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Biomedical factors (hypertension, abnormal lipid metabolism, clotting factors) and behavioural factors (cigarette smoking, alcohol, fat intake) are established risk factors for ischaemic heart disease (IHD). Accumulating evidence suggests that psychosocial factors (e.g. type A behaviour, interpersonal relations and personality) also exert some influence. These factors seem to account for about 3% of the variance in IHD over and above the traditional risk factors [[Reference to Amelang, M. (1997)]. Using personality variables to predict cancer and heart disease. European Journal of Personality, 11, 319–342.] Grossarth-Maticek and colleagues have, in three prospective longitudinal studies, found that a particular type of coping in interpersonal relations (type II) predicted death from IHD over 10–15 years. The effect sizes have been of a magnitude far exceeding those reported in similar studies. This paper reports results from a cross-sectional, population-based, mailed questionnaire survey (N=5014). Using logistic regression, we did not find a significant relation between type II and myocardial infarction, when controlling for age, IHD in the family, diet, job stress and health complaints. Type II, however, had an effect on health complaints when controlling for age, IHD in the family, and job stress. A path model including an indirect effect from type II to IHD via health complaints explained 23 and 44% of the variance in health complaints and IHD, respectively. A possible explanation for results showing that type II significantly affects IHD may be that smoking is the core factor in such a way that type II is related to health complaints and smoking.  相似文献   
We examined how positive and negative reinforcement influenced time allocation, occurrence of problem behavior, and completion of parent instructions during a concurrent choice assessment with 2 preschool-aged children who displayed severe problem behavior in their homes. The children were given a series of concurrent choice options that varied availability of parent attention, access to preferred toys, and presentation of parent instructions. The results showed that both children consistently allocated their time to choice areas that included parent attention when no instructions were presented. When parent attention choice areas included the presentation of instructions, the children displayed differential patterns of behavior that appeared to be influenced by the presence or absence of preferred toys. The results extended previous applications of reinforcer assessment procedures by analyzing the relative influence of both positive and negative reinforcement within a concurrent-operants paradigm.  相似文献   
In the first twin study of the old-old, individuals 80 years old and older, we examined the relationship between general and specific cognitive abilities from a genetic perspective. That is, we examined the extent to which genetic and environmental factors influence major group factors of cognitive abilities, independent of general cognitive ability. As part of the OctoTwin project in Sweden, general and specific cognitive abilities were assessed in 52 monozygotic and 65 same-sex dizygotic twin pairs 80 years old and older using a battery of seven tests that assess verbal, spatial, speed-of-processing, and memory performance. Results suggest that genetic effects associated with general cognitive ability ( g ) account for the correlation between g and verbal, spatial, and speed-of-processing abilities. No genetic influences were found for these specific cognitive abilities separate from g . In contrast, memory ability appears to be more distinct genetically from g than are other cognitive abilities. Comparison with younger samples suggests that cognitive abilities relating to speed of processing may be genetically dedifferentiated in the old-old.  相似文献   
A visually reinforced operant paradigm was employed to examine the relationship between the difference limen (DL) for intensity and level of the standard during infancy. In Experiment 1,7-month-old infants and adults detected increments in continuous noise presented via headphones at each of four levels ranging from 28 to 58 dB SPL. Noise stimuli were 2-octave bands centered at either 400 or 4000 Hz, and increments were 10 and 100 msec in duration. Infants’ DLs were significantly larger than those of adult subjects and significantly larger for low- than for high-frequency stimuli. For the high-frequency noise band, infants’ DLs were generally consistent with Weber’s law,remaining essentially constant for standards higher than 28 dB SPL (3 dB SL) for 100-msec increments and 38 dB SPL (13 dB SL) for 10-msec increments. For low-frequency noise, infants’ absolute thresholds were exceptionally high, and sensation levels of the standards were too low to adequately describe the relationship. In Ex-periment 2, 7-month-old infants detected 10- and 100-msec increments in 400-Hz noise stimuli presented in sound field. Infants’ low-frequency DLs were large at low intensities and decreased with increases in level of the standard up to at least 30 dB SL. For both low- and high-frequency noise, the difference between DLs for 10- and 100-msec increments tended to be large at low levels of the standard and to decrease at higher levels. These results suggest that the relationship between the DL and level of the standard varies with both stimulus frequency and duration during infancy. However, stimulus-dependent immaturities in increment detection may be most evident at levels within approximately 30 dB of absolute threshold.  相似文献   
