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国外社会心理学领域中主观幸福感的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会心理学领域扩展与深化了现代主观幸福感的研究。本文介绍了国外社会心理学领域中有关主观幸福感研究的5个方面的新进展:适应与主观幸福感、记忆与主观幸福感、消极因素与主观幸福感、友好关系与主观幸福感、文化与主观幸福感,勾画出了幸福感的完整风貌,增进了心理学对主观幸福感的理解。  相似文献   
Research has shown that exposure to the national flag alters people's behavior and political and intergroup judgments. In several field studies conducted in an area of France with a strong regional identity, we examined the effect of the presence of the regional flag versus the national flag versus no flag on behaviors. Various situations (e.g., money solicitation, implicit helping behavior, food tasting) were tested in Brittany, on the French west Atlantic coast. Car drivers, passersby in the street, and patrons in bakeries were exposed to no flag versus the French flag versus the Brittany flag held by requesters or presented on a product or on a car. Findings showed that the regional flag increased helping behavior dramatically. Other studies also revealed that the presence of the Brittany flag reduced aggressiveness and influenced preference for food products. The power of a flag as a symbol that could increase in‐group membership is discussed.  相似文献   
近期国内外研究比较一致地认为冒犯者在得到宽恕后,不倾向于再次伤害被冒犯者。但这些研究并未解释冒犯者为什么这么做,是出于"善待宽恕者"的动机,还是出于"报复非宽恕者"的动机。为此,本研究通过囚徒困境的博弈范式研究了冒犯者得到宽恕以后的行为动机。结果显示,在"得到宽恕"的情境中,冒犯者善待对方的程度要显著高于"没有得到宽恕"和"不确定是否得到宽恕"的情境,而后两者之间没有显著差异。该结果一方面进一步验证了冒犯者得到宽恕以后不倾向于再次伤害对方的结论,另一方面也初步确定了冒犯者得到宽恕以后行为的动机,即"善待宽恕者",而非"报复非宽恕者",并对人际互动具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
心理韧性、孤独感、自我效能感都会影响老年人的主观幸福感,但三者影响程度的相对大小尚不清楚。为考察其影响力的大小,本研究采用了优势分析的方法。选取心理韧性量表、UCLA孤独量表、一般自我效能感量表分别测量老年人的心理韧性、孤独感、自我效能感,主观幸福感量表、费城老年中心信心量表测量老年人主观幸福感。优势分析结果表明,孤独感对老年人主观幸福感的预测力大于心理韧性与自我效能感;心理韧性的预测力大于自我效能感。本研究提示减少孤独感是提升老年人主观幸福感的重要途径,而老年人的心理韧性和自我效能感对提升老年人主观幸福感有一定的作用。  相似文献   
采用启动范式下的真假字词判断任务,在两种SOA(60ms、100ms)条件下,考察字形信息在藏-汉双语者汉字识别中的作用。结果表明:(1)字形信息促进了语音信息的激活,字形信息影响了汉字识别的相对时间进程。(2)在汉字识别过程中,藏-汉双语者亚词汇单元的语音信息没有得到激活。(3)对于藏-汉双语者来说,语音信息的激活早于字形信息的激活。研究结果对我国少数民族学生的汉语教学具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
Two hypotheses have been proposed regarding the response that is triggered by observing others’ pain: the “empathizing hypothesis” and the “threat value of pain hypothesis.” The former suggests that observing others’ pain triggers an empathic response. The latter suggests that it activates the threat-detection system. In the present study, participants were instructed to observe pictures that showed an anonymous hand or foot in a painful or non-painful situation in a threatening or friendly social context. Event-related potentials were recorded when the participants passively observed these pictures in different contexts. We observed an interaction between context and picture in the early automatic N1 component, in which the painful pictures elicited a larger amplitude than the non-painful pictures only in the threatening context and not in the friendly context. We also observed an interaction between context and picture in the late P3 component, in which the painful pictures elicited a larger amplitude than the non-painful pictures only in the friendly context and not in the threatening context. These results indicate that specific social contexts can modulate the neural responses to observing others’ pain. The “empathic hypothesis” and “threat value of pain hypothesis” are not mutually exclusive and do not contradict each other but rather work in different temporal stages.  相似文献   
绕口令效应指无论朗读还是默读,绕口令的阅读时间都长于正常句子的阅读时间。本研究采用Eyelink 2000型眼动仪,通过两个实验考察汉语阅读中的绕口令效应及其对知觉广度的影响。实验1结果表明:与阅读非绕口令相比,绕口令的阅读时间和注视次数均显著增加而阅读速度和平均眼跳幅度均显著下降。实验2结果表明:绕口令的知觉广度为注视点右侧1~2个汉字,控制句的知觉广度为注视点右侧2~3个汉字。结果说明汉语中存在绕口令效应,使读者知觉广度变小,阅读效率下降。。  相似文献   
Zhu L  Gigerenzer G 《Cognition》2006,98(3):287-308
Can children reason the Bayesian way? We argue that the answer to this question depends on how numbers are represented, because a representation can do part of the computation. We test, for the first time, whether Bayesian reasoning can be elicited in children by means of natural frequencies. We show that when information was presented to fourth, fifth, and sixth graders in terms of probabilities, their ability to estimate the Bayesian posterior probability was zero. Yet when the same information was presented in natural frequencies, Bayesian reasoning showed a steady increase from fourth to sixth grade, reaching an average level of 19, 39, and 53%, respectively, in two studies. Sixth graders' performance with natural frequencies matched the performance of adults with probabilities. But this general increase was accompanied by striking individual differences. More than half of the sixth graders solved most or all problems, whereas one third could not solve a single one. An analysis of the children's responses provides evidence for the use of three non-Bayesian strategies. These follow an overlapping wave model of development and continue to be observed in the minds of adults. More so than adults' probabilistic reasoning, children's reasoning depends on a proper representation of information.  相似文献   
论理学对中国“画气”说的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国画学中以气论画的传统可以追溯到六朝时期,而真正形成具有丰富理论内涵的画气说则在两宋。画气说的形成具有明显的哲学背景,北宋以来的理学思潮是画气说形成的最直接因素。本文认为,理学对画学理论中气论的影响主要集中在三个方面,一是为画气说提供一个有机论的基础,在气机哲学的影响下,中国画学将表现对象活泼生机作为根本目的,这突出体现在山水画和花鸟画中;二是从审美体验角度,中国画学形成了“以气合气”的独特创作思想;三是在绘画艺术形式上,气势论成为一引人注意的理论,六朝时的气韵生动理论获得了新的发展。  相似文献   
二十世纪《四十二章经》研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据史料载,佛教东传始于汉,随之传译入中国最早经籍之一为《四十二章经》-许久以来,此说已为多数国人所共知和认同。然,由于历史久远、史料的缺乏及记载上的出入,学者对于《四十二章经》的真伪遂生质疑,从译者、译地到译本等,迭有議,今犹众说纷纭、莫衷一是。此问题攸关佛教始传中国的时间、途径与中外交流等重大历史事件,故而,辨析此经之真伪实属必要。兹事体大,含涉面广,必须对经文的文体、内容和相关史料记载的可信度详加审虑,并结合时代背景,作全面的考量。本文即是对百年来的这方面研究作一介绍与综述。  相似文献   
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