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Background. Boredom has been found to be an important emotion for students' learning processes and achievement outcomes; however, the precursors of this emotion remain largely unexplored. Aim. In the current study, scales assessing the precursors to boredom in academic achievement settings were developed and tested. Sample. Participants were 1,380 grade 5–10 students in mathematics classes. Method. The Precursors to Boredom Scales were tested for structural and convergent validity with multi‐level confirmatory factor analyses (ML‐CFA), and differences in the perception of the precursors of boredom due to gender were investigated. Results. The first ML‐CFA found support for the structural validity of the Precursors to Boredom Scales. In a second ML‐CFA, the newly developed boredom scales showed good convergent validity with several key aspects of instructional quality. Finally, the results supported previous research that found no gender differences in academic self‐concept and interest. Conclusion. The precursors contained in our scales are empirically separable. Implications of the current findings for research on boredom among students are discussed.  相似文献   
The focus of this study is on everyday positive emotions and their relations to critical appraisal antecedents. Following from classical appraisal theory and Pekrun’s (2006) control-value theory of achievement emotions, two research questions were addressed, namely whether cognitive appraisals of control and value were related to discrete positive emotions in everyday situations and whether control and value antecedents interact in predicting these emotions. We further investigated whether control/value and positive emotion relations changed as a function of situational factors (achievement vs. non-achievement settings). 50 university freshmen (78% female) were assessed by use of the experience sampling method for a period of 1 week, with intraindividual analyses conducted using a multilevel, idiographic approach. Consistent with our hypotheses, the emotions of enjoyment, pride, and contentment were positively related to control and value appraisals. Further, control and value interacted to predict these positive emotions. The strength of appraisal/positive emotion relations was equivalent across achievement vs. non-achievement settings. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
We report two studies examining the relations among three paired-associate learning (PAL) tasks (visual-visual, verbal-verbal, and visual-verbal), phoneme deletion, and single-word and nonword reading ability. Correlations between the PAL tasks and reading were strongest for the visual-verbal task. Path analyses showed that both phoneme deletion and visual-verbal PAL were unique predictors of a composite measure of single-word reading and of irregular word reading. However, for nonword reading, phoneme deletion was the only unique predictor (and visual-verbal PAL was not a significant predictor). These results are consistent with the view that learning visual (orthography) to phonological mappings is an important skill for developing word recognition skills in reading and that individual differences in this ability can be tapped experimentally by a PAL task.  相似文献   
Recent research on Parkinson's disease (PD) suggests that executive functions are impaired but that visuospatial functions may be spared. This dissociation has been attributed to dysfunction in ascending dopaminergic pathways affecting the prefrontal cortex. We investigated these ideas in a sample of intellectually intact patients with idiopathic, optimally treated PD (N = 20) and in spouse controls (N = 15); the groups were divided into young (age < 60) and old subgroups, each comparable on education, vocabulary level, and Mini-Mental State scores. Six tasks were selected from a set of factor-referenced cognitive tests to measure three abilities: (1) ideational fluency (ability to generate ideas), (2) flexibility of use (ability to shift mental set), and (3) spatial orientation (ability to perceive spatial patterns). PD patients were impaired only on the ideational fluency factor (p = .01). An age-related deficit was seen on the spatial factor (p < .05) with a trend on the flexibility factor (.05 < p < .10). No interactions were significant. The findings suggest that when age and verbal intelligence are controlled, PD patients show no deficit on purely spatial tasks; in contrast, patients seem less able to generate ideas though capable of shifting from one idea to another.  相似文献   
We investigated the long-term effects of posteroventral pallidotomy on tests sensitive to the functional integrity of frontostriatal neural systems in a sample of 11 patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). Patients were assessed within 1 month prior to surgery and at 12 months following pallidotomy. Changes in outcome measures were compared to a control sample of equally performing PD patients receiving nonsurgical medical management assessed over a 12-month period. Measures of cognitive abilities sensitive to frontostriatal functional integrity tested psychomotor processing speed, executive components of working memory, and reasoning. Additional tests of general mental status and semantic memory ability were utilized to assess the specificity of the effect of pallidotomy on cognitive function. Significant declines in performance on all measures sensitive to frontostriatal integrity were found for the surgery group but not the PD control group. No significant changes in performance were found on the measures of general mental status or semantic memory for either the surgery or PD control samples. These results suggest that the posteroventral pallidotomy selectively impairs performance on tests of frontostriatal cognitive abilities.  相似文献   
