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Michael Bergmann seeks to motivate his externalist, proper function theory of epistemic justification by providing three objections to the mentalism and mentalist evidentialism characteristic of nonexternalists such as Richard Feldman and Earl Conee. Bergmann argues that (i) mentalism is committed to the false thesis that justification depends on mental states; (ii) mentalism is committed to the false thesis that the epistemic fittingness of an epistemic input to a belief-forming process must be due to an essential feature of that input, and, relatedly, that mentalist evidentialism is committed to the false thesis that the epistemic fittingness of doxastic response B to evidence E is an essential property of B–E; and (iii) mentalist evidentialism is “unmotivated”. I object to each argument. The argument for (i) begs the question. The argument for (ii) suffers from the fact that mentalist evidentialists are not committed to the consequences claimed for them; nevertheless, I show that there is, in the neighborhood, a substantive dispute concerning the nature of doxastic epistemic fittingness. That dispute involves what I call “Necessary Fittingness”, the view that, necessarily, exactly one (at most) doxastic attitude (belief, or disbelief, or suspension of judgment) toward a proposition is epistemically fitting with respect to a person’s total evidence at any time. Reflection on my super-blooper epistemic design counterexamples to Bergmann’s proper function theory reveals both the plausibility of Necessary Fittingness and a good reason to deny (iii). Mentalist evidentialism is thus vindicated against the objections.  相似文献   
The failure of sewage treatment plants to remove pharmaceuticals such as fluoxetine from waste water has become a concern given that these products are being detected in the surface waters of many countries of the world. The effects of fluoxetine in sub-lethal doses on the neural systems and behaviors of aquatic life are worthy of investigation. This study investigated the effects of sub-lethal amounts fluoxetine dissolved in water on the aggressive and locomotor behaviors of 44 male Betta splendens. Fish treated with 705 microg/l of fluoxetine and 350 microg/l of fluoxetine generally demonstrated significant decreases in locomotion and number of aggressive attacks compared to 0 microg/l of fluoxetine (controls) on Days 11 and 19 of drug exposure and persisted for at least 13 days after removal of fluoxetine. Consistent with decreases in the number of aggressive attacks, there was a significant increase in aggression-response time to a perceived intruder for treated males on Days 11 and 19 and persisted for 6 days following removal of fluoxetine. However, the differences in aggressive and locomotor behaviors seen in the fluoxetine-treated groups were indistinguishable from controls three weeks following drug removal.  相似文献   
