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The two most used instruments to assess masculinity (M) and femininity (F) are the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and the Personality Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ). Two hypotheses will be tested: a) multidimensionality versus bidimensionality, and b) to what extent the two instruments, elaborated to measure the same constructs, classify subjects in the same way. Participants were 420 high school students, 198 women and 222 men, aged 12-15 years. Exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency analysis were carried out and log-linear models were tested. The data support a) the multidimensionality of both instruments and b) the lack of full concordance in the classification of persons according to the fourfold typology. Implications of the results are discussed regarding the supposed theory behind instrumentality/ expressiveness and masculinity/femininity, as well as for the use of both instruments to classify different subjects into the four distinct types.  相似文献   
Children often learn about the world through direct observation. However, much of children's knowledge is acquired through the testimony of others. This research investigates how preschoolers weigh these two sources of information when they are in conflict. Children watched as an adult hid a toy in one location. Then the adult told children that the toy was in a different location (i.e. false testimony). When retrieving the toy, 4- and 5-year-olds relied on what they had seen and disregarded the adult's false testimony. However, most 3-year-olds deferred to the false testimony, despite what they had directly observed. Importantly, with a positive searching experience based on what they saw, or with a single prior experience with an adult as unreliable, 3-year-olds subsequently relied on their first-hand observation and disregarded the adult's false testimony. Thus, young children may initially be credulous toward others' false testimony that contradicts their direct observation, but skepticism can develop quickly through experience.  相似文献   
采用表情图片作为外源性提示的点探测任务,通过109名大学生探讨依恋倾向性和注意之间的关系。研究发现:依恋回避维度和三种面部表情的提示有效性指标呈现显著负相关;依恋回避高分组出现了提示有效性效应的消失和逆转;依恋焦虑维度和提示有效性、注意卷入和注意分离没有相关。结果表明:回避性依恋者对任何信息都存在回避性注意偏向;回避性注意偏向的强度随信息依恋效价的增强而增强;回避性注意偏向的出现为去激活策略的存在提供了跨文化证据。  相似文献   
该研究以247名大学生为被试,采用2(反馈类型:成功、失败)×2(任务重要性:重要任务、不重要任务)×2(外向性:内向、外向)组间设计探讨成败反馈对大学生核心自我评价的影响,以及任务重要性和外向性在其中的调节作用。结果表明:(1)反馈类型、任务重要性和外向性对核心自我评价变化的主效应及三者的交互作用效应均显著。(2)成败反馈与任务重要性对核心自我评价变化存在显著的交互作用;简单效应分析表明,在失败反馈条件下,执行重要任务被试核心自我评价的下降幅度显著大于执行不重要任务被试核心自我评价的下降幅度。(3)成败反馈与外向性对核心自我评价变化存在显著的交互作用;简单效应分析显示,在失败反馈条件下,外向被试核心自我评价的下降幅度显著小于内向被试。(4)在失败反馈条件下,任务重要性和外向性对核心自我评价的变化存在交互作用。  相似文献   
考察焦虑情绪状态对老年个体基于位置和基于颜色返回抑制的影响。被试为22名焦虑老年者和21名正常老年者,实验为E-prime软件编程、返回抑制为范式的行为实验。实验任务要求被试辨别靶刺激的颜色,记录被试反应时和错误率。结果:(1)焦虑组老年者和正常组老年者均出现了基于位置的返回抑制,且两组效应量差异不显著。(2)正常老年组出现了基于颜色的返回抑制,焦虑老年组并未出现该效应,且两组的效应量差异显著。因此,焦虑作为一种负性的情绪状态,影响了老年组被试基于颜色特征返回抑制的出现,导致被试对于相同颜色的抑制失败,而基于位置特征返回抑制的出现却没有影响。  相似文献   
In this study, peer relationships of minors in residential care in a school context are analysed, both from the perspective of the peers and the teachers. Using a sociometric test and an evaluation protocol for teachers in 50 classrooms, a sample of 60 minors in care is compared to a normative sample of 843 minors. The results show that minors in residential care have a higher rate of rejection by their classmates in academic activities, but not for leisure ones. Furthermore, in comparison with the normative sample, they are more frequently described with negative adjectives. There is a high level of agreement between the peer evaluation and that of the teachers in the most visible aspects in the classroom. The implications of these results for the improvement of the adjustment of this group are discussed.  相似文献   
Action research, as envisaged by Lewin, uses research to solve a social problem and provide theoretical knowledge. It involves a cyclical–spiral of planning, action, and evaluation with feedback between parties, taking into account power and value differences and empowering change agents. This has been all but abandoned by social psychologists today. Contemporary ‘participatory’ action research has migrated to fields like education and development and community studies that emphasize a social constructionist epistemology with a qualitative approach of recording bottom‐up processes of social change and community self‐awareness. The globalization of psychology affords new opportunities for a return to more top‐down Lewinian traditions, where academics in the developing world – embedded within a cultural milieu of interconnectedness and relatively exempt from pressures to publish or perish – can work together with academics in wealthy countries to produce a process oriented psychology that is capable of making a difference under conditions of climate change and the end of cheap oil. Asian social psychology, where strongly indigenous psychologies have taken root in growing economies, may take a leading role in this movement.  相似文献   
在中国和日本的佛教史上存在过被称为"隐僧"和"聖"的团体,他们同出而异名,有着相当密切的文化渊源.但是在各自国家的佛教发展史上起着不同的作用,尤其是在推进宗教改革、向民众的普及佛教以及倡导社会救济方面存在很大差异,由此可见两国佛教文化的不同走向.  相似文献   
胡门门宦的宗教学理、遵行与虎菲耶苏菲思想基本一致,与其他虎菲耶支系的派别例如洪门、华寺等门宦学理相似.如:胡门在教义上属逊尼派,教法上属哈乃斐耶派,以<古兰经>和圣训为基本依据,遵行天命五功,默念迪克尔(赞主词),教内分穆勒什德(导师)与穆勒迪(寻道者),实行道统继承制.它重视教乘与道乘并重,提倡先奉教乘,再行道乘等等.但胡门门宦的始传人马伏海在西安化觉巷清真寺[1]学习数年,受到格迪目的影响,使胡门门宦的宗教思想具有了格迪目教派和苏菲学派相混合的内容,形成了胡门门宦独特的苏菲学理和遵行特点.本文就胡门门宦的学理和遵行特点作一简要介绍,以求抛砖引玉.  相似文献   
马西恒  童星 《学海》2008,114(2):15-22
本文是一项对城市新移民社会融合问题的探索性研究.作者在上海市Y社区的个案调查发现,新移民与城市社区的"二元关系"正在发生变化,即从相互隔离、排斥和对立转向一种理性、兼容、合作的"新二元关系",本文用中国传统文化的概念称之为"敦睦他者".在此基础上,作者提出新移民与城市社会融合经历三个阶段的构想,这三个阶段分别是"二元社区"、"敦睦他者"和"同质认同"."敦睦他者"是新移民与城市社会融合的关键阶段,在此期间需要政府、社区和新移民共同做出努力.  相似文献   
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