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This cross-sectional study examined how self-assessed physical attractiveness and earning capability were associated with individuals’ sense of power through self-perceived mating success and investment size in romantic relationships among 196 young adults (88 men, 98 women) from Nanjing, China. Using path analysis, we tested the following hypotheses: self-assessed physical attractiveness would be more strongly associated with self-perceived mating success among women than men, whereas self-assessed earning capability would be more strongly linked to self-perceived mating success among men than women (H1); relative physical attractiveness, as compared to their partners’, would be more strongly associated with men’s rather than women’s self-perceived investment size, whereas relative earning capability would be more strongly related to women’s rather than men’s investment size (H2); for both men and women, self-perceived mating success would be positively associated with sense of power, whereas self-perceived investment size would be negatively associated with sense of power (H3). Results indicated that self-perceived physical attractiveness and earning capability were associated with self-perceived mating success similarly for both men and women, failing to support H1. Whereas relative physical attractiveness was negatively associated with investment in the relationship similarly for two genders, the negative association between relative earning capacity and investment size was only significant for women. H2 was partially supported. Finally, self-perceived mating success and investment size were significantly associated with sense of power in the expected directions for both genders, lending support to our H3. Results are discussed in light of gender differences in mate preferences and the investment theory.  相似文献   
The study was done to check replication of changes in sensitivity with a simple simulator as had been obtained in an experiment using the real road situation. Another purpose was to control simulator sickness which could have confounded data from testing with a simulator or in actual driving. Sensitivity of the drivers (72 healthy young adults, M age = 24 yr., SD = 5) while performing the driving task was measured in terms of subjective ratings of simulator sickness and affect, and physiological measures (i.e., galvanic skin responses and skin temperature) at different driving speeds and in driving mode conditions, using a simple vehicle simulator. Analysis showed measures of drivers' state, including simulator sickness, physiological indices, and subjective reports, increased with driving speed (30 --> 90 -->120 km/hr.) and driving mode change from the regular speed to sudden increasing to sudden decreasing speeds. Particularly, the results suggest that the increased autonomic nervous activation induces increase of rated simulator sickness. Based upon the same tendency in change of the simulator sickness and physiological state with driving speed and driving mode conditions, it was concluded that, if the results obtained from the simulator experiment can be generalized to the real situation, the simulator sickness must be considered a confounding factor. The results also suggest that the changes in human sensitivity are dependent upon aspects related to speed of a vehicle and driving mode.  相似文献   
