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受五代颓废士风与宋初统治者所尊奉的黄老思想以及"清静致治"为政方针的影响,宋代初期的士大夫群体凸显出一种因循持重的精神风貌,恭谨默守、逊行逊言,以至当时官场上形成了一股凡有所作为者谓之"生事",敢论敢言者谓之"狂妄"、"迂阔"的流俗.尽管太宗、真宗时出现了像田锡、王禹翶这样遇事奋然敢为的谏臣,但却"颇为流俗所不容",并不能改变当时循默苟且、不思进取的士风,不仅使政事怠荒,而且加剧了北宋愈演愈烈的社会危机.  相似文献   
在吉登斯看来,马克思尽管提出了"人类创造历史"的命题,但却没有对自己的命题做出明确的解释。为此,他举数十年之功,从创造历史的起点、方式和结果等角度对马克思的命题进行全面的阐释。按照他的观点,只有在启蒙运动之后,由于"历史性"的发展,人类才真正开始有意识地创造自己的历史。"结构二重性"是人类创造历史的基本方式,这种方式体现在:社会结构一方面赋予人类创造历史的条件,另一方面又对这种创造行为构成制约。通过这种历史创造方式,社会并没有如马克思等人所设想的那样变成丰裕而自由的社会,反而成为"风险社会"、"失控的世界"等。通过对马克思命题的阐释,吉登斯建立起了完备的理论体系,但也对马克思命题的本意造成了扭曲。  相似文献   
郭继民 《法音》2020,(1):75-76
风,自然界的一种常见现象,就其表现而言,有微风、清风、凉风、狂风、暴风、飓风,可谓姿态各异,风情万种。之所以称其“风情万种”,在于风不仅仅是纯自然现象,还在于它同人的心理(心情)密切相关,譬如炎热时,人们对风有所期盼,称之为“好风”;严寒时,则称之为邪风、恶风。  相似文献   
郭成磊 《孔子研究》2020,(1):150-160
清华简《心是谓中》"断命在天"章对天命、鬼神干预人事的认可,与战国楚地盛行的"信鬼好祠"之风具有密切关联。基于对这种风气积弊日深的深刻认识,简文作者采取了一种权宜之策,即通过吸取并改造儒家的命论,一方面承认"天""鬼"对人的客观限制,另一方面又凸显"心""身"的主观能动性,强调在"保家""没身"等活动中要注重个体内在的道德自律,尽力发挥自身的主观努力。  相似文献   
This study explores the use of the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), a neuro-fuzzy approach, to analyze the log data of technology-based assessments to extract relevant features of student problem-solving processes, and develop and refine a set of fuzzy logic rules that could be used to interpret student performance. The log data that record student response processes while solving a science simulation task were analyzed with ANFIS. Results indicate the ANFIS analysis could generate and refine a set of fuzzy rules that shed lights on the process of how students solve the simulation task. We conclude the article by discussing the advantages of combining human judgments with the learning capacity of ANFIS for log data analysis and outlining the limitations of the current study and areas of future research.  相似文献   
亚里士多德的伦理学和政治学有着共同的出发点:人应选取最好的生活(或幸福),至于如何实现最好的生活,亚氏在伦理学和政治学中着重从德性阐释和理想政体的建构两个不同的方面给出解答。这两个不同方面的解答其实包含了同一种"好人"的两种景象。在伦理学中,"好人"是以理想的道德人身份出场的,但在政治学中,"好人"是以理想城邦的统治者(或立法者)身份出场的。尽管亚里士多德并没有给好人下一个明确的定义,但通过文本分析我们可推知好人需要满足"知""情""意"和"品质"四个条件,或者以"明智"德性作为充分必要条件。伦理学中"好人"的景象,为在政治学中"好人"作为理想政体的立法者或政治家的出场做了铺垫。  相似文献   
信任论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭慧云  丛杭青  朱葆伟 《哲学研究》2012,(6):3-12,111,127
<正>在任何形式的社会合作中,信任都是不可或缺的。中国古代文明将 "诚"和 "信"作为重要的德目,乃至作为做人和进入社会以及为政和构建社会秩序的根本准则来看待。在欧洲,自罗马帝国始,"遵守承诺和信守契约"被看作是公正的基础 ( 西塞罗,第 13 页) ,成为普遍的商业乃至司法原则,并形成悠久的文化传统。现代性制度在本质上与信任相关。20 世纪下半叶,全球化的发展和现代化的深化特别是 "风险社会"的出现,使信任问题极大地凸显出来,成为全球性问题和社会矛盾  相似文献   
郭娜 《法音》2020,(3):56-58
古琴,一个从千年文明中走出来的乐器,中国传统音乐的典型代表,在文化的传播与交流中承载着特殊的意义。尤其以中日文化交流为典范、《东皋琴谱》为载体,将中国古琴文化传播至今。笔者最近在整理中央音乐学院图书馆藏古琴资料的过程中发现四个版本的《东皋琴谱》,现就此做一介绍与探究。  相似文献   
Seminal work by Knobe, Prasada, and Newman (2013) distinguished a set of concepts, which they named “dual-character concepts.” Unlike traditional concepts, they require two distinct criteria for determining category membership. For example, the prototypical dual-character concept “artist” has both a concrete dimension of artistic skills, and an abstract dimension of aesthetic sensibility and values. Therefore, someone can be a good artist on the concrete dimension but not truly an artist on the abstract dimension. Does this analysis capture people's understanding of cornerstone social categories, such as gender, around which society and everyday life have traditionally been organized? Gender, too, may be conceived as having not only a concrete dimension but also a distinct dimension of abstract norms and values. As with dual-character concepts, violations of abstract norms and values may result in someone being judged as not truly a man/woman. Here, we provide the first empirical assessment of applying the dual-character framework to people's conception of gender. We found that, on some measures that primarily relied on metalinguistic cues, gender concepts did indeed resemble dual-character concepts. However, on other measures that depicted transgressions of traditional gender norms, neither “man” nor “woman” appeared dual-character-like, in that participants did not disqualify people from being truly a man or truly a woman. In a series of follow-up studies, we examined whether moral norms have come to replace gender role norms for the abstract dimension. Implications for the evolution of concepts and categories are explored.  相似文献   
采用事件相关电位技术(ERPs),用双任务加工范式探讨背景任务的难度对前瞻记忆策略加工的影响。行为结果表明,背景任务的反应时显著长于前瞻任务,随着任务难度的增大,被试的反应时增加;脑电结果表明,前瞻线索诱发的N300的潜伏期在高难度任务条件下短于低难度任务条件,而波幅在高难度任务条件下小于低难度任务条件。前瞻线索诱发的前瞻正波的波幅在高难度任务条件下高于低难度任务条件。这一结果表明,背景任务的特征调节了前瞻记忆的加工策略。  相似文献   
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