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Social, emotional, and executive function systems of the brain change greatly during adolescence as the result of biopsychosocial influences. These factors alter the course of adolescent behavior through effects on the component processes of social behavior. Specifically, the influences of chronic stress, social and economic adversity, alcohol and drugs, and brain injury as well as parental buffering and support, increased neural connectivity and mentalizing resources, and enriched environments can impede or promote maturation of the social and executive brain networks that regulate social adjustment and emotional expression. Hence, there are many early “windows of opportunity” to affect the biological and neurocognitive foundations of adolescent social executive functions such as empathy, theory of mind, self-monitoring, and social emotions.  相似文献   
In spite of increasing evidence on the influence of heroes on the lives of ordinary people, there has been no formal study on the subject in relation to people’s attachment to a hero (or hero attachment). The current study proposed a consumer model to examine how a hero makes a positive impact on people’s lives in terms of their hero attachment, self-efficacy, and life satisfaction. Using observations from a survey, we examined both the direct and indirect effects that the contribution of a hero in people’s fundamental A-R-C (autonomy, relatedness, and competence) need fulfillment has on self-efficacy and ultimately on life satisfaction. We found that the impact of a hero in fulfilling the A-R-C needs has a direct, differential effect on self-efficacy and life satisfaction. More importantly, we found that the fulfillment of A-R-C needs by a hero significantly influences hero attachment, which in turn positively affects life satisfaction through self-efficacy. As the first empirical study on hero attachment in relation to people’s self-efficacy and life satisfaction, the study yields significant theoretical contributions and practical implications for practitioners and policy makers in the areas of public health, education, and quality of life.  相似文献   
Many studies have looked into the provisions of visual aids to multicriteria decision making. However, most of them have separated the display of alternative profiles and criteria weight information into two displays. This makes the analysis of the relationship between the criteria and alternatives and the effect of changing the criteria weights on the decision difficult. In this study, displays that can incorporate the display of both alternative profiles and criteria weight information for discrete alternative multicriteria decision-making problems are examined. The simple additive model is the multicriteria analysis method used. The result is two new visual aids for representing data of multicriteria decision-making problems, the modified star graph and the petal diagram. This paper discusses the two displays and compares their strengths and weaknesses. The results of a preliminary test conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the displays are also included. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
FOK判断等级及其准确性的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过实验集中探讨了FOK判断等级及其准确性的影响因素。实验以中文字串为学习材料,使用组内设计的实验方法研究了被激活信息的量和强度对FOK等级及准确性的影响。实验结果表明:FOK判断的等级是由被激活信息的总量决定的,和被激活信息的正确与否无关;FOK判断的准确性是由被激活信息的强度决定的;且二者之间是有内在联系的。  相似文献   
本研究选取北京市3所幼儿园108名3~6岁儿童为被试,采用个别测查法对儿童进行非标准空间测量时所依据的认知加工线索进行研究,结果表明:1、3~6岁儿童在一维空间测量中从两个端点和端点之间的连续空间提取信息进行量的判断,当从端点和端点之间的连续空间提取的线索不一致时,多数儿童不能对其进行整合;2、3~6岁儿童二维空间测量主要遵循一维规则,并且一维规则适用于各种图形;3、儿童根据空间量中显著特征进行量的判断,儿童对作为判断依据的显著特征的选择受各维度对比度影响。  相似文献   
南昌大学江右哲学中心成立了"江西道教史"课题组,笔者有幸参加.因课题研究需要,本人于2007年8月1日至19日在江西各地考察道教宫观,先后考察了南昌青云谱、太平山佑圣宫、景德镇斗姥宫、贵溪鬼谷洞道院、萍乡横龙洞道院、武功山紫极宫和白鹤峰道观、会昌翠竹祠、赣州玉虚观、宁都翠微峰的金精洞碧虚宫、云台峰云台宫、普道岩紫微宫.其中太平山佑圣宫由于供奉有南宋道士章哲的肉身,是最引人注目的一处宫观.  相似文献   
南北朝时期的佛教和道教发展十分兴盛,为了加强对宗教特别是佛道两教的管理,北魏最早设置僧官制度,任命沙门统和仙人博士官,建立了比较完备的宗教管理体制:昭玄系统和崇虚系统,分别管理佛教和道教.北魏的宗教管理体制首开政府宗教管理的先河,国家在政治、经济等诸多领域对宗教实行宏观管理,其先进的管理体制以及诸多管理原则和管理方式为后世所借鉴,产生了极为深远的影响.  相似文献   
Moral foundations theory provides a framework for understanding the traditional liberal–conservative dichotomy in political factions. Typically, factions on the liberal side are more concerned with individualizing foundations—including care/harm and fairness/cheating—for the protection of individual rights and welfare whereas factions on the conservative side are concerned with both individualizing and binding foundations—including loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, and sanctity/degradation—for the maintenance of existing social ethics. Our research extended this framework to the analysis of Taiwanese political factions, which are not distributed conspicuously along the liberal–conservative line but instead on whether Taiwan should become a legally independent state or unify with the People's Republic of China (Mainland China). Our results indicate that despite the scarce use of the terms liberal or left and conservative or right in common communication, a liberal–conservative dimension underlies the Taiwanese political spectrum. Specifically, supporters of Taiwan independence exhibit liberal‐like moral concerns whereas supporters of China unification and the status quo demonstrate conservative‐like moral concerns. Moreover, indirect effects exist through moral foundations from political factions to stances on social issues; this is especially prevalent in the case of Taiwan independence camp's clear support for the legalization of same‐sex marriage, a stance resulting from anti‐authoritarian moral and political characteristics.  相似文献   
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