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元认知的本质与要素   总被引:110,自引:0,他引:110  
汪玲  郭德俊 《心理学报》2000,32(4):458-463
该文就元认知的本质和要素进行了探讨。文章首先对已有的相关观点进行了分析,在此基础上,将元认知的内涵界定为“个体对当前认知活动的认知调节”,并确定了元认知活动的三要素,即元认知技能、元认知知识、元认知体验,论述了每一要素在元认知活动中的作用,并以元认知三要素关系示意图描述了三者之间的关系。  相似文献   
青少年假想观众和个人神话观念的研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭菲  雷雳 《心理科学进展》2006,14(6):873-879
该文介绍了青春期特殊的心理特点——假想观众和个人神化的概念和不同的理论模型,对这些模型相关的实证研究进行了回顾,总结了这两个观念和青少年心理发展某些关系(分离—个性化过程、冒险行为和抑郁等)的研究,从理论基础、测量工具等角度探索了目前研究存在的问题,以及目前研究结果相互矛盾的原因,最后从概念界定、文化差异等方面分析了今后研究的方向  相似文献   
郭本禹 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1278-1279
时间和人格都是心理学领域极为重要的研究内容。时间无处不在,它不仅是基本心理过程的存在方式,而且也是人格特征的存在方式。时间与人格心理的研究是现代心理学研究的重要领域之一。《时间与人格心理学探索》一书,向我们详尽地展现了时间和人格心理学的研究成果。综观全书,主要凸显四个方面特点:一、研究取向上强调中国化;二、研究过程上体现长期性;三、研究方法上注重多样性;四、研究成果上凸显创新性。  相似文献   
匡常修道长,字和阳,道号圆觉子,别号一?道人,是全真龙门派分支崂山金山派第二十一代玄裔。匡道长生前任青岛崂山太清宫住持,还身兼中国道教协会理事、山东省道教协会会长、青岛市道教协会会长、山东省政协委员、青岛市人大代表等职。匡老一生爱国爱教,精研丹道,传经讲学,弘扬武  相似文献   
使用基于多水平分析技术的元分析方法对有关儿童攻击和自我感知相关的研究结果进行分析,并对计算结果用模拟方法进行模拟。结果显示现有研究中攻击和自感认知能力之间的相关为-0.01,攻击和自我总体感知间地相关为-0.08,相关结果为低度负相关但达到显性水平,攻击和自感社交能力之间的相关关系不显,模拟结果与此类似。现有关于儿童攻击和自我感知关系的研究数量还偏少。  相似文献   
Background/Objective: This study explored the association between active school travel (AST) and suicide attempts among adolescents in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Method: We used the data from the Global School-based Health Survey, including 127,097 adolescents aged 13-17 years from 34 LMICs. A self-reported survey was used to collect data on AST and suicide attempts as well as some variables. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to assess the association between AST and suicide attempts. A meta-analysis with random effects was undertaken to identify the difference in the association between AST and suicide attempts. Results: Across all the adolescents, the prevalence of AST was 37% and the prevalence of suicide attempts was 11.60%. Adolescents who engaged in AST were less likely to have suicide attempts irrespective of gender. The country-wise analysis indicated a large inconsistency in the association between AST and suicide attempt across the countries. Conclusions: AST would appear to be a protective factor for reducing suicide attempts among adolescents. However, the association between AST and suicide attempts varied greatly across the countries. Future studies should confirm the association between AST and suicide attempts.  相似文献   
先前研究发现远距离规则能够被内隐地习得和迁移,表明内隐学习获得的知识是底层的抽象规则,那么这一抽象规则的习得和迁移是否会受到先前知识经验的限制?研究采用汉语声调的远距离水平映射规则为材料,通过创设不符合平仄知识经验的任意声调水平映射规则,在控制组块和重复结构等表面特征的条件下,探讨先前知识经验是否限制了远距离水平映射规则的内隐学习和迁移。结果发现相对于符合平仄知识经验的汉语声调水平映射规则,被试不能够内隐地习得和迁移任意声调的水平映射规则,表明先前知识经验在远距离水平映射规则内隐学习过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   
词语后情绪环境对其中的事件记忆产生影响,但是事件后情绪环境如何影响记忆加工仍不清楚。不同的情绪环境理论—“唤醒偏向竞争理论”,“拓宽-建构理论”,“记忆中心的积极情绪促进理论”支持情绪促进的不同本质。已有的研究表明,注意在情绪记忆中有重要作用。实验一、实验二分别探讨词语后情绪环境对其语义加工与内源源加工和外源源加工的影响。与中性环境相比,积极与消极情绪环境阻碍了外源源特征的加工; 与中性环境和积极情绪环境相比,消极情绪环境阻碍了内源源特征的加工。实验结果支持“唤醒偏向竞争理论”,同时表明“评估”和“注意放置”在情绪环境影响中的重要作用。  相似文献   
To confirm the relationship between pro‐social behaviour and increased physical functioning revealed by previous researchers in Western samples, we conducted four experiments with 378 Chinese undergraduates. The participants' strength to hold, to grip and to lift, as well as their vitality (walking speed), were measured after thinking of acts of kindness. The results showed that recalling pro‐social behaviour (helping others or spending money on others) that had occurred in the past or imagining pro‐social behaviour happening in the future imbued people with more physical strength and vitality. In three experiments, pro‐social behaviour boosted the positive mood of the actors, but the effect was only significant in one experiment, suggesting that the hidden gift may include increased happiness, but that enhanced physical functioning cannot be accounted for by differences in emotions. These results add to the evidence that the function of pro‐social behaviour in promoting physical functioning may be culturally universal.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of retrieval practice for aiding long-term memory, referred to as the testing effect, has been widely demonstrated. However, the specific neurocognitive mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear. In the present study, we sought to explore the role of pre-retrieval processes at initial testing on later recognition performance by using event-related potentials (ERPs). Subjects studied two lists of words (Chinese characters) and then performed a recognition task or a source memory task, or restudied the word lists. At the end of the experiment, subjects received a final recognition test based on the remember–know paradigm. Behaviorally, initial testing (active retrieval) enhanced memory retention relative to restudying (passive retrieval). The retrieval mode at initial testing was indexed by more positive-going ERPs for unstudied items in the active-retrieval tasks than in passive retrieval from 300 to 900 ms. Follow-up analyses showed that the magnitude of the early ERP retrieval mode effect (300–500 ms) was predictive of the behavioral testing effect later on. In addition, the ERPs for correctly rejected new items during initial testing differed between the two active-retrieval tasks from 500 to 900 ms, and this ERP retrieval orientation effect predicted differential behavioral testing gains between the two active-retrieval conditions. Our findings confirm that initial testing promotes later retrieval relative to restudying, and they further suggest that adopting pre-retrieval processing in the forms of retrieval mode and retrieval orientation might contribute to these memory enhancements.  相似文献   
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