Smell identification deficits are consistently found in schizophrenia (SZ), but little is known about the nature and characterization of this deficit or its relationship to the phenomenology of the illness. This study aims to further delineate smell identification errors in SZ by examining the relationship of patient demographic differences with smell-identification performance. Our results showed that a patient's gender and education were related to odor-identification scores, with better performance seen in female patients and in those with greater educational attainment. However, there was no effect related to age, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status on odor identification. A smell identification deficit was also unrelated to clinical characteristics of the patients, including age at first hospitalization, number of psychiatric hospitalizations, and duration of illness. Odor identification also did not differ by SZ subtype, nor between SZ and schizoaffective disorder patients. These findings emphasize that odor identification deficits in SZ are unrelated to clinical illness features, cannot be explained by other confounds related to olfaction in the general population, and may be core features related to the SZ disease process.  相似文献   
Anger can play an important role in depression and suicide risk among adolescents. The present study evaluated internalized and externalized anger in 92 adolescent psychiatric inpatients. Results indicated that adolescents who internalized their anger were more likely to be depressed and to experience feelings of hopelessness. In addition, adolescents who internalized their anger made more serious suicide attempts than did those who externalized their anger. In contrast, adolescents who externalized their anger were more likely to have alcohol-related problems. Thus, different modes of anger expression appear to be related to different manifestations of psychopathology. It was concluded that assessment of mode of anger expression in adolescents may enhance our understanding of suicide and its risk factors.  相似文献   
Sperm competition occurs when the sperm of multiple males concurrently occupy the reproductive tract of a female and compete to fertilize an egg. We used a questionnaire to investigate psychological responses to the risk of sperm competition for 237 men in committed, sexual relationships. As predicted, a man who spends a greater (relative to a man who spends a lesser) proportion of time apart from his partner since the couple's last copulation reported (a) greater sexual interest in his partner, (b) greater distress in response to his partner's sexual rejection, and (c) greater sexual persistence in response to his partner's sexual rejection. All effects were independent of total time since the couple's last copulation and the man's relationship satisfaction. Discussion addresses limitations of the current research and situates the current results within the broader comparative literature on adaptation to sperm competition.  相似文献   
This paper models God and time in the framework of modern physics. God bridges and simultaneously exists in (1) a universe with infinite tenseless time and (2) a created parallel universe with tensed time and a point origin. The primary attributes of God are inexhaustible love, inexhaustible perception, and inexhaustible force. The model also incorporates modern physics theories that include relativity, the conservation of energy, quantum mechanics, and multiverse geometry. For example, creation out of nothing and divine intervention are subject to physical processes and likewise nomological possibility. I will call this model semiclassical theism.  相似文献   
Recent research has implicated relationships between emotion dysregulation and obsessions. Evidence suggests low distress tolerance and greater tendency to act impulsively in the face of negative affect (or negative urgency) are strongly related to obsessions. The current study sought to examine the unique and interactive roles of distress tolerance and negative urgency in the prediction of obsessions. A large non-clinical sample (N = 238) was administered a range of self-report measures. Results revealed that both poor distress tolerance and greater negative urgency were uniquely associated with obsessions but not other obsessive-compulsive symptoms, even when controlling for gender, depression, anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder symptoms. Additionally, low distress tolerance and high negative urgency interacted with each other in the prediction of greater obsession symptoms. Overall, the findings help clarify the emerging literature linking emotion dysregulation to obsessions.  相似文献   
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