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基于心理学的研究, 自由家长主义者认为人们的思维有个体难以克服的、根深蒂固的系统性缺陷, 并难以通过教育来避免和消除, 因此主张因势利导, 仰仗外部专家的“助推”把人们的行为引导到正确方向。然而, 从生态理性的角度看, 人们依照自由家长主义者所谓的认知偏差做出的选择未必导致糟糕的结果, 而依照自由家长主义者所推崇的理性方法做出的选择也未必导致理想的结果。本文分析了自由家长主义者用来支持助推的证据后发现:(1)它们源于一些研究者对“何为理性”的狭隘定义, 误解了人类理性的本质; (2)它们对研究结果进行了选择性的报告, 忽视了与这些证据相反的证据。通过这些分析, 我们认为“人非理性且难教化”这一自由家长主义者的论断过于武断并有失偏颇。投入教育, 教会人们如何精明老练地处理风险不仅是可行的, 而且是替代助推的一个更为持久有效的解决方案。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung. Ein Vergleich von 94 Erstberichten der analytischen Psychotherapie und 339 Erstberichten zur tiefenpsychologisch fundierten Psychotherapie im Rahmen der Richtlinienpsychotherapie mit Hilfe der Gutachtenkriterienliste (Rudolf et al. 2002) zeigt in beiden Verfahren sehr ?hnliche Quoten der gutachterlichen Befürwortung oder Nichtbefürwortung. Vergleichbares gilt für eine Gegenüberstellung von 61 analytischen und 147 tiefenpsychologisch fundierten Fortführungsberichten. Zweifel und Bedenken der Gutachter, die sich jedoch nicht auf die Entscheidung von Befürwortung/Nichtbefürwortung der Kostenübernahme auswirken, betreffen in der tiefenpsychologisch fundierten Psychotherapie Merkmale der prognostischen Einsch?tzung bezüglich des gew?hlten Verfahrens und der erkrankten Pers?nlichkeit sowie das Thema der Differentialindikation; bei Fortführungsberichten gelten die Zweifel der bearbeiteten Konfliktdynamik und prognostischen Einsch?tzung. Eine Ungleichbehandlung der beiden Verfahren durch die Gutachter kann aus diesen Daten nicht abgeleitet werden. In der Richtlinienpsychotherapie begründen die Therapeuten den Antrag der Patienten auf Psychotherapie durch einen ausführlichen anonymisierten Bericht über die Erkrankung der Patienten und die geplante Behandlung.
Comparison of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic expertizes
Summary. On the basis of the criteria for expertizes (Rudof et al. 2002) we compared 94 therapy recommendations after the first assessment for psychoanalytic and 339 first recommendations for psychodynamic therapy, corresponding the psychotherapy guidelines. We found very similar proportions of approving and disapproving psychotherapy. The same result was found when comparing 61 psychoanalytic and 147 psychodynamic reports in the course of the therapies. Doubts and reservations of experts in the case of psychodynamic psychotherapy are first of all related to prognostic assessment of the chosen method and of the disturbed personality including the topic of differential indication. Expertizes about the course of therapies include first of all results about the dynamics of the conflict and prognostics. Our results do not support the opinion, that experts would make a difference along the two methods.

Anschrift: Prof. Dr. med. G. Rudolf, Psychosomatische Universit?tsklinik, Thibautstra?e 2, 69115 Heidelberg, E-Mail: gerd_rudolf@med.uni-heidelberg.de  相似文献   
Dread risk, September 11, and fatal traffic accidents   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Abstract— People tend to fear dread risks, that is, low-probability, high-consequence events, such as the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. If Americans avoided the dread risk of flying after the attack and instead drove some of the unflown miles, one would expect an increase in traffic fatalities. This hypothesis was tested by analyzing data from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the 3 months following September 11. The analysis suggests that the number of Americans who lost their lives on the road by avoiding the risk of flying was higher than the total number of passengers killed on the four fatal flights. I conclude that informing the public about psychological research concerning dread risks could possibly save lives.  相似文献   
Processing strategies in risk assessment were studied in an Internet experiment. Women (N = 399) who were either low or high in rape myth acceptance (RMA) were asked to recall either two or six behaviors that either increase or decrease the risk of being sexually assaulted. Later they judged their personal vulnerability to sexual assault under either no time pressure (no response deadline) or time pressure (response deadline of 5 s). Without time pressure, the results were opposite to previous research: Women low in RMA relied on ease of recall and reported higher vulnerability after recalling few rather than many risk increasing behaviors, or many rather than few risk-decreasing behaviors; women high in RMA relied on the amount of information recalled, which resulted in an opposite pattern of vulnerability judgments. No influences of ease of recall or amount recalled on vulnerability judgments were detected under time pressure.  相似文献   
Using an automated learning device, we investigated "learning to learn" by dwarf goats (Capra hircus) in what was for them a familiar environment and normal social settings. Nine problems, each consisting of four discriminable black symbols, each with one S-super+ and three different S-super(-), were presented on a computer screen. Mean daily learning success improved over the course of the first four problems, and the improvement was maintained throughout the remaining five problems. The number of trials to reach the learning criterion decreased significantly beginning with problem four. Such results may be interpreted as evidence that the goats were developing a learning set. In the present case, the learning set appeared to have two components. One involved gaining familiarity and apparent understanding of the learning device and the basic requirements of the discrimination task. The second component involved learning potential error factors to be ignored, as well as learning commonalities that carried over from one problem to the next. Among the error factors, evidence of apparent preferences for specific symbols was seen, which had a predictable effect on performances.  相似文献   
An assessment of the influence which Max Weber's writings had on the growth of German sociology after World War I. The author isolates those themes which were of major importance during the Weimar Republic: the concern with social integration; the shattered faith in reason; and the attempt to create a uniquely “German” sociology. It becomes clear that neither Weber's conception of sociology nor his methodological formulations had much impact on the next generation. These findings can be accounted for in three different ways: (1) that he died too early; (2) that German sociology lacked the necessary institutionalization; or (3) that there was a reorientation in scholarship following World War I, which Weber's opus could not bridge.  相似文献   
Men's rape myth acceptance (RMA; prejudiced beliefs that serve to exonerate the rapist and blame the victim) has been shown to correlate positively with self-reported rape proclivity (RP). To explore the causal pathway underlying this correlation, two experiments were conducted in which the relative cognitive accessibility of RMA and RP was varied. Male students were asked to report their RP in the context of a scale assessing attraction toward sexual aggression (Experiment 1) or in response to five realistic date-rape scenarios (Experiment 2), either before or after they filled out a 20-item RMA scale. In both studies, the correlation of RMA and RP was significantly greater in the after than in the before condition, suggesting that the belief in rape myths has a causal influence on men's proclivity to rape. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The recognition heuristic is a noncompensatory strategy for inferring which of two alternatives, one recognized and the other not, scores higher on a criterion. According to it, such inferences are based solely on recognition. We generalize this heuristic to tasks with multiple alternatives, proposing a model of how people identify the consideration sets from which they make their final decisions. In doing so, we address concerns about the heuristic’s adequacy as a model of behavior: Past experiments have led several authors to conclude that there is no evidence for a noncompensatory use of recognition but clear evidence that recognition is integrated with other information. Surprisingly, however, in no study was this competing hypothesis—the compensatory integration of recognition—formally specified as a computational model. In four studies, we specify five competing models, conducting eight model comparisons. In these model comparisons, the recognition heuristic emerges as the best predictor of people’s inferences.  相似文献   
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