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当海德格尔把理解这个主题从一种人文科学的方法论学说,提升为此在的本体论的生存论环节和基础时,解释学维度就不再意味着现象学的植根于具体知觉的意向性研究的一个较高层面了,而是以欧洲为基地,把几乎同时在盎格鲁撒克逊逻辑学中实现的“转向语言”在现象学研究思潮中突现出来了。在胡塞尔和舍勒尔对现象学研究的最初展开中,尽管有向生活世界的各种转向,但语言问题依然是完全蔽而不显的。  相似文献   
几十年前我开始哲学玄想的时候,就想当然地认为:任何人只要竭尽全力研攻哲学,他就能够创立一种哲学体系,以后他就要坚持这种哲学并为捍卫自己的哲学而与论敌进行有说服力的论战,这种哲学时时会有小的变化,但并不需要大的修改。我周围的哲学家们好象也是这么设想的。但是事实逐渐推翻了这样的设想。我现在的哲学之所以形成,主要是由于这种设想破灭的结果。如果我未曾改变那种把哲学研究看成是建立一种似乎坚定不移的体系的话,那就会导致而且肯定会使  相似文献   
在苏联,由于经济和社会关系的伟大革命改造,建成了发达的社会主义社会。苏联的生活方式决定了社会意识的普遍无神论化,因此,在苏联社会生活中,科学无神论的社会功能和文化功能得以充实和扩大,科学无神论同物质和精神实践的各方面、各领域的联系得以巩固和完善。在信教者中间,虔诚狂热的信徒逐渐减少,这类现象证明,宗教在我国社会中的影响正在减退。  相似文献   
Simultaneous observational recordings were made in vivo, via an observation mirror, and via closed circuit television. Three of nine observers had extensive experience recording behavior in vivo; three had extensive experience recording behavior via mirror; and three had extensive experience recording via television. Observers recorded nine categories of disruptive behavior for children in a special class setting. Frequencies of behavior recorded in vivo, via mirror, and via television differed significantly for only one category, vocalization. There were no significant main effects or interactions involving the observers' previous experience. Occurrence reliability coefficients computed within and between media demonstrated the similarity of observer agreement in all three media. Data collection procedures using an observational mirror or closed circuit television appear to be reasonable alternatives to in vivo observation in circumstances similar to those in the present study.  相似文献   
A comprehensive validation study was conducted of the Program for Academic Survival Skills (PASS), a consultant-based, teacher-mediated program for student classroom behavior. The study addressed questions related to: (a) brief consultant training, (b) subsequent teacher training by consultants using PASS manuals, (c) contrasts between PASS experimental teachers and students and equivalent controls on measures of teacher management skills, student classroom behavior, teacher ratings of student problem behaviors, and academic achievement, (d) reported satisfaction of participants, and (e) replication of effects across two separate school sites. Results indicated that in both sites significant effects were noted in favor of the PASS experimental group for (a) teacher approval, (b) student appropriate classroom behavior, and (c) four categories of student inappropriate behavior. Program satisfaction ratings of students, teachers, and consultants were uniformly positive, and continued use of the program was reported a year later. Discussion focused upon issues of cost-effectiveness, differential site effects, and the relationship between appropriate classroom behavior and academic achievement.  相似文献   
Data from the 1970 National Fertility Study were used to investigate the relationships between sex role attitudes and the childbearing and labor force participation of women. While several relevant dimensions of sex role attitudes were identified, it was found that the most crucial aspect for working and fertility was the extent to which the woman identified the female role as that of housewife and homemaker. Those having traditional definitions concerning this role were less likely to be working, and had fewer plans to work in the future. In addition, as expected, women with traditional sex role definitions had more children than others. While the orientation of the woman toward the home was the primary correlate of work and fertility, those who felt that women had little control over their lives had higher fertility than others—a relationship which could be explained partially, but not entirely, in terms of unplanned childbearing.  相似文献   
一九七五年新出版了马克思恩格斯全集第一辑第一卷,现在又出版了第四辑第一卷。对于马克思一八三九年初至一八四一年三月哲学思想的发展,这两卷提供了一些新的研究成果。这些新的研究成果,修正了这个时期流传下来的手稿——它们同时是马克思研究哲学的最初文献——的形成史,精确规定了这些手稿的形成时间,并确定了原文的编排和翻印。流传下来的手稿包括:关于伊壁鸠鲁的七册摘要笔记(有一部分成了不同题目的独立的补遗)、  相似文献   
天主教教会及其意识形态特征对新托马斯主义哲学进行考察,必须先简略分析天主教教会在当今世界上的地位及其意识形态的一些特征。十九世纪后半叶,天主教教会从封建制度和君主制政体的卫士,变为反对工人阶级运动、反对社会主义、维护资产阶级的一种武器。天主教教会是教权主义运动中的一支极其强  相似文献   
乙、异化和物化这里我们集中论述两个问题:第一,马克思著作中的物化概念;第二,卢卡奇著作中的物化概念。马克思除了使用Entfremdung和Vergegen-standllchung,即“异化”和“客观化”以外,还用了Verdinglichung“物化”(reification)这个词(来自拉丁语“res”——“物”)。这个词无论在马克思的理论中,还是在近年来有关异化问题的论战中都起着重要作用。而且有些人已开始认为“物化”这个概念要  相似文献   
黑格尔对形式逻辑和辩证逻辑的看法辩证逻辑是德国哲学家黑格尔在十九世纪初引入的哲学术语。这个术语是他用来称呼自己关于一切“自然和精神事物”发展的规律的唯心主义学说的,又同被他作了歪曲解释的形式逻辑直接地对立起来。他正确地指出了他那个时代哲学理论的弊病之一,就是思维的规律和形式被形而上学地看作为某种一成不变的东西。其实,受工业生产的进步所制约的自然科学的发展已经表明,形而上学和它的  相似文献   
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