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研究表明同伴侵害是青少年抑郁的重要风险因素,然而其中介机制和调节机制仍有待进一步探究。本研究采用问卷法对834名青少年进行调查,考察了社会退缩在同伴侵害与青少年抑郁关系中的中介作用,以及师生关系在这一关系中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)社会退缩显著中介同伴侵害与青少年抑郁的关系;(2)师生关系显著调节中介路径“同伴侵害→社会退缩→青少年抑郁”,具体而言,相较于高水平师生关系的青少年群体而言,同伴侵害通过社会退缩影响抑郁的中介效应在低水平师生关系的青少年群体中更高。  相似文献   
目的:考察高中学生羞怯、同伴依恋与学校适应之间的关系及其年级差异。方法:以中学生羞怯量表、同伴依恋量表以及学校适应量表为研究工具,从潍坊市两所高中抽取12个班共计605名高中生进行问卷测查。结果:(1)高中生羞怯与同伴依恋、学校适应呈显著负相关; 同伴依恋与学校适应呈显著正相关。(2)同伴依恋在高中生羞怯和学校适应之间起部分中介作用,但同伴依恋在高一学生中中介作用显著,而在高二和高三学生中,这种中介作用不显著。  相似文献   
采用眼动研究方法,以儿童的延迟等待时间及眼动特征为指标,通过两个实验考察儿童在自我延迟满足情境中的注意分配策略及自我延迟满足能力发展的年龄特点。实验结果表明:偏爱策略能促进学前儿童的自我延迟满足;小学1、2年级儿童的自我延迟满足能力显著高于学前儿童;延迟奖励物的彩色照片比黑白照片更有利于儿童的延迟等待;眼动方法是延迟满足研究的有效方法  相似文献   
王重阳早年曾有过一段浪子生涯,这不符合教主的形象,却体现了他入道的心路历程。遇仙可能是他对自己的包装,他所追述的师承谱系也可能是一种学术上的传承,而并非真的有师徒授受。其东行的原因除了终南传道失败等外,也与其蓬莱仙境的神仙信仰有关。其东行的目的,不只是传道,也是为了悟道。东行前,他虽然有长途跋涉的准备,但却无确切的目的地。到达昆嵛山一带是信步云游所至,也是一路上没有寻到真正知友的原因,更是其蓬莱仙境信仰在无形中指引的结果。  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to quantitatively compare everyday situational experience around the world. Local collaborators recruited 5,447 members of college communities in 20 countries, who provided data via a Web site in 14 languages. Using the 89 items of the Riverside Situational Q‐sort (RSQ), participants described the situation they experienced the previous evening at 7:00 p.m. Correlations among the average situational profiles of each country ranged from r = .73 to r = .95; the typical situation was described as largely pleasant. Most similar were the United States/Canada; least similar were South Korea/Denmark. Japan had the most homogenous situational experience; South Korea, the least. The 15 RSQ items varying the most across countries described relatively negative aspects of situational experience; the 15 least varying items were more positive. Further analyses correlated RSQ items with national scores on six value dimensions, the Big Five traits, economic output, and population. Individualism, Neuroticism, Openness, and Gross Domestic Product yielded more significant correlations than expected by chance. Psychological research traditionally has paid more attention to the assessment of persons than of situations, a discrepancy that extends to cross‐cultural psychology. The present study demonstrates how cultures vary in situational experience in psychologically meaningful ways.  相似文献   
For five individuals, a social network was constructed from a series of his or her dreams. Three important network measures were calculated for each network: transitivity, assortativity, and giant component proportion. These were monotonically related; over the five networks as transitivity increased, assortativity increased and giant component proportion decreased. The relations indicate that characters appear in dreams systematically. Systematicity likely arises from the dreamer's memory of people and their relations, which is from the dreamer's cognitive social network. But the dream social network is not a copy of the cognitive social network. Waking life social networks tend to have positive assortativity; that is, people tend to be connected to others with similar connectivity. Instead, in our sample of dream social networks assortativity is more often negative or near 0, as in online social networks. We show that if characters appear via a random walk, negative assortativity can result, particularly if the random walk is biased as suggested by remote associations.  相似文献   
Drawing on social hierarchy theory, we develop a contingency model of leader–member exchange (LMX) differentiation in which LMX differentiation is positively and negatively related to group cooperation and group social undermining, respectively, when it is based on the group members’ performance, but the relations are reversed (i.e., negative and positive, respectively) when it stems from a leader's personal liking of the members. In addition, we propose that the moderating effects of the performance and personal liking bases of LMX differentiation are magnified by the levels of reward interdependence. Specifically, under a high (vs. low) level of reward interdependence, LMX differentiation based on performance more strongly relates to high group cooperation and low group social undermining, whereas LMX differentiation with a personal liking basis is more likely to decrease group cooperation and increase group social undermining. Group cooperation and social undermining are then hypothesized to convey the three‐way interactive effects of LMX differentiation, its two bases, and reward interdependence on subsequent group performance. Analyses of data from 328 sales groups of a large retailer support the core part of our contingency model of LMX differentiation.  相似文献   
韩铮 《法音》2021,(1):56-62
鼓山涌泉寺是闽境第一佛刹,自唐代建寺以来已有上千年的历史[1],自宋代起,鼓山即是禅宗各宗派兴盛的道场,相继有云门宗、临济宗、曹洞宗等派系在此弘传。明清时期,有无异元来、永觉元贤、为霖道霈等禅师在此驻锡弘法,是重要的禅宗祖庭。[2]近代以来,鼓山在中国佛教,尤其是禅宗的传承和发展中扮演了重要角色,妙莲、虚云、圆瑛、慈舟、应慈等大德都与鼓山有着不解之缘。此外,鼓山涌泉寺,不仅是历代闽地重要的弘法中心之一,而且对其周边地区,如我国香港、澳门、台湾,以及日本与南洋等国家和地区的佛教具有很大影响。  相似文献   
Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Neighbourhood collective efficacy has been proposed as a protective factor against family violence and youth antisocial behaviour. However, little...  相似文献   
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