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本文运用社会语言学的方法,全面考察假设连词"若也"在佛典文献与藏外文献中的使用情况,发现"若也"是一个以佛教社团为背景的词汇成分,它产生于汉语,没有外来影响,主要在唐宋时期使用.  相似文献   
The exploration of blind students' reading skills is needed not only for further understanding their reading development but also for providing targeted suggestions for practical education. This study aims to examine the relations among phonological awareness (PA), homograph awareness (HA), compounding awareness (CA) and reading comprehension (RC), and explore the mediating effect of listening comprehension (LC) in Chinese blind students from elementary school. A total of 148 blind and 302 sighted elementary school students completed assessments of PA, HA, CA, LC and RC. The results found that PA, HA and CA were important variables that predicted Chinese blind and sighted students' RC not only directly but also indirectly through LC, which varied across different grades. The findings suggest that there were many similarities that exist in the influencing mechanism of RC between Chinese blind and sighted students.  相似文献   
以纳西族和汉族大学生为被试,采用摸箭头任务和动物排列任务等,考察纳西族大学生和汉族大学生习惯的空间术语是否不同,及其对空间参考框架的选择.结果表明,纳西族大学生比汉族大学生在判断物体空间位置时更多地使用绝对参考框架,云南的汉族大学生在判断物体空间位置时使用绝对和相对参考框架差异不显著,这与他们描述空间关系时习惯使用的术语一致.这一结果支持语言相对论.  相似文献   
Two experiments tested participants' attributions for others' immoral behaviors when conducted for more versus less money. We hypothesized and found that observers would blame wrongdoers more when seeing a transgression enacted for little rather than a lot of money, and that this would be evident in observers' hand-washing behavior. Experiment 1 used a cognitive dissonance paradigm. Participants (N = 160) observed a confederate lie in exchange for either a relatively large or a small monetary payment. Participants blamed the liar more in the small (versus large) money condition. Participants (N = 184) in Experiment 2 saw images of someone knocking over another to obtain a small, medium, or large monetary sum. In the small (versus large) money condition, participants blamed the perpetrator (money) more. Hence, participants assigned less blame to moral wrong-doers, if the latter enacted their deed to obtain relatively large sums of money. Small amounts of money accentuate the immorality of others' transgressions.  相似文献   
Researchers consistently argue that organizations need to generate creative ideas to ensure long‐term success and survival. One possible solution for increasing creativity is to inject “fresh blood” into the organization by hiring new employees. However, past work suggests there may be a number of impediments that stifle newcomer creativity and, further, that encouraging newcomer creativity may compromise other adjustment outcomes. Accordingly, the present research examines how empowering leaders, in conjunction with contextual and relational factors (i.e., organizational support for creativity and newcomers' trust in leaders), facilitate newcomer creativity. Study 1 indicates that empowering leadership positively predicts newcomer creativity and that this relationship is contingent on the organizational context. Study 2 reveals that a more specific and proximal contextual socialization factor–newcomers' trust in leaders–is a more potent moderator than organizational support for creativity. Further, these predictors operate through creative process engagement to influence creativity. Finally, results indicate positive links between empowering leadership and role clarity, attachment, and task performance, suggesting that empowering leadership may serve as an important, albeit overlooked, socialization tactic.  相似文献   
谢术福 《法音》2022,(1):52-55
招提,梵文Caturdesa,意为四方[1],亦常指寺院。日本唐招提寺因我国唐代鉴真和尚而建,其寺名意为大唐道场。又因日本佛教如法授戒亦始于鉴真和尚,故而鉴真和尚被奉为日本律宗初祖。唐招提寺是日本最早的律宗寺院,由鉴真和尚亲自设计并带领日本工匠创建而成。[2]鉴真东渡作为中日文化交流史上的标志性事件,不仅影响到日本佛教的发展,而且对日本当时及后世文化、生活的方方面面都作出了极其突出的贡献。  相似文献   
玩兴氛围是指工作场所中充满愉快和幽默的氛围,是组织行为学研究领域的新兴现象。通过对相关研究进行梳理,研究从创新绩效、任务绩效和关系绩效三个方面分析了玩兴氛围对员工工作绩效的促进作用。同时,以AMO理论为框架,剖析了玩兴氛围在能力(认知能力、情绪智力)、动机(情感体验、工作投入)和机会(工作设计、社会网络)层面对员工绩效的促进机制。最后,提出未来研究可以进一步开发玩兴氛围量表,考察影响玩兴氛围后效的边界条件,探讨玩兴氛围的消极影响。  相似文献   
目的了解593名军校大学新生的入伍动机情况。方法采用自编的军校大学新生基本情况调查表和症状自评量表对593名军校大学新生在入学1个月后统一进行测试。结果军校新生的入伍动机复杂,来源、是否独生子女和政治面貌对入伍动机有显著的影响,献身国防事业和服从父母的意愿这两项入伍动机对scl-90的总分影响最大。结论军校新生学员入伍动机复杂,入伍动机对心理健康有较大影响。  相似文献   
旨在建立成年人一般自我概念量表的全国常模。依据全国第六次人口普查结果,按行政区域、性别、年龄、户籍地、受教育程度、职业类别等人口学特征分层抽样取得容量为6433的成年人样本。在该全国样本中再次验证了成年人一般自我概念量表具有良好的信效度指标。比较不同人口学特征的群体在一般自我概念水平上的差异,结果表明,男性自我概念积极性和调节性优于女性;青年组自我概念清晰性低于中老年组,但悦纳性高于中老年组;城市人口、受教育程度高、个人收入中等以上的被试群体自我概念总分及各维度分均更高,不同民族被试的自我概念无显著差异。在此基础上制定了相应的全国常模。  相似文献   

Deformation of NiTi shape-memory alloys (SMAs) under dynamic tension has been studied. It is found that the stress plateau associated with detwinning still exists at the highest strain rate tested (300s -1 ). Beyond the stress plateau, when dislocation mechanisms dominate the deformation process, the strain-hardening effect is more strongly dependent on strain rate. The dynamically deformed specimens exhibit a shape-recovery process and a two-way memory effect which are identical with that for the alloy deformed under quasistatic conditions. The observations suggest that the detwinning process takes place in SMAs under dynamic tension.  相似文献   
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