau und Response-bias. Bei der Beurteilung von Gedächtnisaufgaben wurden einer Vp und 2 Mitwissern des Vl von Zeit zu Zeit fiktive Ergebnisse gezeigt, die entweder Unterlegenheit oder Überlegenheit der Vp induzierten. Verglichen mit einer Alleinsituation stieg die Gedächtnisleistung allgemein in Gruppensituationen. Innerhalb von Gruppensituationen wurde die Vp durch Unterlegenheit motiviert, sich zu verbessern. Signifikante Unterschiede in der Sicherheit zwischen richtigen und falschen Urteilen und hohe Beeinflußbarkeit durch Kognitionen über den relativen Leistungsstand der Vp bei Fehlerurteilen führte theoretisch zu einer Unterscheidung zwischen innerem und äußerem Aufschluß und zu der Annahme, daß die Vp Unsicherheit vermeiden will. Der gefundene Response-bias war unabhängig von Motivation und sehr nahe bei der Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens der Reize. Die reward/cost Theorie von Thibaut und Kelley kann die erzeugte Motivation erklären und wird mit einigen theoretischen Überlegungen über die Verarbeitung objektiv definierbarer Reize im sozialen Kontext verknüpft.

This research was supported by research grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft allotted to the Sonderforschungsbereich 24 at the University of Mannheim, West Germany. We are grateful to Mary Madden, Pauline Sadler, and Jennifer S. Sentance for their cooperation on the English translation.

This article is partly based on a Diplom-thesis by the second author entitled Effekte von Überlegenheit und Unterlegenheit in Gruppen auf Gedächtnisleistung und Skalengebrauch.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Parks Kritik beruht, meiner Ansicht nach, auf einem entscheidenden Mißverständnis meiner Intentionen: es geht mir überhaupt nicht um eine Argumentation gegen eine Transformationsgrammatik à la Chomsky, und nicht einmal in erster Linie gegen die Absicht mancher Psycholinguisten, eine derartige Theorie in ihren psychischen Funktionen aufzuzeigen. Ich möchte lediglich dafür plädieren, daß die Psycholinguistik in erster Linie psychologische (und nicht linguistische) Überlegungen und Modellvorstellungen als Leitlinien verwendet.  相似文献   
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