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Eye movements of native Chinese readers were monitored when they read sentences containing single-character target words orthogonally manipulated for frequency and visual complexity (number of strokes). Both factors yielded strong main effects on skipping probability but no interaction, with readers skipping visually simple and high frequency words more often. However, an interaction between frequency and complexity was observed on the fixation times on the target words with longer fixations for the low frequency, visually complex words. The results demonstrate that visual complexity and frequency have independent influences on saccadic targeting behaviour during Chinese reading but jointly influence fixation durations and that these two factors differently impact fixation durations and saccade targeting during reading.  相似文献   
李旭  胡金生 《心理科学进展》2010,18(7):1175-1181
广义的预警系统不仅包含预警情境下脑神经回路的活动,还包括由其引发的一系列心理和行为反应。在面临威胁或不确定情境时,人们的公正判断经常无法用传统的公平理论来解释。预警系统的观点则认为,在预警情境下人们会检测到现实威胁与理想状态的差距,激活预警系统,并促使人们通过调整态度和行为来管理消极情绪或不确定性,从而影响到人们的公正判断和公正关心。一系列fMRI和ERP的研究表明,预警情境下的心理和行为主要与大脑前扣带回皮层的活动有关。预警系统通过冲突监测、情绪表征和整体调控过程,引发了人们对公正的关心,并导致在后续的公正判断过程中产生置换过程、首因效应和极端判断。  相似文献   
公德与私德概念的辨析与厘定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公德与私德是当代公民道德建设理论与实践的一个重大课题.然而,目前国内外学界对公德与私德概念却未能形成一个较为一致的定义.本文在回顾与总结国内外学者有代表性定义的基础上,把道德行为必然具有的行为主体身份、行为目的的利益指向和行为发生的场域三个要素作为向度来划分公德与私德.指出公德主要是个人以社会成员身份与他人的交往中体现的德性,个人在公共场域的行为中体现的德性,个人在利他行为中体现的德性.私德主要是个人以私人身份与他人的交往中体现的德性,在私人领域行为中体现的德性,在利己行为中体现的德性.  相似文献   
作为灵魂不灭思想和祖宗崇拜的产物,墓葬自产生以来便得到世人的重视,这在诸子尤其是儒家孝悌观念影响深厚的汉代社会尤其如此。汉代墓室建筑的形制、构造、装饰特征等,反映了人们对于死后世界的一种认识,表达的是生者对死者的尊重和追思,反映了汉代社会生活中的等级观念、生死观念和孝敬观念。  相似文献   
在四川经历了汶川大地震后两年,青海又发生了玉树地震。地震灾害不仅对灾区幸存者造成了身体上的伤害,让人们失去家园和亲人,在心理上也给他们造成了严重的创伤。因此,对于这类人群的灾后心理康复治疗尤为重要。然而,幸存者心理的康复,单纯依靠心理辅导和治疗是不够的,而肢体上的运动能够起到缓解心理症状的良好效果。动作疗法就是一种行之有效的疗法。本文将介绍动作疗法在灾后心理康复的治疗中的运用,并提出具有针对性的动作疗法的措施。  相似文献   
医学与艺术是医学人文学研究的重要领域,本文将对医学与艺术的本质进行论述.并详细阐明艺术在现代临床医学中的应用:不仅可以提高医生的人文素养,使诊疗过程更具人性化;同时,艺术作品更能形象的描述、解释和表现临床医学.艺术还能成为临床医疗活动的康复和治疗手段,如:音乐疗法、绘画疗法等.加强艺术教育、艺术修养才能使医者达到自我完善的要求,在临床实践中更能体现个性化、以人为本的宗旨,更有效地达到治疗目标.  相似文献   
观察胸腺五肽在中毒患者治疗中的效果.选取ICU中毒患者共40例.分为试验组和对照组,试验组23例,对照组17例.试验组在基础治疗同时加用胸腺五肽,对照组只对症治疗.观察比较两组患者D1、3、5、7天的体温、白细胞计数、中性粒细胞计数、呼吸机辅助呼吸时间、镇静镇痛药物应用时间、C反应蛋白水平、病原学结果.两组D1体温、白细胞计数、中性粒细胞计数和CRP指标比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在治疗D3、D5和D7两组白细胞计数比较,在治疗D3和D5两组中性粒细胞计数比较,在治疗D5和D7两组体温比较,在治疗D5两组CRP比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05).试验组应用呼吸机辅助呼吸时间短于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).试验组发生相关性感染例数少于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).胸腺五肽在中毒患者治疗的应用中,可调节患者细胞免疫功能,减轻炎症活动,联合应用并未增加药物副反应,并能最终改善预后.  相似文献   
英国医学总会在1993年、2003年和2009年先后出版了三份《明日的医生》报告,为本科医学教育提供了综合性框架,指导本科医学课程设计和评价体系的形成.从知识、技能、医学伦理和职业道德三个层面,比较英国本科医学教育人才培养目标的嬗变,发现其要求不断趋于全面、细化、深入.并进一步分析了政治、多元文化、国家医疗政策、医学领域自身及医学教育内部等诸因素对英国本科医学教育的影响,以期为我国的本科医学教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   
Using a lifespan approach, the authors investigated developmental features of the control of ballistic aiming arm movements by manipulating movement complexity, response uncertainty, and the use of precues. Four different age groups of participants (6- and 9-year-old boys and girls and 24- and 73-year- old men and women, 20 participants in each age group) performed 7 types of rapid aiming arm movements on the surface of a digitizer. Their movement characteristics such as movement velocity, normalized jerk, relative timing, movement linearity, and intersegment intervals were profiled. Analyses of variance with repeated measures were conducted on age and task effects in varying movement complexity (Study 1), response uncertainty (Study 2), and precue use (Study 3) conditions. Young children and senior adults had slower, more variant, less smooth, and less linear arm movements than older children and young adults. Increasing the number of movement segments resulted in slower and more variant responses. Movement accuracy demands or response uncertainty interacted with age so that the 6- and 74-year-old participants had poorer performances but responded similarly to the varying treatments. Even though older children and young adults had better performances than young children and senior adults, their arm movement performance declined when response uncertainty increased. The analyses suggested that young children's and senior adults' performances are poorer because less of their movement is under central control, and they therefore use on-line adjustments. In addition, older children and young adults use a valid precue more effectively to prepare for subsequent movements than do young children and senior adults, suggesting that older children and young adults are more capable of organizing motor responses than arc young children and senior adults.  相似文献   
The authors compared the associations among perceived maternal socialization goals (self-development, filial piety, and collectivism), perceived maternal parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, and training), and the social-emotional adjustment (self-esteem, academic self-efficacy, and depression) between Chinese and European American young adults. The mediation processes in which socialization goals relate to young adults’ adjustment outcomes through parenting styles were examined. Results showed that European American participants perceived higher maternal self-development socialization goals, whereas Chinese participants perceived higher maternal collectivism socialization goals as well as more authoritarian parenting. Cross-cultural similarities were found in the associations between perceived maternal authoritative parenting and socioemotional adjustment (e.g., higher self-esteem and higher academic self-efficacy) across the two cultural groups. However, perceived maternal authoritarian and training parenting styles were found only to be related to Chinese participants’ adjustment (e.g., higher academic self-efficacy and lower depression). The mediation analyses showed that authoritative parenting significantly mediated the positive associations between the self-development and collectivism goal and socioemotional adjustment for both cultural groups. Additionally, training parenting significantly mediated the positive association between the filial piety goal and young adults’ academic self-efficacy for the Chinese group only. Findings of this study highlight the importance of examining parental socialization goals in cross-cultural parenting research.  相似文献   
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