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康德关于美的论述没有将"天国"拉回到"人间",但他的美学却揭示了一条理路,致使后来的大陆哲学家,尤其是黑格尔依照这条理路反思思维与存在的统一。由于康德认为美让崇高变得有了意义,且崇高理论对回答康德哲学所逼出的"历史"、"时间"问题没有太多助益,所以其崇高理论远没有他对美的解释那么富有深远的影响意义。  相似文献   
Across humans' evolutionary history, detecting animate entities in the visual field (such as prey and predators) has been critical for survival. One of the defining features of animals is their motion-self-propelled and self-directed. Does such animate motion capture visual attention? To answer this question, we compared the time to detect targets involving objects that were moving predictably as a result of collisions (inanimate motion) with the time to detect targets involving objects that were moving unpredictably, having been in no such collisions (animate motion). Across six experiments, we consistently found that targets involving objects that underwent animate motion were responded to more quickly than targets involving objects that underwent inanimate motion. Moreover, these speeded responses appeared to be due to the perceived animacy of the objects, rather than due to their uniqueness in the display or involvement of a top-down strategy. We conclude that animate motion does indeed capture visual attention.  相似文献   
中国的低生育水平及相关人口研究问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了当前中国低生育率及其相关研究状况,指出社会和人口方面都存在着许多降低生育率的重要因素,而以往研究则因为思想方法问题忽视了它们的存在.本文还就低生育率新时期对人口形势判断及前瞻性研究中的新特点及实际中存在的问题进行了梳理与评论.本文指出,必须及时扭转以往形成的片面观念和思维定势,否则将会在人口发展问题上贻误战机.  相似文献   
<正>隋唐时期著名的道医孙思邈,在《千金要方》一书中提出的"口中言少、心中事少、腹中食少、自然睡少,依此四少,神仙快了"的"四少"养生法,即使在1300多年后的今天,也仍然值得我们去学习和实践。  相似文献   
为了弥补当代道德沦丧和意义的缺失,有必要重新寻找社会伦理化可能性路径.社会伦理的内生点从何延出?是先天的"德性"还是后天的"德行"?是个体自觉还是共同体的觉醒?社会制度化、程序化的规范伦理如何能与道德主体相一致?社会伦理能否公共化、普世化?在社会伦理的建构中,无论是东方还是西方的学者,都不同程度地忽视了由德性而德行的中间环节--常德的培养.  相似文献   
道德法律化的途径、方式和表现形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律中包含了伦理性内容和技术性内容,从内容上看,绝大多数法律都有着伦理道德的基础.道德法律化是立法中的普遍现象,它经历了从伦理、物理再到法理,最后成为法律的过程.道德法律化的具体方式包括道德向法律的直接转化和间接转化,法律最后拥有了技术性和国家强制性的特征.从道德法律化的表现形态上看,它包括道德义务的法律化和道德权利的法律化,以及道德的公法化和道德的私法化.在道德法律化的过程中,道德直接或间接地构成了法律的价值基础,演变成一种制度性的伦理形态,并对人类生活产生深远影响.  相似文献   
Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) have been used as psychometric tools in educational assessments to estimate students’ proficiency profiles. However, most CDMs assume that all students adopt the same strategy when approaching problems in an assessment, which may not be the case in practice. This study develops a generalized multiple-strategy CDM for dichotomous response data. The proposed model provides a unified framework to accommodate various condensation rules (e.g., conjunctive, disjunctive, and additive) and different strategy selection approaches (i.e., probability-matching, over-matching, and maximizing). Model parameters are estimated using the marginal maximum likelihood estimation via expectation-maximization algorithm. Simulation studies showed that the parameters of the proposed model can be adequately recovered and that the proposed model was relatively robust to some types of model misspecifications. A set of real data was analysed as well to illustrate the use of the proposed model in practice.  相似文献   
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - The current study investigated the mechanism of language switching in unbalanced visual unimodal bilinguals as well as balanced and unbalanced bimodal...  相似文献   
女性主义心理学产生于20世纪60、70年代的女性主义运动,经历了从对主流心理学的批判到重构心理学认识论与方法论的历史发展轨迹。20世纪60、70年代,女性主义心理学着重于对主流心理学中的男性中心主义偏见的揭露与批判;从80年代起,女性主义心理学将重点转向对心理学学科基础假设的挑战,试图重构心理学的认识论与方法论。  相似文献   
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