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Research on national identity distinguishes between national glorification and attachment. We tested whether glorification and attachment differentially predicted support for military and diplomatic conflict resolution strategies (CRS) in response to international conflicts. Using data collected in seven countries (Australia, United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Israel, China; total N = 1784), we investigated whether glorification and attachment can be equivalently measured (using tests of measurement invariance) and whether their relationships with CRS were generalizable across countries. The results revealed metric, but not scalar, measurement invariance of the two-factor structure of national identification across six countries, excluding China. Among these six countries, glorification predicted more support for military CRS, whereas attachment predicted more support for diplomatic CRS. Our study is novel in scrutinizing the cross-cultural generalizability of the bi-dimensional model of national identification. Implications for studying national identification and intergroup conflict cross-culturally are discussed.  相似文献   
Previously, we (Bian, Braunstein, and& Andersen, 2005) reported a dominance effect of the ground plane over other environmental surfaces in determining the perceived relative distance of objects in 3-D scenes. In the present study, we conducted three experiments to investigate whether this ground dominance is due to inherent differences between ground and ceiling surfaces, or to the locations of these surfaces in the visual field. In Experiment 1, two vertical posts were positioned between a ground surface and a ceiling surface, and optical contact was manipulated so that the two surfaces provided contradictory information about the relative distances of the posts from the participant. The two surfaces were either both above, both below, or one above and one below fixation. In Experiment 2, only one surface was presented, either above, below, or at fixation. In Experiment 3, the posts were replaced by two red dots, and the eccentricity of the optical contact on the two surfaces was equated in each of five locations in the visual field. In all three experiments, participants judged which of the two objects appeared to be closer. Overall, we found a higher proportion of judgments consistent with a ground surface than with a ceiling surface in all locations, indicating that the ground dominance effect is mainly due to characteristics of the ground surface, with location in the visual field having only a minor effect.  相似文献   
The relative effectiveness of the ground surface and other environmental surfaces (the ceiling and sidewalls) in determining perceived layout was investigated in five experiments and a real-world demonstration. In the first three experiments, two vertical or horizontal posts were positioned between two surfaces (ground and ceiling in all three experiments, left wall and right wall in Experiment 1), and optical contact was manipulated so that the two surfaces provided contradictory information about the relative distances of the posts. Observers judged which of the two posts appeared to be closer. In Experiment 4, to control the height on the posts at which the distance judgments were made, a blue dot was attached to both vertical posts at varying heights and observers judged which dot appeared closer. In Experiment 5, the posts were replaced by two gray ellipses to eliminate the effects of the regular shape and texture. Our findings were that (1) among all four surfaces tested, observers showed a preference to respond according to the optical contact information provided by the ground surface--a ground dominance effect, (2) this effect did not depend on the height of the posts in the image, (3) as the scene was tilted away from a ground/ceiling orientation, the ground dominance effect decreased, and (4) this effect was not due to the location of the judgment.  相似文献   
The ability to perceive the 3-D shape of objects solely from motion cues is referred to as structure-from-motion perception. Recent experiments indicate how this remarkable perceptual attribute is computed by the brains of primates. This computation proceeds in at least two stages, one in which motion measurements are made and another in which moving surfaces are reconstructed. The middle temporal area (MT) in the macaque monkey appears to play a pivotal role in the latter step and suggests a previously unappreciated function for this well-known cortical region, which had previously been thought to play a more rudimentary role in simply signaling the direction of motion of images.  相似文献   
This research used an idiographic method to examine the proposition that significant others are mentally represented as well-organized person categories that can influence social perception even more than representations of nonsignificant others, stereotypes, or traits. Together, Studies 1 and 2 showed that significant-other representations are richer, more distinctive, and more cognitively accessible than the other categories. Study 3 replicated the accessibility data and gauged inferential power by indirectly activating each category in a learning trial about a fictional person and then testing recognition memory. The results showed that participants made more category-consistent false-positive errors about targets who activated significant others vs. any other category. This constitutes the first experimental demonstration of transference and has implications both for social categorization and for basic personality processes.  相似文献   
A common form of cancer treatment is radiation therapy. In this investigation individual differences in the psychological reactions of 45 patients undergoing external treatment were examined in the context of the Janis (1958) and linear decline models (e.g., Spielberger, Auerbach, Wadworth, Dunn, & Taulbee, 1973) of medical stressor anxiety. Evaluation included pre- and postradiation assessments of the subjects' state and trait anxiety, somatic complaints, and treatment side effects. Technologists administering the daily treatments assessed behavioral indicants of affective distress. Data analyses revealed that increases in complaints and side effects were reported by all patients at treatment conclusion. More interesting, significant changes in state anxiety were obtained from pre- to posttreatment: (a) Patients with an initial high level of anxiety reported a significant reduction, although they remained the most anxious subgroup; (b) patients with a moderate level of pretreatment anxiety reported no change; and (c) patients with low levels of anxiety reported significant increases in state anxiety. No change in trait anxiety was found for any group, suggesting that the foregoing changes in state anxiety were not simply attributable to regression. Data trends suggested that patients who were either low or high in state anxiety were also characterized by more anger or hostility than patients moderate in anxiety. The findings are consistent with the Janis model, which posits that in threatening situations the level of fear can potentially determine the adequacy of adaptation.  相似文献   
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