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The preceding articles in this series have reported associations between each of four domains of family variables (World View, Emotion Management, Structure/Organization, Problem Solving) and the Health of adults in a community-based sample of 225 families. In this article, we explore the relationships among all four family domains (73 variables) and between all four family domains and adult Health. The results of both principal components and multidimensional scaling analyses suggested the viability of the four-family-domain framework. As expected, the pattern of relationships among the variables in each family domain was maintained when Health was added to the analyses. Using multidimensional scaling analysis, we also found that the relationship between some family domains and Health changed when viewed in the context of the other family domains. These shifts suggested the importance of family context on the relationship of that family domain and Health. Family World View and Emotion Management maintained their relationships with Health; family Structure/Organization shifted relatively moderately; and Problem Solving shifted substantially. Family World View and family Emotion Management may be relatively more independent in their relation to family member health than family Structure/Organization and Problem Solving.  相似文献   
One of the key functions of clinical supervision as practised by health professionals such as psychologists includes the restoration of wellbeing, but there are few guidelines in the supervision literature on how to go about this. Research into concepts from the field of positive psychology such as work engagement, sense of coherence, self‐efficacy, flow and resilience has begun to provide detailed understanding of workers' happiness, health and betterment. These findings provide possible directions for supervision interventions that go beyond traditional review of self‐care and stress‐management strategies and seek to extend the wellbeing of the supervisee. This article explores the application of positive psychology to enhance the wellbeing of practitioners such as psychologists, who often work in inherently difficult work environments such as the mental health field. Specifically, a narrative approach is proposed as one possible method and practical examples are offered to demonstrate how positive psychology may be applied in the practice of clinical supervision.  相似文献   
Some of the causes of the ‘sexual revolution’ during the past few decades are widely known: The development of relatively safe and reliable contraceptives, especially the birth‐control pill; the ‘morning after’ pill; antibiotics to relieve or cure sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, herpes, and syphilis; the increased social acceptance of pre‐marital sex, homosexuality, and other behaviors that formerly were considered deviant; and the legalization of abortion as the ultimate ‘contraceptive’. But little attention has been paid to two rather cerebral factors relevant to these developments – namely, ethical theories, and theories of overpopulation. In this paper I will argue that these two less well‐known and more subtle factors have been at least as powerful as the more obvious factors mentioned above, in bringing about sea‐changes in sexual mores. More specifically, I will argue that some implicit approaches to ethical theory are more conducive than others to bringing about the present status quo in sexual mores, and that the widespread belief in world overpopulation has not only changed the moral climate regarding sexuality, but has helped to redefine what is moral and what is immoral.  相似文献   
Research on foster care suggests that children who have experienced abuse are susceptible to a range of negative life outcomes. Such research also suggests that children removed into foster care can recover from abuse if given opportunities to develop healing relationships with caregivers. Drawing on qualitative data from a national research project on Australian foster carers, this paper explores how foster families enact forms of belonging that potentially work to ameliorate experiences of abuse among foster children. With a specific focus on experiences of family solidarity, rituals, identity, and culture among foster carers and the children in their care, the findings highlight the role that foster carers can play in contributing to national child protection agendas aimed at addressing experiences of maltreatment among children removed into care in Australia.  相似文献   
This study examines the similarities, differences, and potential linkages between perceptions of online infidelity and traditional infidelity using a sample of 123 individuals in committed relationships. Respondents nominated both sexually and emotionally based behaviors as unfaithful and expressed greater distress in response to hypothetical emotional, as compared to sexual, online infidelity. Unlike traditional infidelity, men generally were not more upset by sexual online infidelity than were women. Both men and women believed that emotional and sexual online infidelities were likely to co‐occur. A face‐to‐face meeting was perceived to be more likely following emotional, as compared to sexual, online infidelity and men were viewed as more likely than women to engage in sexual intercourse, given a face‐to‐face meeting with the online contact.  相似文献   
The relationship between goal orientation, self-efficacy, perceived ability, effort, commitment, exertion, feedback tolerance, and process/outcome measures were investigated in 4 studies. In Study 1. feedback (win, lose, win/lose) in a competitive task (accuracy of dart throws) was manipulated. Results showed dart accuracy performance correlated significantly with ego orientation when feedback was positive (win opponent), but not when negative (lose) or alterable (lose/win). Self-efficacy and perceived ability after task familiarity predicted performance in all feedback conditions. In Study 2. a computer-simulated running task was performed by participants under 3 feedback modes (win. lose, win/lose) nested within 2 conditions (self-standard and against an opponent). Results indicated that ego more than task orientation accounted for the performance variance in all experimental conditions. Self-efficacy and task-specific psychological states accounted for 63% to 68% of the performance variance. In Studies 3 and 4. exertion time in strength and endurance tasks were related to the type of activity in which participants were engaged and their commitment and exertion tolerance in the specific tasks. Goal orientation and self-efficacy accounted for much of the exertion-time variables' variance, but they were not significant predictors.  相似文献   
Specific reactions to the Heppner and Anderson, Keeney and Morris, and Gelso articles are offered. Also, some general thoughts on counseling research are provided.  相似文献   
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