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该研究对赣州监狱成年男性服刑人员进行父母教养方式(EMBU)问卷的测试。结果表明,家庭教方式是犯罪倾向性获得的心理机制,影响着个体认知图式的形成,对犯罪性获得产生普遍性的影响;影响犯罪的严重程度;父亲因子更多在一般犯罪性层面发挥作用,而母亲因子会影响犯罪的特殊倾向;家庭结构因素要通过家庭功能因素对犯罪发生作用。结论是:不良的教养方式对犯罪性的获得产生深刻的影响。  相似文献   
干春松 《哲学动态》2007,5(9):28-33
三子思思想的特质:“诚”及其他郭沫若在同一文章中将《尚书》中的《洪范》、《尧典》、《皋陶谟》、《禹贡》诸篇作为思孟学派的作品,多少有些陈义过于宽泛。不过,他是从思想发展的内在逻辑来考虑问题的。由五行到“诚”涉及到了子思思想的核心内容,而并非考据家单纯的“五行”的追索。近代对子思思想的义理层面的研究也可以追溯到康有为和章太炎。出于其经学立场,康有为之思孟论述是今文经学的路数,因此有许多托古改制和微言大义的因素。他在《中庸注》中说:“天下之为道术多矣,而折衷于孔子;孔子之道大矣,荡荡如天,民难名之,唯圣孙子思,…  相似文献   
本文介绍了在当前德国人文社会科学面临的学科整合的背景下应用伦理学的发展近况,重点展示了应用伦理学界在"人性尊严"概念上的学术论争。  相似文献   
In response to the rapidly increasing application and abuse of psychological tests in China, the Psychometrics Division of the Chinese Psychological Society published the 2008 revisions of the Chinese Code of Ethical Use of Psychological Tests. We investigated the implementation status of the code 2½ years after its promulgation. Sample included 284 psychological professionals and psychology graduate students. The average accuracy rate for the appropriate use of psychological tests was 67.1% (range = 25.5–97.5%), with 10 items having accuracy rates below 45%. Participants remained uncertain about the clients' rights to information about the purpose, psychometric properties, and scores of the tests. The most frequent violations involved “using psychological tests without psychometric information for entertainment purposes” and “using SCL-90 to measure mental health of normal people.”  相似文献   
分析2009年胡润慈善榜发现,广东、浙江、福建省等三地富豪上榜最多,与胡润百富榜上榜富豪相比,其从事慈善事业的比率也相对较高,这其中的原因与三地经济发达,富豪数量较多相关,但也与地方传统宗教文化发达,富人能自觉从事慈善与社会公益事业有关。中国企业家从事慈善事业的背后是有传统宗教伦理支持的。  相似文献   
If mysticism, as Coventry Patmore defines it, is 'the science of ultimates,' in what way would mysticism explain the possibility of a profound relationship between ultimate reality as infinite and proximate reality as finite (Patmore 1895, p. 39)? This paper attempts to address that question through the lens of Evelyn Underhill’s philosophy of mysticism. The paper fundamentally works at framing two of Hegel’s triadic patterns of dialectic against the being-becoming binary as engaged by Underhill. This application helps unveil the relation of transcendence with immanence, a relation that is crucial for a structuring of the infinite-finite mystical intimacy.  相似文献   
Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa lead to several serious physical problems. One possible consequence is acid-related dental erosion. Dental erosion can be identified early and is caused by exogenic (selection of food) and / or endogenic (gastric acid) factors. That is why dentists play an important role in the early identification of eating disorders as well as in the prevention and therapy of dental erosion. They should be important collaborators of psychotherapists. We review characteristic damages to the teeth that are seen in eating disorders as well as preventive and therapeutic interventions. Psychotherapists should be informed about dental problems and preventive strategies to educate their patients.  相似文献   
论"公正"先于"关护"   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在应用伦理学的论证过程中,尽管各种不同的伦理学派、道德理论或价值诉求相互差异、彼此竞争,但在当代境遇下,它们都可以归溯为一个以凸显人权原则为特征的共同的道德视点。换言之,在诉诸一个根基性的价值诉求———人权理念———方面,它们大体上是一致的。正如哈贝马斯所言:“当宗教与形而上学的世界图景丧失了其普遍约束力时,我们(或者我们的大多数)在向宽容的世界观多元主义过渡之后,既没有变成冷漠的玩世不恭者,也没有变成什么都行的相对主义者,因为我们已经、并且愿意坚守着有关正确或错误的道德判断的二元规则。我们将生活世界及政治…  相似文献   
2005年8月25~26日,中国社会科学院、北京大学、清华大学、中国逻辑与语言函授大学、华东师范大学和金岳霖学术基金会的领导、海内外的专家学者、金岳霖先生的亲朋好友及其家乡浙江诸暨人民政府的代表等200余人,聚集在中国社会科学院,隆重纪念学术大师金岳霖教授诞辰110周年。本次纪念活动主要包括三个部分:(1)举行纪念大会;(2)颁发第四届金岳霖学术奖;(3)进行学术研讨。一、纪念大会纪念大会由中国社会科学院哲学研究所所长李景源主持。中国社会科学院副院长冷溶首先发言。他在讲话中高度评价了金岳霖先生对中国现代哲学和逻辑学所做出的杰…  相似文献   
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