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文化差异影响彝、白、纳西和汉族大学生对黑白的认知   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的大学生为被试,采用颜色相似性判断和颜色再认任务,考察了彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的大学生对于黑色和白色的认知,意在探究不同民族的黑、白文化是否影响人们对黑、白颜色的认知。结果发现:⑴彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的黑、白文化影响四个民族的大学生对于黑色和白色的认知;⑵语言和文化对于颜色认知的影响包括间接效应和直接效应。整个研究表明,语言和文化对颜色认知有重要影响  相似文献   
The National Board for Certified Counselors describes cybercounseling as the provision of some aspects of counseling through technology, via such applications as e‐mail, Web‐based information access, course registration, academic advising, and career guidance. The authors explore the characteristics of cybercounseling, describe its current use in the United States and South Korea, explore its advantages and disadvantages, and consider issues and concerns for college counselors.  相似文献   
南北朝时期的佛教和道教发展十分兴盛,为了加强对宗教特别是佛道两教的管理,北魏最早设置僧官制度,任命沙门统和仙人博士官,建立了比较完备的宗教管理体制:昭玄系统和崇虚系统,分别管理佛教和道教.北魏的宗教管理体制首开政府宗教管理的先河,国家在政治、经济等诸多领域对宗教实行宏观管理,其先进的管理体制以及诸多管理原则和管理方式为后世所借鉴,产生了极为深远的影响.  相似文献   
南昌大学江右哲学中心成立了"江西道教史"课题组,笔者有幸参加.因课题研究需要,本人于2007年8月1日至19日在江西各地考察道教宫观,先后考察了南昌青云谱、太平山佑圣宫、景德镇斗姥宫、贵溪鬼谷洞道院、萍乡横龙洞道院、武功山紫极宫和白鹤峰道观、会昌翠竹祠、赣州玉虚观、宁都翠微峰的金精洞碧虚宫、云台峰云台宫、普道岩紫微宫.其中太平山佑圣宫由于供奉有南宋道士章哲的肉身,是最引人注目的一处宫观.  相似文献   
当今,命题模态逻辑作为一种标准的形式工具,已被广泛应用于计算机科学和人工智能的各个领域.然而,与命题模态逻辑不同,通常的一阶模态逻辑语言的表达力是不充分的,这是许多重要问题背后的原因所在,这些重要问题包括:模态逻辑中没能出现与经典逻辑相媲美的赫伯兰(Herbrand)定理、非严格指称问题、同一性问题、罗素的限定摹状词理论、动态逻辑的指派表达等等.美国当代逻辑学家、证明论专家菲汀(M.C.Fitting)充分认识到通常的一阶模态逻辑表达力不充分所产生的弊端,他通过把谓词抽象引入通常的一阶模态逻辑的语形和语义,以一种极其简单和自然的形式加强了一阶模态语言的表达力,从而使上述问题迎刃而解.本文首先介绍谓词抽象的基本思想及其简史,然后重点阐述谓词抽象在模态赫伯兰定理以及其他领域的重要作用.  相似文献   
The present study examined the effect of spatial working memory load on the attentional cuing effect. It is well-known that spatial working memory and spatial attention functionally overlap or share a common resource. Given this functional overlapping, it is possible that spatial working memory would also interact with the attentional cuing effect. Considering the distinction between channel selection and channel enhancement by attention (Prinzmetal, McCool, & Park, 2005), we expected that the interaction between spatial working memory and the cuing effect would differ with attentional processing type. Two experiments conducted with the spatial cuing paradigm showed that the magnitude of the cuing effect as measured by reaction time, reflecting channel selection, was uninfluenced by spatial working memory load. In contrast, spatial working memory load reduced the cuing effect as measured by accuracy, reflecting channel enhancement. These results suggest that spatial working memory load impairs signal enhancement by attention and does not influence attentional orienting per se. The interaction between spatial working memory and visual perception is also discussed.  相似文献   
对于西方哲学的发展历程,存在着一个公认的说法,即西方哲学从诞生到现在,共经历了两次被称为“转向”的研究主题的切换。第一次转向是从古代的本体论哲学到近代哲学的“认识论转向”。第二次转向是从近代的认识论向现代哲学的“语言转向”。古希腊哲人高尔吉亚因其命题而著称于世。塞克斯都的《反数学家》记载到,“高尔吉亚一连提出了三个原则:———第一,无物存在;第二,如果有物存在,人也无法认识它;第三,即便可以认识它,也无法把它告诉别人”。[1]与上述的哲学转向联系起来看,我们惊奇地发现,高尔吉亚命题竟暗含着预示哲学发展方向与命运…  相似文献   
人工神经网络是对真实神经元网络的粗略模拟,具有容错性、抗干扰性、高效性等特征,具有学习、记忆等强大的认知功能,因此适宜于心理学许多领域的模拟研究。借助神经网络模型不仅可以模拟和验证以往的实验室研究;还能深入探讨感知、联想、学习和记忆等认知过程的具体发生机理,把握其内在机制;它对探讨内隐记忆、内隐学习等无意识认知过程有极大的启发作用。  相似文献   
We examined the influence of extrapersonal associations (Olson & Fazio, 2004)—associations that neither form the basis of the attitude nor become activated automatically in response to the object—on the Implicit Association Test (Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998) by experimentally creating both attitudes and extrapersonal associations. The results revealed that participants who were given extrapersonal information that was inconsistent with their own attitudes were affected by this information when they later performed an IAT. They exhibited significantly reduced IAT scores compared to participants who were provided attitude-consistent extrapersonal information. This attenuation of the IAT effect occurred despite the fact that participants rated the source of the attitude-inconsistent extrapersonal information as irrational and foolish. On the other hand, the extrapersonal associations did not influence a subliminal priming measure in Experiment 1, nor a personalized version of the IAT (Olson & Fazio, 2004) in Experiment 2. These measures proved sensitive to the attitude, regardless of the congruency of the extrapersonal information.  相似文献   
To examine whether cultural differences exist in defining family, friend, relative, colleague and neighbour, non-student samples were drawn from Canada, China and India. The data generated several unexpected findings. (i) The means of the relationship definitions between the Chinese and Canadians were not significantly different. The means between the Chinese and Indians were significantly different. The means between the Canadians and Indians were significantly different. (ii) Females defined their relationships more interdependently than males in the Indian and Canadian samples but not in the Chinese sample. (iii) Definitions were target specific and the order of closeness differed from group to group. (iv) In the Indian and Chinese samples, participants' age was negatively correlated with closeness in defining friends, indicating that a person's perceived closeness with friends changes over the life span. Results of past research using student samples need to be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   
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