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在民国时期穆斯林新文化运动中,穆斯林学者对中国传统文化与伊斯兰文化做了深入的分析与对比,并对它们之间的关系问题作了深刻的反思,促进了中国传统文化与伊斯兰文化的互相交流与相互理解。民国时期穆斯林学者们的探索历程是一种积极的文明对话行为,有着很强的文化自觉意识。他们的这种文化认知行为和理论解释范式不仅是时代背景下文化多元意识的需要,而且也是推动跨文明对话的精神动力和有效途径。  相似文献   
邵建 《学海》2006,(4):117-122
1928年国民党名义上统一全国后,遵照孙中山生前制定的“军政、训政、宪政”的建国策略,决定在全国范围内结束军政,实行训政。国民党训政的实质在于搞一党专制,所以自1929年上半年起,以胡适、罗隆基、梁实秋为代表的“新月派”从人权角度对此进行了尖锐的批判。这一场带有强烈宪政诉求的“人权运动”,揭开了20世纪中国自由主义知识分子与执政党冲突的历史第一幕。但是,近三年(1929—1931年)的“人权论战”,“新月派”遭到了来自左右两个方面的围攻,腹背受敌。“人权论战”的历史困局,同时也是20世纪中国自由主义知识分子的历史困局。  相似文献   
目前,实施社区首诊制有重要的意义在于,可以缓解看病难、看病贵问题,适应人口老龄化的需求,改善流动人口的健康状况,以及减少私人诊所和药店不规范医疗带来的危害.但是,首诊制的实施也必然面临一定的困难.因此,应积极倡导医保制定向社区倾斜的政策,鼓励社区提高医务人员的技术水平、服务质量,并且完善双向转诊制度.  相似文献   
对于西方哲学的发展历程,存在着一个公认的说法,即西方哲学从诞生到现在,共经历了两次被称为“转向”的研究主题的切换。第一次转向是从古代的本体论哲学到近代哲学的“认识论转向”。第二次转向是从近代的认识论向现代哲学的“语言转向”。古希腊哲人高尔吉亚因其命题而著称于世。塞克斯都的《反数学家》记载到,“高尔吉亚一连提出了三个原则:———第一,无物存在;第二,如果有物存在,人也无法认识它;第三,即便可以认识它,也无法把它告诉别人”。[1]与上述的哲学转向联系起来看,我们惊奇地发现,高尔吉亚命题竟暗含着预示哲学发展方向与命运…  相似文献   
We examined the influence of extrapersonal associations (Olson & Fazio, 2004)—associations that neither form the basis of the attitude nor become activated automatically in response to the object—on the Implicit Association Test (Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998) by experimentally creating both attitudes and extrapersonal associations. The results revealed that participants who were given extrapersonal information that was inconsistent with their own attitudes were affected by this information when they later performed an IAT. They exhibited significantly reduced IAT scores compared to participants who were provided attitude-consistent extrapersonal information. This attenuation of the IAT effect occurred despite the fact that participants rated the source of the attitude-inconsistent extrapersonal information as irrational and foolish. On the other hand, the extrapersonal associations did not influence a subliminal priming measure in Experiment 1, nor a personalized version of the IAT (Olson & Fazio, 2004) in Experiment 2. These measures proved sensitive to the attitude, regardless of the congruency of the extrapersonal information.  相似文献   
To examine whether cultural differences exist in defining family, friend, relative, colleague and neighbour, non-student samples were drawn from Canada, China and India. The data generated several unexpected findings. (i) The means of the relationship definitions between the Chinese and Canadians were not significantly different. The means between the Chinese and Indians were significantly different. The means between the Canadians and Indians were significantly different. (ii) Females defined their relationships more interdependently than males in the Indian and Canadian samples but not in the Chinese sample. (iii) Definitions were target specific and the order of closeness differed from group to group. (iv) In the Indian and Chinese samples, participants' age was negatively correlated with closeness in defining friends, indicating that a person's perceived closeness with friends changes over the life span. Results of past research using student samples need to be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   
胡卫平  韩琴 《心理科学》2006,29(4):944-946,928
运用实验的方法,对371名小学生创造性科学问题提出能力的发展进行了研究。结果表明:(1)小学生创造性科学问题提出能力整体呈上升趋势;(2)男女生的创造性科学问题提出能力发展趋势基本相同,男生整体上要略高于女生,差异不显著;(3)小学生创造性科学问题提出能力的学校类型差异主要表现在发展趋势上,城市小学二到三年级停滞不前,乡村小学则迅速发展,之后发展趋势相同;(4)三到四年级是小学生创造性科学问题提出能力发展的“关键期”。  相似文献   
杨闰荣  韩玉昌  曹洪霞 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1444-1447
使用ERP技术考察了言语产生过程中语音和语义的激活情况。图片上有3种条件的干扰词,分别与目标图片名称形成3种关系:语义相关,语音相同,语义、语音、字形都不相关。结果显示,当被试执行延迟命名任务(实验1)时,与目标图片名称语义相关和控制条件的波形比语音相关的波形更趋于负向。说明在图片命名过程中语音有明显的促进作用。当要求被试对上述图片进行延迟语义判断任务(实验2)时,与目标图片名称语义相关、语音相关及控制条件的波形之间无明显差异。说明在语义提取过程中没有语音的促进作用。综合实验1和实验2,本研究的结果更倾向于支持独立两阶段模型。  相似文献   
This research investigated the relationships of the Dark Triad traits, humor styles, and schadenfreude with 169 participants who completed the Short Dark Triad, the Humor Style Questionnaire, and a measure of schadenfreude. Significant correlations imply that those with salient dark traits (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, narcissism) elicit pleasure from others' misfortune. Additionally, schadenfreude can be a product of self-defeating and aggressive humor styles. Indirect effect analysis revealed the significance of the indirect effect of the measured aggressive humor style on the Dark Triad's direct effects on schadenfreude. These results imply that those with salient Dark Triad traits enjoy others' misery as a means to undermine them. Hence, individuals with salient Dark Triad traits tend to engage in downward social comparison.  相似文献   
设计一个理想测验和被试作答情况,在单、双参数模型下进行能力估计,存在第一、二未契合现象;增加c参数后进行能力估计,则能有效纠正第一未契合现象,仍然存在第二未契合现象,同时存在第三未契合现象;增加γ参数后进行能力估计,则能有效纠正第二未契合现象,仍然存在第一未契合现象,同时存在第四未契合现象;同时增加c、γ参数后进行能力估计,则能有效纠正第一、二、三、四未契合现象。最后概述了c、γ参数的测量含义  相似文献   
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