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The effect of acetylcholine chloride (ACh) on heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) was studied in four dogs, awake and under anesthesia by means of pentobarbital sodium. In the awake dog, ACh caused a triphasic change in HR—a rise, fall and secondary rise. The BP showed an initial gradual fall followed by a secondary precipitous fall coinciding with the fall in HR, and then return to base line. Anesthesia accentuated the precipitous fall in HR due to ACh, and narrowed the pulse pressure during the initial fall in BP due to ACh. The effects of atropine sulphate, propranolol and d-tubacurarine on the above were studied, indicating the roles of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems in mediating the HR and BP reactions to ACh in the awake state and under pentobarbital sodium anesthesia.  相似文献   
Editors Note—Shortly before Dr. Gantt died, he gave me the following notes that he wrote on Pavlov with the suggestion that I might edit and publish them at some time. Instead of editing them, I think these notes as they are are touching and close to both Gantt and Pavlov. They are reproduced here with only very minor, typographical corrections.—FJM  相似文献   
Drugs may be used in several ways to investigate their role in behavior. (1) The placebo effect is usually connected with the relation of the person to the drug. (2) Using the drug as an unconditional stimulus, its action may help to analyze the role of peripheral vs. central stimuli in the formation of conditional reflexes; our work has shown that the effect of drugs which act solely at the peripheral nerve endings without the involvement of the central nervous system cannot become conditioned. (3) The action of drugs on the conditional reflex (CR) compared with their action on the unconditional reflex (UR) explains some of their behavioral effects. (4) Schizokinesis is often prominent in the action of drugs. Although a drug may increase the level of the heart rate, for example, it can, on the other hand, diminish the reactivity shown in the CR. Meprobamate and mescaline affect differently the cardiac and the motor components of the CR, illustrating a schizokinesis. (5) The type of individual is an important factor in the action of drugs; the same drug may have opposite effects on different individuals. This leads to the conclusion that a drug should fit the individual as well as the disease. (6) Autokinesis is often seen in drug action. Therefore a single dose of some drugs, such as acetylcholine, epinephrine or LSD, may permanently change the relationships between excitation and inhibition, in the direction of improvement or deterioration (positive or negative autokinesis).  相似文献   
Previous research on the renal conditional reflex (CR) has resulted in contradictory data. The work of Bykov with dogs and of Hoferet al. with humans indicated that a renal CR is possible, but the experiments of Corsonet al. and Watt and Gantt with dogs having normal or transplanted cervical kidneys showed no clear-cut renal CR’s. The present work supports the latter finding. Three female mongrel dogs were used. One dog (normal) had an externalized ureter; the other two (experimental) had denervated cervical kidneys (autografts). In 155 days of experiments, the investigators found diuresis to occur only on unconditional stimulus,i.e., only when a dog drank diluted milk (one part milk to four parts water)ad lib.; the dogs drank an average of between 500 and 1,100 ml. No diuresis occurred when 30 ml. of the mixture were given (conditional stimulus). Urinalysis indicated a lack of renal conditioning with respect to the excretion rates and the concentrations of creatinine and electrolytes, except for the sodium concentration in the normal dog’s urine, which decreased on bothad lib and test (30 ml) days; the volume was not affected. Conclusion: Drinking a small quantity of diluted milk as a conditional stimulus did not produce a conditional diuretic response either in the normal dog or in the two dogs with transplanted kidneys.  相似文献   
A resume of the history and concepts culminating in the work of Pavlov shows that there has been a gradual and slow elaboration toward a science of behavior. The past work has been oriented since the time of Locke increasingly toward the external environment. Pavlov’s theories, however, were directed toward forceswithin the nervous system. Further work from the Pavlovian Laboratories at Johns Hopkins and the V.A. (and elsewhere) indicate that the various physiological systems do not always work harmoniously, but that there is often a split in function (Schizokinesis)—changes occurring over a period of time—which do not seem to be referable to the external environment but to elaborations occurringwithin the organism (Autokinesis). These may tend toward improvement of function or, on the other hand, toward deterioration. The time has come when the progressive changes and the interrelationships of active fociwithin the organism should be considered as well as the reactivity of the individual toward the external environment.  相似文献   
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