Kumar and Epley (2023) argue that people underinvest in spending time, effort, and money on other people, and that consumers' own well-being would improve from increased “sociality.” We pose two questions to enhance understanding of the relationship between sociality and efforts to benefit one's own well-being: (1) when will other-oriented consumption promote versus hinder consumers' own well-being, and (2) what leads consumers to embrace versus forego efforts to improve their well-being (i.e., self-care) that does not involve sociality? We propose that the degree to which the consumer is concerned about incorporating others' preferences, the magnitude of resources involved, and the temporal dynamics of consumption will be relevant factors in addressing these two questions. Future research to explore the proposed three factors and other factors will be important for consumers who seek to improve their well-being as well as marketers who seek to promote it.  相似文献   
为探究留守初中生同伴侵害与攻击性的关系机制,通过构建链式多重中介模型,考察歧视知觉、孤独感和心理韧性在二者关系中的多重中介效应。采用问卷调查法对519名留守初中生进行调查,结果显示:(1)留守初中生同伴侵害的发生率为96.3%,具有普遍性;(2)留守初中生同伴侵害、歧视知觉、孤独感、心理韧性与攻击性之间均呈显著相关;(3)留守初中生的歧视知觉、孤独感和心理韧性在其同伴侵害与攻击性的关系中具有链式多重中介作用;(4)同伴侵害与攻击性关系模型具有一定稳定性,同时在是否留守及单亲与双亲外出留守初中生群体中存在显著差异。研究结果揭示了同伴侵害与攻击性的关系机制,可为探索留守初中生不良同伴关系的教育策略提供参考。  相似文献   
该研究探讨了当范畴内和范畴间颜色的辨别难度相同时,语言范畴是否会影响注意前颜色知觉。实验中,采用渐变且相邻者差别阈限数相当的A、B、C、D四种颜色(前两者为绿色,后两者为蓝色)为刺激材料,并让被试接受视觉Oddball脑电测试。脑电测试分视野给被试呈现标准刺激,以及与标准刺激属同一语言范畴(即颜色词绿色或蓝色)或不同语言范畴的偏差刺激。结果发现:在左视野呈现时,范畴内偏差刺激比范畴间偏差刺激诱发了边缘显著更大的视觉失匹配负波(vMMN),在右视野呈现时,两类偏差刺激诱发的vMMN无显著差异;范畴内偏差刺激在不同视野呈现时诱发的vMMN无显著差异,范畴间偏差刺激则在右视野呈现时诱发了显著更大的vMMN。这一结果表明,当范畴内和范畴间颜色的辨别难度相同时,语言范畴也会影响早期的、注意前颜色知觉,支持了沃尔夫假说。  相似文献   
葛枭语  侯玉波 《心理学报》2021,53(4):374-386
基于儒学经典命题提出君子人格通过自我控制与真实性的链式中介对心理健康产生正向效应的假设, 运用多种方法进行验证(总样本量为1169)。结果表明, 君子人格正向预测同时测量的心理健康(研究1)和6个月后测量的自尊、核心自我评价、情感平衡, 负向预测心理症状(研究4); 君子人格正向预测自我控制特质(研究1)和自我控制决策(研究3和研究4), 受到情境模拟操纵的自我控制提升心理健康与真实性(研究2), 受到回忆启动操纵的真实性提升心理健康(研究3); 链式中介作用也得到了同时和跨时间点测量、统计控制和实验控制等多方法结果的支持。君子人格水平较高的人, 更易自我控制, 由此感到自己的行为与真实自我更加一致与贯通, 因此具有更积极的心理状态。  相似文献   
侯娟  朱英格  方晓义 《心理学报》2021,53(4):362-373
为考察手机成瘾与抑郁的关系, 研究同时整合情绪和认知两方面因素, 探讨了社交焦虑和负性情绪信息注意偏向在手机成瘾和抑郁之间的多重中介作用。研究1共有545名大学生完成了大学生手机成瘾倾向量表、贝克抑郁量表和社会交往焦虑量表。研究2选取51名大学生采用问卷法和2(配对面孔表情的情绪类型: 负性、中性) × 2(探测点位置: 与负性情绪面孔表情同侧、与负性情绪面孔表情异侧)的被试内实验设计。结果表明: (1)手机成瘾、社交焦虑和抑郁两两间存在显著正相关, 且社交焦虑在手机成瘾和抑郁之间起完全中介作用; (2)社交焦虑和负性情绪信息注意偏向在手机成瘾与抑郁的关系中起链式中介作用, 而负性情绪信息注意偏向在手机成瘾与抑郁间的单独中介效应不显著。具体而言, 手机成瘾通过两条路径影响抑郁: 一是社交焦虑的单独中介作用; 二是社交焦虑→负性情绪信息注意偏向的链式中介作用。  相似文献   
运用眼动技术对蒙古国蒙古族大学生、中国内蒙古蒙古族大学生和汉族大学生的场景知觉特点进行对比,旨在从文化差异与文化融合的角度探讨文化对认知的作用。结果发现,内蒙古蒙古族和汉族大学生的眼动指标无显著差异,均重视背景与前景物体的关系,而蒙古国大学生更加注意对前景物体的知觉,这与汉族和内蒙古蒙古族大学显著不同。文化差异影响个体的认知,文化融合会对认知产生建构作用,这种作用具有动态性。  相似文献   
类别与数量空间关系识别加工中的练习效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游旭群 《心理科学》2002,25(4):418-421
本研究通过检测20名飞行员及其控制组的视觉空间关系识别中的认知加工水平,旨在探讨视觉空间关系识别中的类别关系和数量关系加工子系统所表现出的练习效应水平的高低。研究结果表明,在参与视觉空间关系判断的两个典型加工子系统中,负责数量(坐标)空间关系判断的加工子系统随系统训练而表现出功能增强的练习效应。相对而言,涉及类别空间关系判断的加工子系统则较少受到练习的影响。研究揭示,由于受大脑神经解剖结构特点以及加工任务性质的影响,练习效应在神经网络上的分布是不平衡的。相对于类别空间关系加工子系统,数量空间关系加工子系统更多地表现出了练习效应这一典型的认知神经加工特性。  相似文献   
认知特征、场独立性与飞行空间定向关系的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
游旭群  于立身 《心理学报》2000,32(2):158-163
通过认知分化测验(CLB)、团体镶嵌图形测验(GEFT)以及飞行定向水平的模糊评价技术,旨在检验认知特征、场独立性和飞行空间定向水平之间的关系。研究结果表明;(1)高水平的视觉空间认知能力及较强的场独立性特征不仅有助于获得一个良好的飞行定向水平,而且还构成了预测定向水平差异的有效指标;(2)场独立性特征与空间认知特征之间存在着一个很高的相关。具有较强场独立性特征的飞行员往往也具有较为典型的空间认知特征;(3)错觉水平较低的飞行员与中、重度错觉水平组飞行员在空间认知、认知分化和场独立性上的得分分别构成了显著的差异,表明轻度组飞行员在空间定向中表现出了良好的视觉空间信息组织、加工和某些元认知技能方面的优势。研究结果进一步证明了视觉空间认知加工和场独立性水平与飞行空间定向之间的紧密关系。  相似文献   
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