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Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy - Clinical supervision is an essential mechanism for training psychologists internationally. But although it is performed globally, scholarship has primarily...  相似文献   
如何控制中药的安全性和有效性一直是中医药研究关注的问题.基于此,提出先根据亲和原理获得中药的"活性成分谱",在此基础上验证活性成分的毒性和疗效后即可获得中药的"毒性成分谱"和"有效成分谱",继而为中药的质量控制提供依据.简要地介绍了"活性成分谱"思路,并与其他中药活性研究技术进行了简要的对比.  相似文献   
看风水是被政策法律所禁止的一种迷信愚昧活动。什么叫风水?《辞海》做了这样的界定:“风水,也叫‘堪舆’。旧中国的一种迷信。认为住宅基地或坟地周围风向水流等形势,能招致住者或葬者一家的祸福。也指相宅、相墓之法。《葬书》(旧本题晋郭璞撰):‘葬者乘生气也。经曰,气乘风则散,界水则止,古人聚之使不散,行之使有止,故谓之风水。’”《词源》对风水所做的界定也与《辞  相似文献   
Creative objects differ from ordinary objects in that they are created by human beings to contain novel, creative information. Previous research has demonstrated that ordinary object processing involves both a perceptual process for analyzing different features of the visual input and a higher-order process for evaluating the relevance of this visual information. However, it is unclear how and when these processes are influenced by the creative information of the object. This study utilized event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the time course of creative object processing. Behavioral results revealed that participants spent more time processing creative objects than they did ordinary objects. Analysis of scalp ERPs further revealed that creative objects elicited a more negative ERP deflection between 190 and 340 ms (N190–340) with an anterior scalp distribution. Additionally, creative objects elicited more positive ERP deflection than did ordinary objects between 400 and 700 ms (P400–700) with a right centro–parietal scalp distribution and between 700 and 1000 ms (late positive component) with a right anterior–central scalp distribution. Such results suggest that the processing of creative objects is composed of two distinct stages. The early perceptual stage involves the detection of visual differences exhibited by the creative objects, while the late stage involves the right-lateralized processes of understanding and encoding the creative information.  相似文献   
采用图-词干扰范式,要求被试口语产生包含三个名词的句子,同时听觉呈现干扰刺激并操纵其与各个名词的语音相关性,通过与无关刺激相比,与各个名词语音相关的干扰刺激产生的语音效应,探讨句子产生中音韵编码的计划广度,同时检验音韵编码的层级激活假设。结果发现,只有第一个名词上出现了语音促进效应,第二和第三个名词上既无语音促进,也无语音干扰。该结果与层级激活假设相悖,表明句子产生中音韵编码的计划广度为第一个韵律词。  相似文献   
今年农历三月三,我和妻来到海浮山。海浮山南邻冶源泉湖、北傍老龙湾,风景怡人、独特秀丽、闻名遐迩。每年三月三,是海浮山香火之日。这天,来游览观光的,拜佛烧香的、求子求学的、求平安的、做买卖的、算卦的、相面的……人山人海,漫无天际。各种叫卖声、喇叭声、歌声、笑声,欢声笑语连成一片,热闹非凡。我和妻手拉手挤在人流中,沿着上山的石阶缓缓蠕动者。走着走着,我发现了一个衣衫褴褛、蓬头垢面、瘦骨嶙峋的老头,我越看越眼熟,他的出现使我不由得停住了脚步。“怎么了?”妻问。我指了指那个人告诉妻:“他就是我常对你说的老家那个远近闻…  相似文献   
黄端  张侃 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1284-1286
本研究采用遮挡范式,考察了专职公交车驾驶员对不同类型、速度和方向运动物体的碰撞时间(TTC)估计.结果发现,被试对不同类别和速度运动物体的TTC估计有显著差异.这表明,除了视觉信息和物理信息之外,运动物体的概念信息也是影响横向运动TTC估计的重要因素.  相似文献   
心理与文化关系刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理的发展影响了文化的生成,文化反过来也影响了心理加工过程,该综述旨在将该领域的相关理论研究进行简单的介绍和评价,且就其未来的发展提供一些新的研究视角。  相似文献   
Nowadays, the multidimensional rating systems are increasingly popular in practice to help consumers evaluate multiattribute products or services. This study aims to examine the helpfulness and economic impact of multidimensional rating systems and the moderating effect of product type (ordinary, premium) from the perspective of product line. To identify the different effects of different product characteristics on consumers' behavior, multidimensional ratings and textual reviews are classified into two different sets according to the product attributes (functional, hedonic). Besides, the effects of review valence are considered simultaneously. Econometric analysis and text mining are conducted on the real data from autohome.com , a leading Chinese automobile rating platform. Results show that (a) in terms of perceived helpfulness, reviews with positive functional ratings or with negative hedonic ratings are perceived more helpful for ordinary product, whereas reviews with positive hedonic ratings are perceived more helpful for premium product. (b) Regarding product sales, the impacts of functional and hedonic ratings on product sales are inverted U‐shape. Furthermore, for ordinary product, variance of functional ratings has a negative effect on product sales, whereas hedonic ratings variance has an opposite impact. Surprisingly, ordinary product consumers tend to pay more attention to the negative hedonic reviews, whereas premium product consumers concentrate more on the negative functional reviews. In summary, various influences of multidimensional reviews and ratings across product type on review helpfulness and product sales are deeply explored in this study, suggesting that firms' online marketing strategies should be contingent on product type and characteristics.  相似文献   
工作记忆与认知能力、智力和学习能力有密切的联系.本研究采用横断研究的方法,测量了213名8岁到成年期被试的数字、词语和视空间工作记忆广度,探查了工作记忆广度的发展情况.结果发现,数字工作记忆广度在此期间持续增长,词语广度在18岁达到最高,视空间工作记忆广度在14-16岁达到高峰.不同任务的工作记忆广度具有相似的发展趋势,但工作记忆的平均广度分数与Pascual-Leone模型的预测并不一致.  相似文献   
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