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In the paper, we present a multi-aspect data analysis approach for investigating human computation mechanism. Multi-aspect analysis in multiple human brain data sources is an important methodology in Brain Informatics, which emphasizes on a systematic way for investigating human information processing mechanisms, including measuring, collecting, modeling, transforming, managing, and mining multiple human brain data obtained from various cognitive experiments by using powerful equipments, such as fMRI and EEG. After giving an outline of Brain Informatics methodology, we describe how to design cognitive experiments of mental arithmetic task with multiple difficulty levels for obtaining multiple EEG and fMRI data sources, and how to analyze such data for investigating the spatiotemporal characteristics and flow of human computation processing. Such an investigation can be regarded as a case study using Brain Informatics methodology. Experimental results show the usefulness of our approach.  相似文献   
“大五”人格模型及其在工业与组织心理学中的应用   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
“大五”是涵盖人格的5个因素的简称,它包括:神经质、外向性、开放性、宜人性和责任感。在介绍了该模型的基础上,文章重点介绍了它在工业与组织心理学中的应用,即“大五”可以有效的预测工作绩效、工作动机、领导行为、创造性行为和工作满意感等。  相似文献   
Height is an important concern in human mate choices. Prior research indicates that people who live in areas with abundant resources differ from those who live in areas with scarce resources regarding height preferences. Based on a health‐maximizing principle, we propose a resource availability account for such differences. Compared with women's height preferences, men's height preferences are hypothesized to be more dependent on either financial or caloric resource availability. Specifically, taller females would be more preferred by males who are poor in resources than those who are rich in resources. Results from three studies supported these hypotheses. In Study 1, men from remote areas of China who had lower family income preferred taller women more than those from eastern China who had higher family income. In Study 2, men who were financially dissatisfied preferred taller women more than those who were financially satisfied. In Study 3, men with low caloric status preferred taller women more than men with high caloric status. In addition, women's height preferences in Studies 1, 2 and 3 were less determined by resource availability. These findings suggest that height preferences are changeable, depending on financial or caloric status.  相似文献   
张帆  钟年 《心理学探新》2018,(2):110-116
客体化理论提出,女性在成长过程中经历了被他人凝视、在人际交往中被强调外表的重要,以及媒体信息对女性性吸引力的突出等信息,这些直接或者间接的因素导致了部分女性接受以“第三者”的观察视角来看待自己,看重自身的生理功能而忽视了个人能力。当这种性客体化内化之后,其结果就是自我客体化。自我客体化会造成如抑郁、焦虑、身体羞耻感等情绪问题; 进食障碍以及与性行为相关的行为障碍。最新的研究在此基础上对研究对象以及研究范围进行了扩展:在研究对象上,从女性群体扩展到男性群体,从异性恋群体扩展到同性恋群体; 在研究范围上,从性客体化扩展到去人性的工具客体化。未来的研究需要从文化差异、性别趋同和配对研究三个方向进一步探讨亲密关系中的客体化形成的内在机制及其影响因素。  相似文献   
This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of depression and anxiety and investigate the potential risk factors for depression and anxiety in Chinese gout patients. A self-report survey was administered to 226 gout patients and 232 age- and gender-matched healthy individuals. Patients were asked to complete a set of standardized self-report questionnaires. Univariate and mutiple regression were used to analyze the data. We found 15.0% of gout patients had depression, and 5.3% had anxiety. After adjusted demographic variables, the prevalence of depression was significantly higher than the healthy controls (6.0%). There were significant correlations among education, total pain, disease duration, stage of gout, functional disability, number of tophi, number of flares/last year, presence of tender joints, nephropathy comorbidity, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and psychological status. Meanwhile, logistic regression analysis identified number of tophi, functional disability, and mental component summary (MCS) as predictors of depression in gout patients. Education and MCS were significantly accounted for anxiety. In summary, the prevalence of depressive symptoms among gout patients was higher than healthy individuals. Education, disability, tophi and HRQoL were important risk factors linked to depression/anxiety in Chinese gout population.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationship between culture, structural aspects of the nuclear and extended family, and functional aspects of the family, that is, emotional distance, social interaction, and communication, as well as geographical proximity. The focus was on the functional aspects of family, defined as members of the nuclear family (mother, father, and their children) and the extended family (grandmother/grandfather, aunt/uncle, cousins). Sixteen cultures participated in this study, with a total number of 2587 participants. The first hypothesis, that the pattern of scores on the psychological measures and the behavioral outcomes are similar across cultures, an indication of cultural universality, was supported. The second hypothesis, that functional relations between members of the nuclear family and their kin are maintained in high‐affluent and low‐affluent cultures, and that differences in functional relationships in high‐ and low‐affluent cultures are a matter of degree, was also supported by the findings. The results suggest that it is less meaningful in cross‐cultural family studies to ask questions about the structure of the family, than to ask about the functional relationships between members of the nuclear family and their kin. In looking only at the nuclear family, one focuses only on those residing in the household, but ignores those important members of the extended family who may reside nearby and their significant relationships with the members of the nuclear family.  相似文献   
党的十九届五中全会通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年计划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》,开启了全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。会议鼓舞人心,引人深思,催人奋进。由教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地李萍所长倡议,中山大学马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所暨哲学系、广东哲学学会、广东伦理学学会、广东马克思主义学会、现代哲学杂志社,联合组织了以“新时代·新理念·新格局”为主题的“学习贯彻党的十九届五中全会精神”的视频会议,哲学界尤其是马克思主义哲学专业近二十位专家与会,交流学习心得,共商学术大是。这里刊登部分发言。本刊后续还将组织此一主题的专栏文章。  相似文献   
结合心境一致性效应和自我参照效应的经典研究范式,以情绪形容词作为学习材料,考察了情绪诱导对自我参照效应的影响。研究结果表明:(1)词的正负性对无意记忆的效果存在影响;(2)情绪形容词作为学习材料,可以引起自我参照效应;(3)情绪诱导状态影响后续的记忆加工,存在心境一致性效应;(4)情绪诱导对相异情绪特性的情绪形容词的自我参照加工均具有抑制作用。  相似文献   
Purple sweet potato color (PSPC), a class of naturally occurring anthocyanins used to color food (E163), has been reported to possess a variety of biological activities, including anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory. The effect of PSPC on the spatial learning and memory of mice treated with d-galactose (d-gal) was evaluated by the Morris water maze; d-gal-treated mice had decreased performance compared with mice in the vehicle and PSPC groups, while the PSPC + d-gal group showed significantly shortened escape latency to platform, increased swimming speed, more target quadrant search time and more platform crossings as compared with the d-gal group. Brain functions, such as memory formation and recovery of function after injury, depend on proper regulation of the expression levels of the pre- and post-synaptic proteins. We investigated the expression of four pre-synaptic proteins (growth-associated protein-43, synapsin-I, synaptophysin, and synaptotagmin) and two post-synaptic proteins (post-synaptic density protein-95 and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II) in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, respectively, in response to different treatments. Western blotting analysis showed that there were significant decreases in the expression of these representative synaptic proteins in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex of d-gal-treated mice. Interestingly, these decreased expression levels of synaptic proteins could be reversed by PSPC. The levels of expression of these representative synaptic proteins in mice treated with PSPC alone were not significantly different from those in untreated mice. The results of this study suggested that memory impairment and synaptic protein loss in d-gal-treated mice may be improved by treatment with PSPC.  相似文献   
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