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Social science researchers have increasingly come to utilize Amazon's Mechanical Turk (MTurk) to obtain adult, opt‐in samples for use with experiments. Based on the demographic characteristics of MTurk samples, studies have provided some support for the representativeness of MTurk. Others have warranted caution based on demographic characteristics and comparisons of reliability. Yet, what is missing is an examination of the most glaring demographic difference in MTurk—religion. We compare five MTurk samples with a student convenience sample and the 2012 General Social Survey, finding that MTurk samples have a consistent bias toward nonreligion. MTurk surveys significantly overrepresent seculars and underrepresent Catholics and evangelical Protestants. We then compare the religiosity of religious identifiers across samples as well as relationships between religiosity and partisanship, finding many similarities and a few important differences from the general population.  相似文献   
吴震 《现代哲学》2020,(3):118-129
16世纪晚明心学时代的李贽,是一个颇有争议性的人物,至今一直如此。时人称他"背叛孔孟""名教罪人",近人则以为他是"启蒙英雄",是前近代中国启蒙思想运动的一面旗帜。其实,这两种看法都过高估计了李贽思想的历史地位。历史真相也许是李贽只是晚明时代的悲剧性人物,其性格乖张、言论刻薄、愤世嫉俗,故难以容人;其思想承续了阳明学的批判性精神,与泰州学派推动的儒学世俗化运动的时代气息比较契合;然其学说思想缺乏理论系统性,不宜过分夸大其思想对社会的影响。若认定李贽是反传统的思想英雄,显然是源自现代性的观念预设或"启蒙情结",而非是真实的历史判断。若认为李贽思想作历史定位,则可说其近承王畿、远绍阳明、学主童心、融通三教。  相似文献   
东南亚那珈信仰的起源与嬗变——语言民族学视角的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东南亚那珈信仰主要见于泰、老、柬、缅四国,是印度河城市文明传播时期,中南半岛与古印度两地蛇崇拜文化交流的结果.在后继的印度宗教文明的冲击下,东南亚那珈信仰发生嬗变,在婆罗门教占统治地位时,得到较大程度的保留;当南传佛教取得正统地位后,那珈信仰大大退化但没有消失.  相似文献   
Humans regularly pursue activities characterized by dramatic success or failure outcomes where, critically, the chances of success depend on the time invested working toward it. How should people allocate time between such make‐or‐break challenges and safe alternatives, where rewards are more predictable (e.g., linear) functions of performance? We present a formal framework for studying time allocation between these two types of activities, and we explore optimal behavior in both one‐shot and dynamic versions of the problem. In the one‐shot version, we illustrate striking discontinuities in the optimal time allocation policy as we gradually change the parameters of the decision‐making problem. In the dynamic version, we formulate the optimal strategy—defined by a giving‐up threshold—which adaptively dictates when people should stop pursuing the make‐or‐break goal. We then show that this strategy is computationally inaccessible for humans, and we explore boundedly rational alternatives. We compare the performance of the optimal model against (a) a myopic giving‐up threshold that is easier to compute, and even simpler heuristic strategies that either (b) only decide whether or not to start pursuing the goal and never give up or (c) consider giving up at a fixed number of control points. Comparing strategies across environments, we investigate the cost and behavioral implications of sidestepping the computational burden of full rationality.  相似文献   
伏俊琏  龚心怡 《法音》2020,(5):45-49
<正>一、《心海集》写本情况及内容《心海集》(S.3016、S.2295)是唐代流传于敦煌地区的禅诗集,也是敦煌禅宗诗偈中篇幅最为浩繁的集子。诗的主旨为劝人修道成佛,通篇语言质朴无华,写的都是如何参禅,如何精修,如何成佛。它是一部已经散佚的唐代佛教诗歌集,唐宋以来的公私书目均未著录,仅存于敦煌写本S.3016与S.2295。其作者和编纂者,亦都不可考。S.3016写本首全尾缺,双面书写,现规格为25.5×255.5cm。由六张纸粘合而成,先粘后写。正面抄写《太上元阳经第十》,有尾题,首残尾缺,正  相似文献   
采用序列学习的研究范式,对大中小学生的序列反应时和序列生成成绩进行测量,结果表明:(1)大中小学生均能在序列学习中获得序列规则。(2)采用比例测量方法,大中小学生的序列反应时无显著差异。(3)大中小学生的序列生成成绩是不同的,包含成绩随着年级升高而上升,排除成绩则不随年级变化;小学生包含和排除成绩无显著差异,而中学生和大学生的差异逐渐加大。说明序列学习的意识成分随年级的升高而增加。  相似文献   
对儿童认知发展水平诊断工具IPDT的信度效度检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
修订了以皮亚杰认知发展理论为基础的儿童认知发展诊断工具IPDT的信度效度资料,在390名北京小学生样本中的修订结果表明,该测验具有稳定的信度、良好的效度、适当的难度和理想的区分度,适合作为小学生认知发展诊断工具。对应用的范围、存在的问题和未来的研究需要进行了讨论。  相似文献   
本工作以50名青年作对照,对240名65—90岁正常老人的短时记忆特点进行了研究。结果看到:1.在逻辑故事记忆、图象自由回忆、数字广度和指向记忆四项记忆成绩上,均有随年老而衰退的明显趋势。其中除数字广度外,其他三项记忆在入老年后(65岁至90岁)有继续减退的趋势。在逻辑故事、指向记忆和总分上还见到有65岁和70岁组、75岁和80岁组成绩接近的现象;2.老年人顺背数字成绩较好,对刺激序列中末端刺激的正确回忆率较高,均说明老年人的初级记忆受损较少;3.四项记忆成绩比较,青年组故事分节分最高,然后依次为图象自由回忆、顺背数字和指向记忆,而老年组则无此明显顺序;4.文化因素对记忆成绩有明显影响。  相似文献   
大量的研究表明心理理论和语言之间存在着密切的关系,但具体关系如何,一直存在争议。文章介绍了心理理论和语言关系的新近研究,着重阐述了目前关于二者关系的两种观点: (1)心理理论和语言发展之间不仅是早期揭示的一般相关关系,而是可能存在着因果关系——或以语言为因,或以心理理论为因;(2)心理理论和语言都受第三种因素影响,如执行功能和生长环境,但这些因素是究竟如何影响心理理论和语言发展的,还需深入探讨。文章最后对该领域今后的研究提出了新的见解和思路,包括对不同语言能力间的比较研究,对二者关系的跨文化研究和毕生取向研究等  相似文献   
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