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国内循证医学人才资源分布研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解国内循证医学人才资源分布情况.方法采用描述性统计分析方法,对循证医学文献进行调查,统计分析区域分布、著者单位分布、著者分布.结果循证医学文献区域分布遍布全国26个省市,分布极不均衡,其中四川省著者最多,几乎占了1/3;四川大学循证医学文献产出最多,接近总产出的1/3;高产著者中多数著者均为四川大学华西医院著者.结论国内循证医学人才资源分布严重失衡,不利于国内循证医学研究的全面开展和循证医学水平的普遍提高.  相似文献   
"人工美女"的产生是社会进步、思想开放的结果,也是市场经济发展结果.一方面,社会进步、思想开放,给予美容受术者以足够的尊重和理解,使他们有了选择不同生活方式的自由,敢于公开"露脸";另一方面,市场经济的发展使她们愿意公开"露脸".而商家为谋取经济利益,打着"人工美女"的旗号,刻意进行商业炒作,将伤及广大消费者,危及美容外科行业.我们应以科学的态度、实事求是的精神予以坚决抵制,倡导在追求形体美和容貌美的同时,注重心灵美的培养,营造出一种真、善、美的社会环境.  相似文献   
与时偕行趣时变通--《周易》"时"之观念析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文围绕着<周易>经传中关于"时"的观念问题进行辨析,综合考察了易学史上对"时"之观念进行象数模拟和义理思考的主要形式与内容,并分析了<周易>"时"之观念的现代启示意义.  相似文献   
论友善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
友善的本义是指像朋友一样善良。作为公民道德规范的友善 ,本质上是指友好善良的公民伦理关系和公民秩序。公民关系和公民秩序应该友善 ,是因为 ,我们的良序社会及其公共领域 ,都是伦理性的合作体系。友善规范具有规范、创造、整合功能。友善规范是抽象的 ,它的实施需要细分为更具体的义务 ,即善益待人、和气待人、诚实待人、宽厚以待人、平等相待。友善也是公民的一种主要道德品质 ,公民由之在公共领域做出友善的事情和行为友善。当前公民对于友善患有三症 ,即友善情感上的冷默症、友善行为上的推卸症、友善结果上的恐惧症。克服这三种症状 ,需要伦理、道德、管理等相结合 ,从伦理上建设公民关系和公共秩序。  相似文献   
Lessons Learned from the Parents Matter! Program   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We present a discussion of some of the lessons the investigators learned during the development and implementation phases of the Parents Matter! Program (PMP). Lessons were learned that are relevant to various groups involved in large scale, multi-site, community-based intervention studies: investigators, community leaders, community members, project staff, and participants. Specific lessons learned include: (1) forge collaboration early: (2) maintain communication; (3) clearly delineate policies and procedures; and (4) develop proactive strategies. We also include a list of important questions to consider when contemplating similar projects.  相似文献   
新医改背景下控制糖尿病肾病的基本方略包括微量蛋白尿的早期定性、早期和全程控制糖尿病共性高血压、糖尿病肾病的基本防护方略的程序化设计和延缓与防护糖尿病肾病的基本干预方略.后者包括ACEI和ARBs干预DN的发生与发展、防护糖尿病肾病的最佳疗法--抗高血压治疗.  相似文献   
近年来随着研究的深入,发现维生素D除了调节钙磷代谢外,对先天性免疫、适应性免疫亦具有调节作用,其不仅能降低重症加强治疗病房(ICU)内多器官衰竭的病死率,还能预测疾病的严重程度及预后,在危重患者中具有广阔的应用前景,可作为ICU的一种辅助治疗手段.  相似文献   
Research among African-Americans indicates this population perceives sickle cell (SCD) to be a serious disease and sickle cell trait (SCT) screening an important intervention. However, studies have consistently demonstrated a lower than desired uptake of SCD education, inadequate knowledge regarding personal and family trait status, and a low perceived susceptibility of giving birth to a child with the disease. We examined general attitudes and beliefs regarding genetics and genetic testing including prenatal testing and newborn screening; we used this information as the foundation to more specifically assess attitudes and beliefs regarding SCD and perceived barriers to SCD education and awareness. Thirty-five African-American adult men and women participated in one of four focus groups. Thematic analysis identified that both prenatal testing and newborn screening are acceptable forms of genetic testing. Based largely on their personal experiences, participants possessed an understanding of the natural progression of SCD but had a limited understanding of the inheritance and probable risk of giving birth to a child with the disease. Barriers to education and greater awareness of SCD were classified as personal, familial, and societal. Community based interventions focused on sharing the stories of individuals with first-hand experiences with SCD should be considered.  相似文献   
"以人为本"思想的提出有其自身的理论根源."以人为本"不同于"以民为本",因为"民"是"人"的大多数,但"民"并不等同于"人",不能以以民为本代替以人为本,以人为本比以民为本更宽泛.与以人为本相反的原则是以物为本.以人为本最初本来是为了反对以物为本的管理原则提出来的.因此,以人为本的提法有其确切的含义,不能用别的提法笼统地加以取代.提出并肯定以人为本,同提出并肯定人道主义、人性、人权、人权的普遍性、人学等概念一样是理论上的重大突破.  相似文献   
负压封闭引流技术(vacuumsealing drainage,VSD)是近几年来发展起来的一项新的创口引流技术,其操作方便,应用简单,在临床各个科室得到广泛应用和发展,作者介绍了这一新的引流技术的发展历史、技术原理及临床应用情况。并对负压封闭引流技术的创新特点和创新方法进行了简要论述及展望。  相似文献   
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