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与时偕行趣时变通--《周易》"时"之观念析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文围绕着<周易>经传中关于"时"的观念问题进行辨析,综合考察了易学史上对"时"之观念进行象数模拟和义理思考的主要形式与内容,并分析了<周易>"时"之观念的现代启示意义.  相似文献   
The current paper examined the temporal linkage of internalizing symptoms among parent-adolescent dyads during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and whether COVID-19-related concerns were associated with parent-adolescent linkage of symptoms. Using a 5-week survey-based study, parent-adolescent dyads filled out weekly surveys measuring COVID-19 concerns and internalizing symptoms. Parent and adolescent depressive symptoms did not change over time; however, adolescents experienced decreases in anxiety. Parent-adolescent dyads exhibited linkage in depressive symptoms but not anxiety symptoms. However, linkage in anxiety symptoms varied by parent's COVID-related stress. Study findings provide insight into how COVID-19 disruptions impacted family well-being during adolescence.  相似文献   
出生缺陷儿的救治决策不仅是新生儿科医生和患儿家长面临的难题,也是无法回避的社会问题。除了医学科学上的可行性外,出生缺陷儿的救治决策是否合乎伦理也十分重要。阐述了出生缺陷儿的处置困境的现实来源和相关伦理学理论,回顾了国内外的相关法律法规及存在的问题,并结合国外经验启示和具体案例,探讨出生缺陷儿的处置决策的主体、原则和方案。同时,针对建立更加全面的社会机制、法律法规提出建议,以供未来的临床实践参考。  相似文献   
道德韧性是成功应对道德逆境的高尚道德操守。面对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,中华民族的道德韧性得以彰显,有效地遏制了道德创伤的发生;但社会个体道德韧性的缺失,也使得部分道德创伤不容忽视,如果任其恣意蔓延必将消解和冲击人们抗击疫情的道德情感和道德意志。抵御疫情中的道德创伤,必须在坚定文化自信中传承道德韧性,在应对道德逆境中塑造道德韧性,在探寻生命意义中升华道德韧性,在领导和权威人士履职尽责中激发道德韧性。  相似文献   
为探讨具身内隐情绪和外显情绪之间的相容性和不相容性对创造性思维的影响,实验采用情绪视频启动范式诱发被试的积极情绪或消极情绪,同时采用面部表情操纵技术诱导其具身积极情绪或具身消极情绪,然后要求被试完成创造性思维测验中的替代使用任务(AUT)与顿悟字谜测验。结果发现:在积极情绪下,情绪相容组的AUT流畅性得分显著高于情绪不相容组;而在消极情绪下,情绪相容组的AUT原创性得分与顿悟字谜得分显著高于情绪不相容组;灵活性在两种情绪条件下的差异均不显著。结果表明,面部表情和外显情绪的相容性有利于创造性思维的表现,积极情绪和消极情绪下的情绪相容性分别影响着创造性思维的不同成分。  相似文献   
为探讨家庭功能对青少年早期外化问题行为的影响,以及心理韧性和性别在二者关系中的作用机制,采用家庭功能量表、心理韧性量表和青少年外化问题行为量表对1284名初一学生进行测查。结果显示:(1)家庭功能显著负向预测青少年外化问题行为。(2)心理韧性在家庭功能和青少年外化问题行为中起部分中介作用,即家庭功能可以通过心理韧性间接影响青少年外化问题行为。(3)家庭功能对青少年外化问题行为中介过程的前半条路径和直接路径受到性别调节,具体而言,相比于男生,在女生群体中,家庭功能对心理韧性的影响更大;相比于女生,在男生群体中,家庭功能对外化问题行为的影响更大。  相似文献   
采用儿童数学焦虑量表、小学生数学学习自我效能感量表和小学生数学元认知问卷,对508名乡镇中、高年级小学生进行测量,并运用结构方程模型探讨数学焦虑影响数学成绩的内在作用机制。结果发现:(1)数学焦虑显著负向预测数学自我效能感、数学元认知和数学成绩,数学自我效能感显著正向预测数学元认知和数学成绩,数学元认知显著正向预测数学成绩;(2)在数学焦虑对数学成绩的预测中,数学自我效能感和数学元认知均发挥了部分中介作用;(3)数学自我效能感和数学元认知在数学焦虑和数学成绩之间起链式多重中介的作用。因此,数学焦虑除了直接作用于小学生的数学成绩,还可通过数学自我效能感或数学元认知间接影响数学成绩,而且可通过数学自我效能感进而通过数学元认知间接影响数学成绩。文章讨论了上述发现的理论及教育实践含义。  相似文献   
This research investigates how consumers' different types of self‐concepts (agentic vs. communal) shape their attitudes toward nostalgia. Experiment 1, using a two (self‐concept: agentic vs. communal) by two (nostalgia: nostalgic vs. non‐nostalgic) between‐subjects design and a series of multivariate analysis of variance and Hayes's PROCESS Model 8, showed that agentic and communal participants' preference was not increased in the non‐nostalgic condition but was increased in the nostalgic condition. Self‐concept indirectly influenced participants' preference for the nostalgic product through different functions of nostalgia; Agentic participants' likelihood of buying a nostalgic product and recommending it to others increased through enhanced self‐positivity, whereas communal participants' likelihood of buying a nostalgic product and recommending it to others increased through enhanced social connectedness. In Experiment 2, these results were replicated in the context of a public education campaign, and participants' chronic self‐concepts were measured. Participants with different chronic self‐concept tendencies were randomly assigned to nostalgic or non‐nostalgic conditions and were asked to indicate their attitudes toward the campaign. As in Experiment 1, a series of regression and Hayes' PROCESS Model 8 revealed that agentic and communal participants' attitudes were not enhanced in the non‐nostalgic condition but were enhanced in the nostalgic condition. Agentic (communal) individuals' favorability toward the nostalgic message about advocacy increased through enhanced self‐positivity (social connectedness). It appears that consumers with different self‐concepts (agentic vs. communal) experience enhanced feelings relevant to their self‐concepts (self‐positivity vs. social connectedness) when presented with nostalgic appeals for an object, and these heightened feelings drive an increased preference for it. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
“治病与致病”、“道德与利益”、“发展与风险”是药品安全的三大关系.这三大关系既有区别又有联系,“治病与致病”是药物的治疗作用和不良反应.“道德与利益”主要是对经营药物相关者的道德伦理要求,放眼整个经济发展,药品安全保障需得益于国家药业的发展.“发展与风险”的关系是药品安全的关键.  相似文献   
In this study we clarified the multiple‐level effects of Confucian‐related work values, including self‐discipline and interpersonal ethics, on the performance of individuals and the team. Empirical data of 70 work teams with 472 team members from Taiwanese enterprises were collected to test our hypotheses. Results showed that, at the group level, shared team values of interpersonal ethics were positively related to team performance through the partial mediation of team cooperation. For cross‐level effect, shared team values of interpersonal ethics and individual member's self‐discipline values were both positively related to individual performance. The implications of Confucian dynamism work values on contemporary organizational management and indigenous Chinese team theories were provided.  相似文献   
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