Previous experimental research on the effects of incorrect intensity expectations of aversive events can be criticized because intensity expectations were not manipulated independently from changes in objective intensity. The present study aims at investigating the effects of incorrect intensity expectations on the immediate and later responses to a painful stimulus, and on the acquisition of anticipatory responses, with proper experimental control. Subjects (n = 62) received 20 painful stimuli of varying intensity. In the control group intensities were correctly signalled on all trials by an analogue signal. On 3 trials the signal was too large in the overprediction condition, and too small in the underestimation condition. Underpredicted painful experiences were related to subsequent higher pain responses on the physiological level, but not on the subjective level; and to increased anticipatory responses (increased pain expectations, uncertainty, subjective fear, skin conductance responses). Skin conductance level also indicated increased fear after underpredicted experiences. Overpredicted painful experiences were related to a faster decrease in subjective fear compared to the control group, but did not influence other variables. The findings support the notion that underpredictions contribute to the acquistion of fear and disrupt habituation processes. The asymmetrical processing of the two kinds of incorrectly predicted experiences is discussed.  相似文献   
A visually reinforced operant procedure was employed to determine the behavioral thresholds of 6- to 7-month-old infants and adults for stimuli of various bandwidths and durations. Experiment 1 compared absolute thresholds for broadband and 1/3-octavefiltered clicks and 300-msec noise bursts. For adult subjects, the difference in threshold for clicks and noise bursts was -quite comparable in the two bandwidth conditions, but infants’ click-noise threshold differences were significantly larger for broadband than for 1/3-octave stimuli. In Experiment 2, 2-point threshold-duration functions were compared for 4-kHz tones and octave-band noise bursts presented in backgrounds of quiet and continuous noise. Infants’ threshold-duration function for octave-band noise bursts was significantly steeper than the comparable adult function in quiet, but not in masking noise. These results suggest that young infants may have particular difficulty detecting low intensity broadband sounds when durations are very short.  相似文献   
This paper argues that pre-departure language requirements for family reunification are unjustified. Such requirements are assumed to safeguard (1) the non-instrumental cultural interests of citizens of the receiving society and (2) the instrumental language interests of both citizens and immigrants, for democratic life and political participation. The paper explores nationalist and multiculturalist arguments for implementing post-arrival integration to ensure a shared public language but contends that such arguments cannot justify pre-departure language requirements. In addition, instrumental language interests for democratic political life fall empirically short and place undue burdens on immigrants. The case of family reunification poses a unique moral problem, given the vital interest in living with one's family. The paper argues that the linguistic interests of the receiving state, in general, do not outweigh the claim to family reunification.  相似文献   
A highly prevalent and relevant situation in which adolescents have to interpret the intentions of others is when they interact with peers. We therefore successfully introduced a new paradigm to measure hostile attribution bias (HAB) and emotional responses to such social interactions and examined how it related to youth's aggressiveness. We presented 881 adolescents (Mage = 14.35 years; SD = 1.23; 48.1% male) with audio fragments of age-mates expressing social comments that varied in content (e.g., what the person says) and tone of voice (e.g., how the person says it). Participants' peers also reported on their aggressiveness. In general, added negativity of content and tone was driving the youth's intent attribution and emotional responses to the comments. In line with the Social Information Processing model, we found more hostile attribution of intent and more negative emotional responses of aggressive youth to ambiguous stimuli. Aggression was also related to more hostile intent attributions when both content and tone were negative. Unlike most studies on HAB, the aggression effects in the current study emerged for girls, but not boys. Implications of these results and future use of the experimental paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   
Psychological characteristics of elderly insomniacs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sixty insomniacs, aged 60 years or over, fulfilling the DSM-IV criteria for primary insomnia, completed a set of questionnaires measuring psychological distress. These included the Sleep Impairment Index (SIM), the Symptom Check List 90-Revised (SCL-90-R), the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20) and the Elders Life Stress Inventory (ELSI). The insomniacs were compared on these measures with two contrast groups, one of elderly good sleepers and one an elderly community sample. As norms were developed for the SCL-90-R and PSWQ, insomniacs were also contrasted with the norm groups on these measures. In general, the results indicated a higher level of psychological distress among insomniacs than among the good sleepers, while there were negligible differences between insomniacs and the community sample on most measures. Overall, elderly insomniacs scored higher on measures of worry compared with the other groups, followed by measures of somatization, obsessive-compulsion and depression. It is concluded that excessive worrying was the most characteristic feature of elderly insomniacs.  相似文献   
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