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不同社会群体特征对内隐领导因素的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究发现,中国人内隐领导理论的内容由个人品德、目标有效性、人际能力和多面性四个因素构成。不同的年龄、职业和教育水平等评分者的特点,对领导诸因素的评分有着显著的影响。综合分析发现,教育水平是影响内隐领导因素评分的主要变量。另外,各组都倾向于把人际能力作为领导最大的特质来加以评分。  相似文献   
We combine extant theories of evidence accumulation and multi-modal integration to develop an integrated framework for modeling multimodal integration as a process that unfolds in real time. Many studies have formulated sensory processing as a dynamic process where noisy samples of evidence are accumulated until a decision is made. However, these studies are often limited to a single sensory modality. Studies of multimodal stimulus integration have focused on how best to combine different sources of information to elicit a judgment. These studies are often limited to a single time point, typically after the integration process has occurred. We address these limitations by combining the two approaches. Experimentally, we present data that allow us to study the time course of evidence accumulation within each of the visual and auditory domains as well as in a bimodal condition. Theoretically, we develop a new Averaging Diffusion Model in which the decision variable is the mean rather than the sum of evidence samples and use it as a base for comparing three alternative models of multimodal integration, allowing us to assess the optimality of this integration. The outcome reveals rich individual differences in multimodal integration: while some subjects’ data are consistent with adaptive optimal integration, reweighting sources of evidence as their relative reliability changes during evidence integration, others exhibit patterns inconsistent with optimality.  相似文献   
移动互联网时代,微信的出现颠覆了人们的沟通方式,而点赞作为网络人际之间的互动更是呈现了用户的个人调节与社会认同。本研究采用问卷的方法,对368名微信用户的点赞动机与人格特质的关系进行调查。结果发现:(1)点赞行为有着不同的动机背景,这其中主要是自我认同和社会认同动机在起推动作用。(2)这其中不同动机的人又有着不同的人格特质,具体而言,严谨性与外向性影响自我认同,而宜人性与开放性影响社交认同。  相似文献   
We examined whether the broadened attentional scope would affect people's sad or depressed mood with two experiments, enlightened by the meaning of “seeing the big picture” and the broaden‐and‐build model. Experiment 1 (n = 164) is a laboratory‐based experiment, in which we manipulated the attentional scope by showing participants zoomed‐out or zoomed‐in scenes. In Experiment 2 (n = 44), we studied how depressed mood and positive and negative emotions were affected when participants watched distant versus proximal scenes for eight weeks in real life. Healthy participants in Experiment 1, who were induced to feel sad, could return to the baseline mood after having the broadened attention task but not after having the narrowed attention task, which indicated that immediate attention broadening manipulation could function as antidotes for the lingering effects of induced negative emotions. Participants with depressed mood in Experiment 2 showed reduced depressed mood, increased positive affect, and decreased negative affect after receiving attention broadening training compared to those receiving attention narrowing training. Our findings suggest a robust role of broadened attentional scope in relieving negative emotions and even mildly depressed mood in the long run.  相似文献   
In the current research, we sought to examine the role of spatial frequency on the detection of threat using a speeded visual search paradigm. Participants searched for threat-relevant (snakes or spiders) or non-threat-relevant (frogs or cockroaches) targets in an array of neutral (flowers or mushrooms) distracters, and we measured search performance with images filtered to contain different levels (high and low) of spatial frequency information. The results replicate previous work demonstrating more rapid detection of threatening versus non-threatening stimuli [e.g. LoBue, V. & DeLoache, J. S. (2008). Detecting the snake in the grass: Attention to fear-relevant stimuli by adults and young children. Psychological Science, 19, 284–289. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02081.x]. Most importantly, the results suggest that low spatial frequency or relatively coarse levels of visual information is sufficient for the rapid and accurate detection of threatening stimuli. Furthermore, the results also suggest that visual similarity between the stimuli used in the search tasks plays a significant role in speeded detection. The results are discussed in terms of the theoretical implications for the rapid detection of threat and methodological implications for properly accounting for similarity between the stimuli in visual search studies.  相似文献   
Inattentional blindness refers to the failure to detect the salient unexpected stimuli in one’s visual field when performing an attention-demanding task. The present study examined the detection of threats in a static inattentional blindness paradigm. And the detection rates of evolutionary and ontogenetic threats were compared. Participants counted the number of color words from among three (low load) or six (high load) items presented in a circular array. On the last of six trials, an unexpected threatening/neutral illustration was presented in the center of the array along with the task stimuli. Participants detection of the illustration were thus measured and analyzed. The results suggested that: (1) the threatening stimuli, both evolutionary and ontogenetic, were detected more frequently than non-threatening stimuli; (2) the unexpected illustrations were identified more frequently under low-load condition than under high-load condition; (3) even under high-load situation, the threatening illustrations were more frequently identified than neutral ones. Threats are more likely to be detected under inattentional blindness and perceptual load.  相似文献   
人类胚胎干细胞研究伦理问题的调查和讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
此次对各级医生进行关于人类胚胎干细胞研究伦理认知的调查研究,其目的是为制订相关的伦理准则提供认知依据,调查是在我国东西部二个城市的8家三级医院进行,采用随机抽样、自愿无记名填写信息表方法调查.调查结果表明,50%以上医生认为早期胚胎不是道德意义的人,70%以上医生对胚胎干细胞的研究表示支持.海峡两岸的医生由于有相同的文化根源,在对待胚胎干细胞研究的伦理观点及态度上极其接近.  相似文献   
社会游戏情境在幼儿遮挡绘画中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高雪梅  李红  郑持军 《心理科学》2004,27(4):884-886
该研究以90名4—5岁幼儿为被试,考察了遮挡方式、社会性游戏情境以及年龄对幼儿遮挡绘画的影响,结果表明:(1)幼儿遮挡绘画表征策略的发展不是以“全”或“无”的方式进行的,而是多种策略并存;(2)部分遮挡、完全遮挡这两种遮挡方式的难易程度有很大的差异;(3)设置社会性游戏情境提高了幼儿遮挡绘画的表征策略水平;(4)与年龄相关的成熟水平是影响儿童遮挡绘画表征水平的重要因素。  相似文献   
中国消费者价格容忍度的特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王霞  赵平  王高  刘佳 《心理学报》2004,36(5):593-600
运用多维线性模型,对我国消费者对不同产品价格涨落的容忍态度进行了研究。研究对象为26384名购买过各类产品的消费者。结果表明:(1)消费者对不同产品的价格容忍度不同,对日用消费品的价格容忍度较高,对耐用消费品的价格容忍度相对较低;(2)消费者的年龄和受教育程度对价格容忍度有负向的影响,消费者的年龄和受教育程度越高,对产品的价格容忍度越低;(3)男性消费者的价格容忍度高于女性消费者,女性消费者对价格较为敏感。  相似文献   
现代哲学的逻辑起点不是独断的外在实体,而是无需前提设定而直接自明给予的自我意识。自我主体问题成为连接笛卡尔和康德的一个核心问题。笛卡尔哲学的起点是我思故我在,康德哲学的核心是先验主体的知性为自然立法。康德通过对笛卡尔自我实体性的批判而把自我逻辑功能化,  相似文献   
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