与“我帮你,你帮我”的直接互惠相比,“我帮你,你帮他”的积极广义互惠,促使受助者转变为助人者帮助更多的人。与之相反,“我伤你,你伤他”的消极广义互惠,易导致受害者转变为伤害者波及无辜他人。以往研究未探寻到既能促进积极广义互惠,又能抑制消极广义互惠的因素。采用两阶段独裁者博弈任务范式,通过两项实验发现,共情是一个能够起到扩大积极广义互惠传递效应并削弱消极广义互惠传递效应双重作用的特殊变量,其机制在于自我-他人重叠,支持了自我扩张模型。这一研究为营造良好社会道德氛围,加强公民道德建设,保障公正和谐的社会环境提供了思路。  相似文献   
本文通过两个研究揭示歧视知觉对初中生合作倾向与行为的影响, 研究1采用问卷法对752名初中生进行为期一年的追踪, 运用潜变量交叉滞后结构方程模型分析歧视知觉与合作倾向之间的纵向预测关系; 研究2采用动态公共物品困境实验考察歧视知觉对合作行为的影响, 以及群体类型的调节作用。结果发现:(1)初中生的歧视知觉与合作倾向存在显著负相关; T1合作倾向可负向预测T2歧视知觉, T2歧视知觉可负向预测T3合作倾向; (2)在公共物品困境前三轮投资比和贡献率上, 歧视知觉和群体类型的交互效应显著; 而在后三轮仅发现歧视知觉在投资比和贡献率上的主效应, 以及群体类型在贡献率上的主效应。以上结果表明, 歧视知觉与合作倾向之间存在纵向螺旋式影响; 歧视知觉对前期合作行为的影响受到群体类型的调节, 但随着互动时间延长, 该调节作用消失。  相似文献   
奢侈品品牌热衷于使用可爱风格与消费者进行互动。本文以理想自我理论为基础,通过4个实验探索奢侈品品牌可爱风格类型对消费者偏好的影响机制和边界条件。实验1表明奢侈品品牌的可爱风格(婴儿图式/古灵精怪)会显著地影响消费者的品牌偏好,验证了主效应的因果链模型。实验2进一步明确了主效应的边界,结果表明品牌可爱风格对消费者偏好的影响只在奢侈品品牌的情境下才存在。实验3探索了自我监控水平对主效应的调节作用,发现对于低自我监控的个体,奢侈品品牌的可爱风格难以有效地影响品牌偏好。实验4分析了个体发展阶段对主效应的调节作用,结果表明对于成年期个体,古灵精怪可爱风格比婴儿图式可爱风格更能提高个体的奢侈品品牌偏好,对于童年期个体,婴儿图式可爱风格比古灵精怪可爱风格更易获得青睐。  相似文献   
Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Depressive symptoms predict within-person change in physical symptoms of anxiety and social anxiety symptoms; however, potential mediators of...  相似文献   
任赫  黄颖诗  陈平 《心理科学进展》2022,30(5):1168-1182
计算机化分类测验(Computerized Classification Testing, CCT)能够高效地对被试进行分类, 已广泛应用于合格性测验及临床心理学中。作为CCT的重要组成部分, 终止规则决定测验何时停止以及将被试最终划分到何种类别, 因此直接影响测验效率及分类准确率。已有的三大类终止规则(似然比规则、贝叶斯决策理论规则及置信区间规则)的核心思想分别为构造假设检验、设计损失函数和比较置信区间相对位置。同时, 在不同测验情境下, CCT的终止规则发展出不同的具体形式。未来研究可以继续开发贝叶斯规则、考虑多维多类别情境以及结合作答时间和机器学习算法。针对测验实际需求, 三类终止规则在合格性测验上均有应用潜力, 而临床问卷则倾向应用贝叶斯规则。  相似文献   
为探讨肝恶性肿瘤患者住院总费用情况,对广西2010年~2012年间肝恶性肿瘤患者的住院费用资料进行统计学分析,比较肝恶性肿瘤患者3年住院总费用的变化情况,并采用多重线性回归分析方法,分析肝恶性肿瘤患者住院总费用的影响因素.结果显示广西肝恶性肿瘤住院患者逐年增多,住院费用逐年增高;住院天数、有无手术、有无合并症、有无院内感染、性别、年龄6个因素是住院总费用的影响因素.我们应加大预防控制肝恶性肿瘤的力度,建立单病种诊疗规范和费用控制标准,推进临床路径管理,以减轻患者的经济负担.  相似文献   
"以人为本"思想的提出有其自身的理论根源."以人为本"不同于"以民为本",因为"民"是"人"的大多数,但"民"并不等同于"人",不能以以民为本代替以人为本,以人为本比以民为本更宽泛.与以人为本相反的原则是以物为本.以人为本最初本来是为了反对以物为本的管理原则提出来的.因此,以人为本的提法有其确切的含义,不能用别的提法笼统地加以取代.提出并肯定以人为本,同提出并肯定人道主义、人性、人权、人权的普遍性、人学等概念一样是理论上的重大突破.  相似文献   
黄兴政治伦理思想是其伦理思想的一个重要方面,其政治伦理思想的主要内容包括四个方面:强调伦理道德在政权和政党建设中的重大作用,倡导政治伦理化;诚挚的爱国之心是黄兴政治伦理思想的主体;团结友善、敬业奉献是黄兴政治伦理思想的外在表现;“为大多数人谋幸福”是黄兴政治伦理思想实践的理想境界。黄兴政治伦理思想的主要特点:一是糅合了中西伦理文化的优点;二是将改造国民社会心理与建设国家统一起来;三是鲜明的政治性和实践性。  相似文献   
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