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距离遥远的人陆之间在交通快捷方便的时代以前很久的年代互相往来的问题和历史,一直强烈地吸引着专家学者和感兴趣的公众。古代的历史真的只是地理上、文化上和政治上孤立的“岛屿”共存的历史吗?民族人迁移,经济往来、对艺术风格的影响以及帝国的兴起、扩张和衰落等等,我们在学校里已经听得太多了,以致并不这样认为。美洲的某些考古发现甚至证明来自地中海的影响(例如腓尼基人的船舶到过美洲)、据说北欧海盗比哥  相似文献   
第2卷:1925年——1927年;第3卷:1927年——1928年;第4卷:1929年;第5卷:1929年——1930年。博伊兹顿(Boydston)主编,1984年南伊利诺斯大学出版。这四卷著作提供了杜威从1925年到1930年的大部分有权威的作品。第2卷由J.古因洛克作序,有24篇论文,4  相似文献   
我们将要进行比较和对照的“预设”和“语境蕴涵”这两个概念,过去二十五年间在英语世界的哲学文献中扮演着日益重要的角色。这一发展决非偶然,它是二十世纪把分析强调为哲学研究的基本方法的产物。在此总方向下,预设和语境蕴涵既从消极方面又从积极方面起作用。从消极的方面看,它们是当代思想家用来最大限度地削弱哲学家和其他一些反思者用一些过度简单化的概念模式来观察世界这一倾向的手段;从积极的方面看,它们起着剖析和最终理解某些人类活动特别是那些涉及人致力于与他人交际如承诺、陈述、言谈、暗示时的活动之工具的  相似文献   
生男育女对于一个家庭而言,无疑是一件重要的事情。但生男则喜,育女则悲的现象却是相当普遍的。伊斯兰教历来反对重男轻女的世俗观念。教义认为:生男育女均属真主的定然,男女均为真主之造化。凭藉这两种性别,真主使人类得以繁衍生息至今。  相似文献   
A sample of 300 mothers aged 20-35 years from Bihar city in Bhagalpur, India, was drawn to reflect similar ages, education, family income, number of children, and residence for each religious group: Hindu, Muslim, and Christian. The hypothesis was that childbearing mothers would differ significantly in their child rearing methods and attitudes toward their children. The Child Care Schedule asked questions about methods of feeding, weaning, toilet training, and bed habit training. The Parent Attitude Schedule measures mother's attitudes: restrictive-permissive, loving-rejecting, and protecting-neglecting. The results indicated that 78% of Christian mothers breast fed compared to 75% of Muslim mothers and 58% of Hindu mothers. There were significant differences between groups in feeding practices (x2= 11.18, df=2, p.01). 77.3% of Christian mothers practiced a 3-hour feeding schedule, compared to 52% of Muslim mothers and 50% of Hindu mothers; 49.5% of Hindu mothers preferred a 4-hour feeding schedule. These differences were also significant. 54% of HIndu mothers wean before 12 months, and only 33% of Muslim and 35% of Christian mothers did. A greater proportion of Muslim mothers (58%) wean between 13 and 24 months. Differences again were significant. 66% or more of the mothers in each group practiced gradual weaning rather than forced or casual weaning. There were significant differences in toilet training habits and training in washing and bathing among the 3 groups of women. All 3 groups believed in moderate training in bathing. There were insignificant differences in bed habit training and the age at which training began. About 75% of all mothers followed moderate approaches to bed habit training. There were significant differences in child rearing attitudes between Hindus and Muslims. Hindu mothers were the least restrictive, and Christian mothers were the most restrictive. The same pattern applied to loving-rejecting and protecting-neglecting. Christian mothers were the most loving, and Muslim mothers were the least loving. Christian mothers were the most protective and Muslim mothers the least protective. In Hindu families with early weaning and toilet training, the joint family system helps to dissipate frustration caused by early practices. Further research on cultural differences in personality and cultural variations in child rearing is needed.  相似文献   
祖勒·希哲第四讲关于我们的领袖欧麦尔·本·哈塔布的遇害赞美安拉——独一无二的主,绝无伙伴与之同为主宰的主,精妙卓绝地造化并供养人类的主,完善其所做一切的开天辟地的主。他是惩恶的主,施益子人的主:他若意欲,可惩治其奴仆;他若意欲,亦可使之获益。  相似文献   
自我节制现象,在人们的社会存在中以及在人们相互关系体系中占重要地位。自我节制是人的精神本质与道德人文本质的最重要表现之一,是人的存在和社会精神生活的一个必不可少的组成部分。然而,自我节制问题,在我国的文献中还没有得到应有的研究。 实际上,自我节制问题在哲学—伦理学思想的全部历史中,具有极为重要的作用,它是整个伦理学体系所围绕的中心。它绝不仅仅是宗教禁欲主义体系所特有的。可以完全有把握地说,所有纯理性主义的道德学说无论如何都基于自我节制的思想。  相似文献   
评劳丹的规范自然主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ⅰ.简述劳丹极力主张,科学哲学要保持某种规范的特征,他的自然主义就是以此为基础发展起来的。“为科学理论得到承认提供一种认识上的保证”,他写道,“无疑是一个重要的哲学问题”。自然化并不会防碍规范性这一命题,是劳丹观点的基础:“……方法论的自然化并非必然会破坏其规范化。恰恰相反,可以证明,完全‘科学的’和具有极强‘描述力’的方法论将会导致规范的结果。”劳丹是在《科学与价值》这本书中引入其规范自然主义的。他的确专心致志地对科学合理性的规范理论进行了阐述和辩护。这种规范理论是以劳丹所谓的科学合理性的“网状模型”为基础的。按照这种模型来看,科学的(不)一致有可能表现在三个层次上:事实的和理论的层次、方法论层次和价值观层次。劳丹把他的网状模型与“等级模型”做了比  相似文献   
The visual world exists all around us, yet this information must be gleaned through a succession of eye fixations in which high visual acuity is limited to the small foveal region of each retina. In spite of these physiological constraints, we experience a richly detailed and continuous visual world. Research on transsaccadic memory, perception, picture memory and imagination of scenes will be reviewed. Converging evidence suggests that the representation of visual scenes is much more schematic and abstract than our immediate experience would indicate. The visual system may have evolved to maximize comprehension of discrete views at the expense of representing unnecessary detail, but through the action of attention it allows the viewer to access detail when the need arises. This capability helps to maintain the 'illusion' of seeing a rich and detailed visual world at every glance.  相似文献   
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