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Л.С.维果茨基关于高级心理机能的理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚浩然 《心理学报》1985,18(1):17-24
维果茨基(1896—1934)是苏联建国初期杰出的马克思主义心理学家,维列鲁学派的创始人,他所提出的关于高级心理机能理论是这个学派的理论基石。这个学派认为,高级心理机能是人的心理的最本质的表现形式,人的心理之所以不同于动物,就是因为人具有着一切动物所没有的高级心理机能。 本文分析了高级心理机能理论产生的时代背景,说明维果茨基如何旗帜鲜明地与当时心理学界中形形色色的唯心主义和机械主义立场的斗争中产生这一学说,同时具体阐明高级心理机能理论的杜会起源的思想、中介理论以及高级心理机能的皮层定位等问题。 文章还对维果茨基的理论贡献以及高级心理机能理论的不足之处提出了作者的看法。  相似文献   
通过研究左前额叶在非相关同对的语义编码过程中的作用,探讨近红外光学成像技术用于脑高级认知活动检测的可行性。被试在两种实验条件下分别学习视觉呈现的20个汉字非相关词对,要求被试或将词对组成一个有意义的句子(深加工),或判断两个词是否具有相同的结构组合(浅加工)。光学成像器即时记录连续光透过额骨及前额皮层后760nm和850nm的漫射光强变化,以此推测相应脑组织的血容量变化。结果表明,与浅加工相比,左下前额叶在深加工时的血容量增多,尤其是背外侧部分。  相似文献   
Quality of life and positive psychological variables has become a focus of concern in patients with renal carcinoma. However, the integrative effects of positive psychological variables on the illness have seldom been reported. The aims of this study were to evaluate the quality of life and the integrative effects of hope, resilience and optimism on the quality of life among Chinese renal carcinoma patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the First Hospital of China Medical University. 284 participants completed questionnaires consisting of demographic and clinical characteristics, EORTC QLQ-C30, Adult Hope Scale, Resilience Scale-14 and Life Orientation Scale-Revised from July 2013 to July 2014. Pearson’s correlation and hierarchical regression analyses were performed to explore the effects of related factors. Hope, resilience and optimism were significantly associated with quality of life. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that hope, resilience and optimism as a whole accounted for 9.8, 24.4 and 21.9% of the variance in the global health status, functioning status and symptom status, respectively. The low level of quality of life for Chinese renal carcinoma patients should receive more attention from Chinese medical institutions. Psychological interventions to increase hope, resilience and optimism may be essential to enhancing the quality of life of Chinese cancer patients.  相似文献   
The acquisition of language involves the functional specialization of several cortical regions. Connectivity between these brain regions may also change with the development of language. Various studies have demonstrated that the arcuate fasciculus was essential for language function. Vocabulary learning is one of the most important skills in language acquisition. In the present longitudinal study, we explored the influence of vocabulary development on the anatomical properties of the arcuate fasciculus. Seventy‐nine Chinese children participated in this study. Between age 4 and age 10, they were administered the same vocabulary task repeatedly. Following a previous study, children's vocabulary developmental trajectories were clustered into three subgroups (consistently good, catch‐up, consistently poor). At age 14, diffusion tensor imaging data were collected. Using ROI‐based tractography, the anterior, posterior and direct segments