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Two groups of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) were used to demonstrate classical conditioning in this species and to determine whether the resulting approach response would be that of sign tracking or goal tracking. For cuttlefish in the paired condition, a flashing light was presented at one end of a long tank followed by food dropped into the center of the tank. For cuttlefish in the unpaired condition, food was dropped into the center of the tank either before or after the flashing-light stimulus. Paired cuttlefish oriented to the light, positioned themselves within striking distance, and occasionally attacked the light. Unpaired cuttlefish showed no reliable response to either stimulus. The results demonstrate that cuttlefish are capable of signal learning and that, under the conditions tested, cuttlefish sign tracked. This study begins a comparative analysis of learning in cuttlefish and offers a possible ecological advantage for sign-tracking behavior.  相似文献   
The evaluation of everyday memory (EM) was reviewed and reconceptualized. EM has established new objectives of study and the development of new methods to reach these objectives . At the basic level, this approach has already produced important discoveries and the development of new principles about memory and functioning. At the clinical level, this new area of investigation has resulted in evaluating deficits of EM, which is defined as what daily life functions remain impaired after a deficit pathology has occurred. A type of evaluation has evolved that is oriented toward treatment and extremely useful in designing rehabilitation programs for individuals with alterations in memory.  相似文献   
An analysis of previously reported authoritarianism-situation interactions in the determination of punitiveness suggested that the extent to which target person characteristics or behaviors engage the important ideological content dimensions of the authoritarianism syndrome is a potent mediator of authoritariansim-punitiveness relationships. Support for this analysis was obtained in a jury decisions task in which high authoritarians recommended more severe punishments than did low authoritarians for a defendant accused of incest (p < .01) but not for a defendant accused of child abuse in the course of disciplining a disobedient son or daughter. It was argued that a thorough understanding of authoritarianism-situation interactions as well as other disposition-situation interactions will be achieved only if dispositional variables receive a degree of scrutiny at least equal to that which has recently been recognized as crucial for situational variables.  相似文献   
In the first study subjects were given information about an applicant to graduate school and asked to rate his qualifications. The information experimentally varied (a) whether the school had an affirmative action policy, (b) the ethnicity of the applicant, and (c) whether the applicant was accepted or rejected. Based on Kelley's discussion of the discounting and augmentation principles, it was predicted that the minority applicant would be rated as less qualified when the university was committed to an affirmative action program. The reverse pattern was predicted for the non-minority applicant. The results supported the first prediction but not the second. Experiment 2 was designed to eliminate alternative interpretations of the data and the same results were found. Possible interpretations for the failure of affirmative action in affecting the ratings of nonminority applicants are discussed.  相似文献   
A multiple-baseline technique was used to evaluate generalization effects during articulation training with trainable mentally retarded subjects. Four target words were selected for each subject on the basis of whether the subject could articulate the word correctly when it was modelled but could not articulate the word correctly in response to a picture of it. Five different settings were selected for generalization probing and training for each subject. In Setting 1, Experimenter 1 initiated training sequentially on all four target words for each subject. Other experimenters probed for correct articulation generalization in four other settings. Training was initiated in these four other settings sequentially only if correct responding failed to generalize to a setting. Results indicated that it was necessary to initiate training on at least three of the four selected target words in at least one additional setting with an additional trainer before correct responding generalized to untrained settings.  相似文献   
The training and maintenance of imitative responding has become an important therapeutic process with language-handicapped children, as indicated by Garcia and DeHaven (American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 1974, 79 , 169–178). Typically a training “package” is used, that might entail the use of operant shaping, fading, reinforcement, and punishment techniques designed to increase correct imitation and decrease incorrect responding. Only recently have studies begun to concentrate on the components of these training “packages”. Steinman (Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1970, 3 , 159–167) highlighted the roles played by less conspicuous but functionally important components of these packages. The present study attempted to provide a systematic extension of this work within an applied context. Using subjects who were responding at high levels during an imitation-maintenance procedure, experimenter facial orientation (experimenter's eyes and head oriented towards the subject's face and head), was systematically manipulated for experimentally determined “types” of imitative behavior. Differential responding within these parameters provided an evaluation of facial orientation as a functional component within this training package. Three retarded children participated in the study. Two types of topographically different imitative responses were defined for experimental purposes (“standing” and “sitting”). Each subject progressed through four conditions of the study, which called for the reinforcement of all imitative responses. But during preselected conditions, experimenter facial orientation was removed from the therapeutic package for one of the two topographical types of imitation. Results indicated that imitation of the two topographical types of models was dependent on the presence of experimenter facial orientation within the experimental procedure.  相似文献   
It has been reported that 83%–87% of full-term infants regularly sleep through the night (from midnight to 5 a.m.) by 6 months of age, but there is little information about the sleep patterns of premature infants. The purpose of the current study was to identify maternal perceptions of the sleep patterns of premature infants. Parents of 32 premature infants with birth weight below 1,750 gm and of 13 full-term infants completed a 24-hour sleep record in 30-minute epochs for 1 week at 7 months of chronological (term) or corrected age (premature). Mean birth weight of premature infants was 1,278 ± 340 gm, with a gestational age of 30.4 ± 2.7 weeks. The daily total sleep time, longest sleep segment, frequency of sleep-wake transitions, and percentage of night sleep (8 p.m.–8 a.m.), averaged from the 1-week sleep record and number of night wakenings per week, were used as indicators of sleep patterns. The longest reported sleep segments of premature infants were significantly shorter than those of full-term infants (8.2 ± 2 hours versus 9.6 ± 1 hour, p < 0.01) and the number of night wakenings per week was significantly greater (3.13 ± 3 versus 0.54 ± 7, p < 0.005). Total reported sleep time, percentage of night sleep, and sleep-wake transitions did not differ significantly between premature and full-term infants. However, analysis of feeding events revealed that premature infants received significantly more feedings between midnight and 5 a.m. (M = 0.31 + 3 versus M = 0.06 + 1, p < 0.001). We conclude that sleep pattern diaries kept by parents indicate that premature infants have developed a diurnal sleep rhythm by 7 months corrected age, but they still have shorter sleep segments and they awaken more during the night than term infants.  相似文献   
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - It has been argued that observers perceive actors’ affordances via embodied simulation, that is, first perceiving their own affordance, which serves as a...  相似文献   
This study was designed as a content analysis of 2012–2017 American Counseling Association conference sessions to examine how social justice was presented. Four findings emerged from the qualitative content analysis: (a) rates of social justice sessions varied over time; (b) there were more multicultural sessions than social justice sessions; (c) populations that were addressed least often and most often were identified; and (d) there was a decline in the number of social justice content sessions. Implications are presented.  相似文献   
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