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戴利达先生提出的问题无可辩驳地证明,我就本文和本文诠释的说明,在针对戴利达的众所周知的立场方面,没有达到目的。我很难理解他向我提出的问题。但我将努力去做到这一点,就象一个希望理解和被理解的人那样。我绝对看不出这种努力何以属于形而上学时代或更进一步属于善良意志的康德概念时代。我的思想,我已经在包括巴黎的讲演在内的讲演中说得很清楚:“善良意志”对我来说意味着  相似文献   
在过去的30年中,人们目睹了一场使伦理学问津生物医学科学和医疗卫生专业的学术和教学的复兴。这个领域(不是学科)现在被称作生命伦理学,生命伦理学是个新术语。尽管它看起来很新奇,但是在过去20年间,这个领域中的活动只不过是两千多年的思考、写作和教诲的后继,至少在西方是这样。目前的这场复兴(本文是这场复兴的一部分)在很大程度上是由道德神学家和宗教伦理学家发起的,尤其是弗莱彻和赖姆塞。  相似文献   
有些哲学家十分强调道德,他们似乎非常真诚地认为,善是个庄严而崇高的主题,追求善是个鼓舞人心的终生事业。例如康德和卢梭就是这样。康德谈论人类本质高尚方面的崇高性,谈论人类崇敬道德律的崇高性,这是十分自然的。他说道:“义务!崇高而非凡的名词。”但是,休谟的意见与此截然不同。  相似文献   
M.海德格尔1933年的政治错误的严重程度比他想让世界相信的还厉害。1966年3月11日哲学家海德格尔给作家 E.凯斯特纳写信说:“从根本上讲事情与我1933年至  相似文献   
苏共27大的特点之一,是异常重视完善社会主义的理论和实践问题。代表大会遵循马列主义学说,特意强调指出,忠实于这个学说并不在于重复马克思主义的经典原理和结论,而是在积累经验的基础上对其进行创造性的发展。在苏共中央为27大所做的政治报告中援引了列宁的下述说法:“马克思和恩格斯总是说,‘我们的学说不是教条,而是行动的指南’,他们公正地讥笑了只会背诵和简单重复‘公式’的人们,因为公式至多只能指出一般的任务,而这些任务随着历史过程中每个特殊阶段的具体的经济和政治环境必然有所改变。”  相似文献   
几千年来,人们一直致力于弄清他们与宇宙的其他部分的关系。由于不同的理由,许多哲学家今天不愿处理如此之大的问题。然而,这些问题仍旧遗留着。现在,最大的问题是:对于作为人类的我们自己,我们有一种常识性印象,但它很难符合我们关于物理世界的整个“科学”概念。在一个科学告诉我们完全由无意识、无意义的物理  相似文献   
科学解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解释是科学的一个主要目的,对于这一点人们几乎没有什么异议;但大家对于所提出的解释必须满足哪些条件却有很大分歧。这类分歧,尤其是在史学领域和社会科学领域,大都与所谓圆满解释的定律论模型(nomological models)或演绎模型(de-ductive models)有关。还有一个更为普遍的争论:许多(也许是大部分)科学家和哲学家坚持认为,定律论模型和演绎模型显然适用于自然科学,并且也  相似文献   
Three experiments describe the effects of manipulating the frequency of response-reinforcer contiguity in a recycling conjunctive schedule. The schedule arranged that a reinforcer was delivered after 30 s provided at least one response had occurred; otherwise the next cycle started immediately. In Experiment 1, this schedule produced the typical pause–respond–pause pattern, with most responses at mid-interval; and, when a limited number of contiguities between responses and food delivery were added, the pattern became more like the monotonic scallop seen on fixed-interval schedules. In Experiment 2, the schedule was initially presented with an additional contingency that allowed contiguity on every trial. Fixed-interval-like behavior occurred and tended to persist as contiguities were gradually eliminated. In Experiment 3, the recycling conjunctive schedule alternated with a condition in which a large number of contiguities occurred. The pause–respond–pause pattern and fixed-interval-like performance occurred with few or many contiguities, respectively. The results of all three experiments illustrate how contiguity interacts with a small number of other variables to determine performance on interval schedules and illuminate previous findings with fixed-interval and fixed-time schedules.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT 'Ulysses contracts' are an instrument through which a psychiatric patient may prearrange involuntary commitments to be put into effect if the patient satisfies certain diagnostic criteria in the future. Proposals for Ulysses contracts typically impose numerous safeguards. This paper argues against the intuitively plausible safeguard which permits only presently remitted patients to contract. Instead of requiring a patient's remission, it is argued that the appropriate safeguard is the patient's ability, whether remitted or not, to offer good reasons for wishing to contract. In short, what matters is not an executive's character, but an executive's reasons, and a bad executive may have good reasons. Attempts to deny the accessibility of good reasons in unremitted patients are rejected on the ground that psychiatric diagnosis requires psychiatrists to be able to distinguish between good and bad reasons in both remitted and unremitted patients. If psychiatrists cannot do that, psychiatric diagnosis is impossible.  相似文献   
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