of the bilateral arcuate fasciculus were delineated in each child's native space. Group comparisons showed a significantly reduced fractional anisotropy in the left arcuate fasciculus of children in the consistently poor group, in particular in the posterior and direct segments of the arcuate fasciculus. No group differences were observed in the right hemisphere, nor in the left anterior segment. Further regression analyses showed that the rate of vocabulary development, rather than the initial vocabulary size, was a specific predictor of the left arcuate fasciculus connectivity.  相似文献   
Cognitive reflection is the tendency to override an intuitive response so as to engage in the reflection necessary to derive a correct response. Here, we examine the emergence of cognitive reflection in a culture that values nonanalytic thinking styles, Chinese culture. We administered a child-friendly version of the cognitive reflection test, the CRT-D, to 130 adults and 111 school-age children in China and compared performance on the CRT-D to several measures of rational thinking (belief bias syllogisms, base rate sensitivity, denominator neglect, and other-side thinking) and normative thinking dispositions (actively open-minded thinking and need for cognition). The CRT-D was a significant predictor of rational thinking and normative thinking dispositions in both children and adults, as previously found in American samples. Adults’ performance on the CRT-D correlated with their performance on the original CRT, and children's performance on the CRT-D predicted rational thinking and normative thinking dispositions even after adjusting for age. These results demonstrate that cognitive reflection, rational thinking, and normative thinking dispositions converge even in a culture that emphasizes holistic, nonanalytic reasoning.  相似文献   
根据英国本地新闻媒体报道,2020年1月位于伦敦的哈罗中央清真寺(Harrow Central Mosque)向诺斯威克公园医院(Northwick Park Hospital)的工作人员捐赠了11,000英镑,这笔捐款将用于有特殊需要的儿童的辅助治疗设备费用。哈罗中央清真寺负责人纳西尔·巴希尔·瓦尔西(Nasir Bashir Warsi)解释了捐赠背后的原因,穆斯林社区必须与大的社会互动,并通过支持哈罗及其周边地区急需的当地服务来表现出穆斯林的善意。  相似文献   
大学生羞怯问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以中国在校大学生为被试.对Henderson的大学生羞怯量表进行修订,并在此基础上进一步探讨在校大学生自尊水平、孤独程度和人际情境觉察能力与大学生羞怯的关系.研究发现,修订后的大学生羞怯量表在中国文化背景下具有较好的信度和效度;大学生羞怯的结构包括:寻求赞成、自责、对拒绝的恐惧和表达的自我限制4个维度;大学生羞怯与自尊及五种人际情境觉察能力呈显著负相关,与孤独呈显著正相关;羞怯、孤独与自尊对人际情境觉察能力有显著的预测作用.  相似文献   
龚建平 《学海》2007,(2):23-32
“亲亲相隐”是儒家“亲亲”思想在有结构性限制或过失的亲属间贯彻仁爱精神,进而促使人格成长的文化与伦理选择。“亲亲”之仁在君统与宗统存在矛盾的宗法社会,是方法与价值相统一的,是人们正当的权利,本身具有增德向善的功能,并不逊色于苏格拉底所从事的哲学“批判”事业。相反,“逻辑”作为方法虽可有利于分析和澄清问题,表述思想,但因本身无价值方向、忽略人格成长过程,不能取代作为终极关怀的“仁道”的地位。如果单纯运用“逻辑”分析方法,抽去了人格成长和修养的内容,可能会得出“亲亲相隐”有腐败倾向的结论,但其也并不足以支持对儒家伦理的基本否定。今天对于象征中国文化之根的儒家伦理更需从积极的一面来理解。  相似文献   
今年,世界自然科学界出了一件大案子,就是韩国汉城大学黄禹锡发表在美国权威的《科学》杂志上的一篇论文被揭露出来实验材料和数据有假。此案已经尘埃落地。论文已由杂志宣布撤销,黄禹锡已被汉城大学宣布撤职,黄自己也已公开向公众道歉。一度被认为是一项重大的科学发观、科学创造,结果被查出来是一场骗局!这骗局,属于邹承鲁院士提出第一类学术不端行为:“伪造或篡改原始实验数据”。这是最严重的、危害最大的学术不  相似文献   
齐国立国800余年,曾为春秋五霸之首,战国七雄之一,与秦并称东西二帝,晚于其他诸侯国而亡,应该说历经姜太公、齐桓公、齐威王、齐宣王创立和形成的齐文化有着不可忽视的作用,而人本文化则是齐文化的支撑点。  相似文献   
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