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問題 背诵一定数量的课文是学好语文的关键问题之一,近几年语文教学改革中一再強调这一问题.究竟怎样正确地根据儿童记忆的特点组织儿童课堂练习,減轻儿童背诵课文的负担,是心理学工作者面临的一个重要的现实问题。 关于语文背诵问题的心理学研究近年尚不多见。陈光山研究了背诵诗歌和散文的  相似文献   
家族性肿瘤对患者本人在生理、心理及社会状态等方面都有极为深重的危害,并且由于其家族易感性,对家族其他成员的心理状态也会造成严重影响.本文强调了人文关怀在家族性肿瘤医护工作中的重要性,并分别论述了人文关怀在家族性肿瘤的诊疗和护理工作中的具体实施.  相似文献   
Xing Guang 《亚洲哲学》2013,23(4):305-322
The Chinese traditional culture includes three systems of thought: Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism. The first two are Chinese culture, and Buddhism is a foreign religion introduced from India. Although there had been conflicts among the three systems of thoughts, but integration is the mainstream in the development of Chinese cultural thought. Thus, Chinese culture has developed into a system by uniting the three religions into one with Confucianism at the centre supported by Daoism and Buddhism. For over 2,000 years, Buddhism has interacted with all levels of Chinese culture such as literature, philosophy, morality, arts, architecture and religions. As a result, Buddhism has successfully integrated into the traditional Chinese culture and has become one of the three pillars. In this paper, I will discuss the Buddhist impact on Chinese culture from the following four points: (1) philosophy and moral teaching; (2) religions and popular beliefs; (3) language and literature; and (4) art and architecture.  相似文献   
A considerable amount of research in hope is driven by Snyder's (1994) model which proposes that hope is positively associated with agency thinking and pathways thinking. However, the current research suggests that hope as understood by the layperson (Hope) is only associated with agency thinking and not with pathways thinking. This was found over four studies using different agency and pathways variables, different Hope variables, different methods, and different cultures. Implications of these findings for Snyder's model are discussed.  相似文献   
整合医学在具体的医疗改革、医疗模式上有两个维度,即要对患者全程关爱,医院-社区-家庭的医疗服务做到无缝隙链接;要实现多学科的有效沟通、统一结合.以现代心血管疾病诊疗模式为例,提出要更好地落实医学整合/全程关爱,一定要团队协作、共同决策、进行医疗服务整合.借鉴国外较为理想的整合医学模式,提出要实现整合医疗/全程关爱的八项基本要求;医学人文进临床,要坚持三个不变和三个转变.总之,医学整合/全程关爱才能体现医学人文的核心价值观,是实现医学目的的必由之路,是当今医疗卫生体制改革的方向和医学教育、医疗服务模式的改革需求.  相似文献   
自杀是由严重心理危机导致的行为.通过描述自杀高危人群存在的时代状况,从社会学与心理-精神病学的维度分析了高危人群的自杀成因,进而对其自杀前的异常言行表现、自杀的方式及当前各种预防措施进行讨论.同时,对中国文化语境下的自杀及其预防展开了反思与展望.  相似文献   
“佛山弃婴”案反映了当前医患关系的紧张和医务人员法律素质的缺乏,唤起了高等医学教育对医学生法律素质培养的重视,由此提出深化医学生对医患关系的理解、提高医学生的人文执业能力、提高医学生的职业道德修养三个培养目标,并从完善教育体系、创新教育模式和搭建实践平台三个层面提高医学生法律素质、促进医患关系健康发展的构想.  相似文献   
Are risk-takers more likely to engage in unethical behaviors? We examined the relationship between risk-taking propensity and cheating in two experimental studies. In Study 1, we examined the relationship between subjects’ risk-taking propensity and their actual self-serving dishonesty using a gambling-like task. The results suggested that risk-taking propensity, measured using a behavioral approach, was positively correlated with actual self-serving dishonest behavior. In Study 2, we measured participants’ performances using a matrices test and found that the positive correlation still held. We found that participants with high risk-taking propensity reported a lower perceived probability of being detected, which might drive their dishonest behavior.  相似文献   
运用ERP技术对个体猜谜任务下的顿悟和无顿悟的情况进行探索。结果发现,在300ms-500ms内,有顿悟比无顿悟引发了更负的N300-500成分,激活了大部分脑区;在600ms-1100ms内,有顿悟比无顿悟引发了更正的P600-1100成分,在中央区显示了最强激活。结果表明,N300-500可能反映了定势破除中的认知冲突,P600-1100可能反映了新异联系的形成。  相似文献   
对威胁敏感是人类在应对外部环境过程中不断发展的生存技能。威胁敏感性的研究主要存在两种取向:生理取向以敏感性强化理论为基础, 将行为抑制系统的敏感性界定为威胁敏感性, 量化为个体应对威胁时的生理、情绪和行为反应水平; 认知取向以信息加工的认知风格理论为基础, 将个体在对威胁信息加工过程中的敏感性偏向定义为威胁警觉, 量化为威胁刺激呈现前后的预期水平和探测水平。未来研究还需进一步整合和界定威胁敏感性的概念内涵, 验证各测量指标之间的关系, 拓展不同种类威胁敏感性的研究方法。  相似文献   
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