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In a study of African American (n = 208) urban high school students, grade point average (GPA) and specific strategies for coping with day-to-day stressors were found to be significantly related to psychological adjustment. Students who had higher GPAs tended to use family members as a means of solving problems, minimized problems by the use of humor, and used relaxation activities less often were found to have the most positive psychological adjustment, as measured by the index score of the Affects Balance Scale (ABS). Reported negative affect was not found to be significantly influenced by coping style, whereas positive affect was.  相似文献   
Exponential growth presented by numerical series or graphs is grossly underestimated by human subjects. This misperception was considerably lessened by presenting decreasing functions; this conclusion holds for both numeric and graphic stimuli. In the numerical conditions, about 25% of the subjects performed according to the statistical norm. In contrast with previous results, considerable individual differences with respect to sensitivity for rate of growth were observed. This finding was interpreted in terms of task difficulty: Extrapolation of ascending series is too difficult a task to be discriminative. Extrapolation of descending series is much easier, and may therefore better discriminate among subjects.  相似文献   
Since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, scholars and practitioners have put much effort into testing effective advertising strategies for COVID-19 vaccinations. Guided by humor theories, this study aimed to examine (1) the effect of humor on persuading COVID-19 vaccination and (2) the moderating role of trust in government for the unvaccinated population. Across two studies (college students and general adult populations), for lower trust in government individuals, through greater public service advertisement (PSA) processing depth and believability, there was a higher vaccination intention after the humor (non-humor) advertisement. For higher trust in government individuals, there was evidence that the vaccination intention was lowered after the humor (vs. non-humor) message through lowered PSA processing depth and believability. This study expands humor theory into testing COVID-19 vaccination messages while considering an individual psychological factor, trust in the government, that has emerged as an essential determinant to COVID-19 messaging. The contributions to COVID-19 vaccination advertising strategy and advertising to the unvaccinated population, in general, are discussed.  相似文献   
This study investigates consumer switching behavior factors in platform businesses. This study reports a two-phase study of switching behavior. The first phase, Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic analysis, was conducted by collecting reviews and comments to find out consumers' potential switching behavior factors. The second phase was the interview with the consumer who did the switching behavior as to why they made the switching behavior. Besides, among the potential switching behavior factors, actual switching behavior factors were compared. It links quantitative and qualitative phases in exploratory sequential mixed methods design. The switching behavior factors were identified by applying the push-pull-mooring framework. The result of the study on music platforms' push effects is price perception, pull effects are promotion and algorithm recommendation, and mooring effects are payment convenience, switching cost, and reward. In Over-the-top (OTT), platforms' push effect is a lack of content, pull effects are promotion, WOM, and diversity of content, and mooring effects are content expectations, social networks, payment convenience, and convenience of watching. In e-commerce platforms' push effects are technical issues, delivery cost, and lack of trust, pull effects are service line extension, and convenience of use, mooring effects are reward, payment convenience, and convenience of access to my data. This work contributes to the growing body of studies investigating the switching behavior factor in each platform business. Also, the study makes recommendations to aid platform marketing managers in understanding the impact of push-pull-mooring variables.  相似文献   
Targeted digital advertising (TDA) is immensely popular among marketing practitioners; investigating its effects is increasingly becoming a subject of academic research. Brands can push advertisements of the same product from different sources to consumers in a targeted manner; however, the differences in the impact on consumers of TDA with different content sources are surprisingly understudied. Therefore, this study analyzes the consumers' purchase intentions in the context of TDA with different content sources (stars vs. bloggers vs. top e-commerce streamers), and the perceived differences between consumers with different thinking styles. Through two experimental studies, this study finds that TDA with top e-commerce streamers' recommendation source can better improve consumers' purchase intentions more than TDA with a star endorsement and TDA with a blogger evaluation. For consumers who prefer the rational thinking style, TDA with a star endorsement and TDA with top e-commerce streamers recommendation can be better; For consumers who prefer the empirical thinking style, TDA recommended by bloggers and TDA with top e-commerce streamers recommendation can be better. Furthermore, this study finds that consumers' mental simulation and perceived usefulness can mediate the relationships described above, and that the two play a chain mediation role. The findings contribute to the precision marketing literature by enriching the understanding of the psychological mechanism underlying consumers' perceptions of and decision factors toward the TDA.  相似文献   
Early temperament attributes have been linked to emerging behaviour problems and significant long-term consequences; however, these relations are rarely examined cross-culturally. The present study addresses this gap, employing multilevel modelling to explain within- and between-culture variances with respect to temperament predicting a spectrum of behaviour problems across 14 nations from the Joint Effort Toddler Temperament Consortium (JETTC). A total of 865 children between 17 and 40 months, with approximately equal age distribution across this developmental period and about equivalent representation of genders, were recruited from 14 nations. Greater negative emotionality was associated with more internalizing problems, whereas higher surgency and effortful control predicted fewer internalizing difficulties. Controlling for age and gender, temperament explained significant within- and between-culture variances in internalizing and externalizing problems (at the broad-band and fine-grained levels), as well as sleep problems. For internalizing difficulties, temperament accounted for more between-culture variance. In contrast, for externalizing difficulties, temperament accounted more for how individuals within the same culture differed from their same-culture counterparts. The within-culture findings suggest universal patterns of temperament-problem relations, informing cultural adaptation of interventions; between-culture findings enhance understanding of the implications of the cultural niche for normative behaviour and adjustment.  相似文献   
光明磊落、刚直不阿的苏轼,在北宋嘉佑六年(公元1061年),二十四岁时就任大理评事签书凤翔府判官。他一到任即逢天旱。为顺应民意,他写好祷告天地的祭文,与太守一起斋戒沐浴,十分虔诚地敬告神灵。并派专人登上太白山,于龙湫取回一钵“龙水”。他和太守在庙前对天祈祷,不知是凑巧还是精诚所至,竟然连续三天降下喜雨。然而,还是这个苏轼,一次途中遇到兵卒中邪,在终南山下脱得一丝不挂,口吐狂言,不成体统。随从告诉说这是“冲撞了山神”。苏轼让人给他穿上衣服,他立即撕掉,仍胡言乱语不止。苏轼无奈进入路旁的山神庙祈祷道:“……随行一兵狂发,…  相似文献   
Dissatisfaction with traditional performance appraisal (PA) has led some organizations to eliminate formal reviews entirely and to substitute alternative methods of performance feedback, while other firms search for ways to improve the formal process. This study attempts to contribute to the ongoing debate about the future of PA by investigating the effects of an understudied aspect of the PA process: how well the PA system is executed by the supervisor. Our results indicate that system execution explains a significant amount of variance in intention to improve over and above a host of variables studied in previous PA studies, and that these effect sizes suggest clear practical significance.  相似文献   
望月清司(Mochizuki Seiji,1929-)的<马克思历史理论的研究>是20世纪人类关于马克思的最好的著作之一.他的"历史理论"是建立在对20世纪60年代日本马克思学界的三座高峰:哲学家广松涉、历史学家大冢久雄、经济学家平田清明的批判和吸收的基础上的,是对这三者的综合和超越.望月"历史理论"的核心概念是"市民社会"、"所有"和"共同体",他对与"所有"相关的概念(Eigentum、Besitz、Aneignung)和"共同体"(Gemeinde、Gemeinwesen、Gemeinschaft)的译法很值得我们借鉴.  相似文献   
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