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Four experiments examined the effects of language characteristics on voice identification. In Experiment 1, monolingual English listeners identified bilinguals' voices much better when they spoke English than when they spoke German. The opposite outcome was found in Experiment 2, in which the listeners were monolingual in German. In Experiment 3, monolingual English listeners also showed better voice identification when bilinguals spoke a familiar language (English) than when they spoke an unfamiliar one (Spanish). However, English-Spanish bilinguals hearing the same voices showed a different pattern, with the English-Spanish difference being statistically eliminated. Finally, Experiment 4 demonstrated that, for English-dominant listeners, voice recognition deteriorates systematically as the passage being spoken is made less similar to English by rearranging words, rearranging syllables, and reversing normal text. Taken together, the four experiments confirm that language familiarity plays an important role in voice identification.  相似文献   
One of the major reasons for the success of answer set programmingin recent years was the shift from a theorem proving to a constraintprogramming view: problems are represented such that stablemodels, respectively answer sets, rather than theorems correspondto solutions. This shift in perspective proved extremely fruitfulin many areas. We believe that going one step further from a"hard" to a "soft" constraint programming paradigm, or, in otherwords, to a paradigm of qualitative optimization, will proveequally fruitful. In this paper we try to support this claimby showing that several generic problems in logic based problemsolving can be understood as qualitative optimization problems,and that these problems have simple and elegant formulationsgiven adequate optimization constructs in the knowledge representationlanguage.  相似文献   
The prevalence of suicide risk factors and attitudes about suicide and help-seeking among New York and Viennese adolescents were compared in order to explore possible cross-cultural differences. Viennese adolescents exhibited higher rates of depressive symptomatology than their New York counterparts and had more first-hand experience with suicidal peers. More attribution of suicide to mental illness was reported in Vienna; yet Viennese youth were less likely than New York adolescents to recognize the seriousness of suicide threats. Help-seeking patterns of Viennese adolescents were influenced by their setting a high value on confidentiality. These cross-cultural differences may reflect the limited exposure of Austrian youth to school-based suicide prevention programs. The findings highlight the need of taking the sociocultural context into consideration in the planning of youth suicide prevention strategies.  相似文献   
A recent theory suggests that the agency facet of Extraversion (E) is based on brain dopamine (DA). The paucity of human data relevant to this model is probably due to the lack of widely accessible noninvasive psychophysiological indices and well-established behavioral measures sensitive to both E and manipulations of DA activity. Aiming to identify such measures, the authors assessed the electroencephalogram and n-back task performance in groups of introverts and extraverts after administration of either placebo or a selective DA D2 receptor antagonist. As predicted, the antagonist's effects on n-back reaction time measures and frontal versus parietal electroencephalogram theta activity were strongly and specifically modulated by E. New research avenues and theoretical extensions suggested by these results are discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Somatisierung meint die Erfahrung und den Bericht von k?rperlichen Beschwerden, für die kein hinreichender medizinischer Befund vorliegt, verbunden mit einem hohen Ausma? von organ-medizinischer Hilfesuche. Gegenüber früheren Definitionen, die st?rker auf psychosoziale Faktoren bei der Somatisierung abheben, wird gegenw?rtig eine ausschlie?lich beschreibende Begriffsfestlegung bevorzugt. Somatisierung liegt als Normenvariante bis zur schweren pathologischen Auspr?gung vor. Die ICD-10 fa?t sehr heterogene Krankheitsbilder von Somatisierung in der Klasse der somatoformen St?rungen zusammen. Fraglich ist, ob Somatisierung eher als Proze? denn als diskrete Krankheitseinheit zu konzeptualisieren ist. Somatisierung enth?lt drei Komponenten: Auf der Wahrnehmungsebene erh?hte Sensibilit?t gegenüber K?rpersensationen (“somatosensorische Amplifikation”), auf der Erlebensebene negative Affekte in Form von psychischem und somatischen Distre?erleben, auf der Verhaltensebene inad?quate Inanspruchnahme der Gesundheitsressourcen (“abnormes Krankheitsverhalten”). Trotz z. T. vielversprechender Behandlungsvorschl?te unter verhaltenstherapeutischer, psychodynamischer und psychoedukativer Orientierung erscheint die Prognose von Somatisierung bisher wenig günstig. Es gibt Hinweise, da? der Sicherung der therapeutischen Beziehung besondere Bedeutung für den Behandlungserfolg zukommt.   相似文献   
Gerhard Schurz 《Erkenntnis》1982,17(3):321-347
The present paper first shows that the validity of deductive-nomological (D-N) explanations (systematizations) depends in general on the interpretation context of the predicates involved in the explanation. Therefore, no logical-semantical model can be adequate. This problem is solved by relativisation of the validity criteria on both the confirmation context and the definition context of the premisses. Based upon this, a logical-pragmatical model of D-N explanation is developed. Thereby, especially explanations of laws and global explanations are taken into consideration, since these can be regarded as prototypes of scientific explanation.

Diese Arbeit basiert auf einer Dissertation. Prof. Haller, dem Dissertationsleiter, sowie Prof. Lehrer und Prof. Körner seien für viele Anregungen gedankt.  相似文献   
In a study spanning 5 years, data were collected on the aggressiveness of over 1,700 male and female subjects. Subjects who were the more aggressive grade 8 (standard 6) pupils at the beginning of the study were discovered to be the more aggressive grade 12 (standard 10) pupils. It is concluded that, whatever its causes, aggression can be viewed as a persistent trait that may be influenced by situational variables but reveals substantial consistency over time. The findings of studies by Huesmann and Eron in the United States as well as Olweus in Scandinavia were thus supported in this South African investigation.  相似文献   
Consider a multivariate context withp variates andk independent samples, each of sizen. To test equality of thek population covariance matrices, the likelihood ratio test is commonly employed. Box'sF-approximation to the null distribution of the test statistic can be used to computep-values, if sample sizes are not too small. It is suggested to regard theF-approximation as accurate if the sample sizesn are greater than or equal to 1+0.0613p 2+2.7265p-1.4182p 0.5+0.235p 1.4* In (k), for 5p30,k20.This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through Ste 405/2-1.  相似文献   
A comprehensive model for describing various forms of developments in science is defined in precise, set-theoretic terms, and in the spirit of the structuralist approach in the philosophy of science. The model emends previous accounts in centering on single systems in a homogenous way, eliminating notions which essentially refer to sets of systems. This is achieved by eliminating the distinction between theoretical and non-theoretical terms as a primitive, and by introducing the notion of intended links. The force of the model is demonstrated by formally incorporating many of the important, precise meta-theoretic concepts occurring in the literature.This paper was written under DFG project Ba 678/3-2.  相似文献   
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