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高松 《现代哲学》2011,(1):80-87
弗雷格认为,句子的断定力真正展现了逻辑学所关心的"真"。并且与语词"真"的冗余论一致,他认为日常语言中缺少与断定力相应的符号。然而,弗雷格却似乎在他所发明的概念文字中为断定力指派了一个特殊的符号:判断杠。本文试图论证,尽管弗雷格直至学术生涯的最后阶段仍然坚持将判断杠保留在其逻辑语言系统之中,但概念文字中的这一设计并不符合他关于逻辑与真之关系的模糊洞见。在论证的关键一步中,我们将借助于胡塞尔关于"信念变异"的学说来澄清"判断"与"断定"之间被弗雷格所忽视的区别。在此基础上,我们最后将简要地提示出对弗雷格关于逻辑与真之关系的模糊洞见进行解读的方向。  相似文献   
We used the composite-face illusion and Navon stimuli to determine the consequences of priming local or global processing on subsequent face recognition. The composite-face illusion reflects the difficulty of ignoring the task-irrelevant half-face while attending the task-relevant half if the half-faces in the composite are aligned. On each trial, participants first matched two Navon stimuli, attending to either the global or the local level, and then matched the upper halves of two composite faces presented sequentially. Global processing of Navon stimuli increased the sensitivity to incongruence between the upper and the lower halves of the composite face, relative to a baseline in which the composite faces were not primed. Local processing of Navon stimuli did not influence the sensitivity to incongruence. Although incongruence induced a bias toward different responses, this bias was not modulated by priming. We conclude that global processing of Navon stimuli augments holistic processing of the face.  相似文献   
By focusing on human virtues rather than the general morality of rational beings, Kant’s virtue theory presents systematic arguments from the perspectives of reason and experiential emotion, norms and disposition, spirituality and humanity, etc., which is of great significance to an overall understanding of Kantian ethics, thus clarifying misunderstandings from the past decades.  相似文献   
工作嵌入概述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
工作嵌入是个体和组织内外所有与工作相关的情境之间所形成关系网络的密切程度,它从非主观和工作之外的因素入手,为我们理解组织行为提供了一个全新的视角。本文就工作嵌入的内涵、结构、理论背景展开阐述,并在对以往研究进行总结的基础之上,对未来的研究做出了展望。  相似文献   
土地纠纷:一个宏观视角的解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高帆 《学海》2006,(4):47-53
当前土地纠纷正取代税费负担成为“三农”问题中最值得关注的论题,而土地纠纷的基本动因在于地方政府通过土地整理为城市化建设提供资金,这种做法对包括粮食供给、农民就业等内容的农业安全形成潜在的影响。城市化与农业安全博弈的结果是土地征用在一定意义上的普遍化,其深层原因是当前的多种制度安排导致了农民与其他相关者的谈判能力不对称,而当前对土地纠纷的治理措施更多体现为短期的积极效应。为了追求长期效果,就应重构避免土地冲突的制度性框架。  相似文献   
高山杉 《世界哲学》2006,17(5):61-75
俞大维生于官宦世家,是晚清名臣曾国藩的曾外孙,民国时期先后担任驻德商务调查部主任、军政部兵工署署长、交通部长诸要职,对中国国防建设贡献极多,被尊为“兵工之父”。1949年后,他出任台湾当局“国防部长”,退职后任“总统府资政”,一生为官清廉,生活俭朴,深受世人尊敬。他去世前皈依佛门,振动一时。本文根据中外文新旧材料,对俞大维早年在美国哈佛大学和德国柏林大学学习哲学、数理逻辑、梵文、印度学和佛学的经历,做了一个比较可信的叙述,又对俞大维入学之前哈佛大学哲学系师生热心研究数理逻辑和梵文的学术传统做了一番考辨,以纪念我国近代史上这位不忮不求的国士和智者。  相似文献   
依附论者对南北经济关系理论思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高岱 《学海》2007,(4):135-140
从20世纪50年代开始,依附论者便对导致世界上富国与穷国之间贫富悬殊形成与扩大的原因进行了很有特色的分析和研究.60年代,一些依附伦者又以拉美地区的具体材料,对这一问题进行了更为深入的探讨.70年代以后,依附论者已不再满足于仅以拉美地区的资料来说明问题,而是从整个世界范围的角度和亚洲、非洲殖民地的资料来进一步阐明他们的观点,并对南北经济关系存在与发展提出了自己独到的见解,为推动现代化理论和殖民主义史研究做出了积极的贡献.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated whether or not the reconfiguration of a set task could modulate the efficiency of feature search. In Experiment 1, target set size was manipulated. The results revealed that enumerating targets defined by color yields a much steeper slope when executed simultaneously with a discrimination task than when done singly. However, when distractor set size was manipulated, there was no significant difference in the efficiency of individualizing targets from distractors between the two task conditions, no matter whetherthe search was guided by bottom-up information (Experiment 2) or top-down information (Experiment 3). Drawing upon these results, the authors propose that (1) an additional task can impair the efficiency of enumeration, resulting in a steep slope of counting even when target set size is quite small, and (2) in feature search, the visual system first reconfigures the task set to match the input feature information and then detects the targets with an optimal efficiency, which does not support the theory proposed by Di Lollo, Kawahara, Zuvic, and Visser (2001; Di Lollo, Smilek, Kawahara, & Ghorashi, 2005).  相似文献   
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