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Employees inherently have concerns about the consequences of speaking up, and this is particularly notable for employees with high power distance orientation (PDO). Drawing on ideas from the dual‐pathway model of mood and social information processing theory, we propose that activated negative mood and group voice climate can synergistically facilitate high‐PDO employees' voice behaviors. Using a sample from 305 real‐estate sales agents in 66 work groups in Taiwan, we examined the joint moderating effects of activated negative mood and group voice climate on employees' two forms of voice behavior. Our results show that PDO had a negative relationship with promotive voice but did not have a significant relationship with prohibitive voice. Nevertheless, our results show that in the situation where both activated negative mood and group voice climate were high, PDO no longer had a negative relationship with promotive voice, and even had a positive relationship with prohibitive voice. The findings of this study provide theoretical insights for the voice literature and offer practical suggestions for facilitating opinion expression in organisations.  相似文献   
如今互联网推动人类进入信息爆炸时代,有限大脑容量与激增信息量间的巨大反差对人类决策提出了前所未有的挑战,但已有知识系统却找不出应对它的现成答案。围绕"互联网海量信息环境对人类决策的挑战"和"互联网海量信息环境下人类决策的应对方式"两个关键科学问题,我们借鉴动物选择"无序个体单独行动"和"有序集体统一行动"的转换机制,提出互联网海量信息环境下的内外脑应对方式,冀增进人们对互联网环境下决策行为的理解。  相似文献   
李华 《现代哲学》2020,(2):107-114
在埃克哈特看来,个体灵魂的神圣性与超脱对于上帝至关重要,因为这二者分别意味着上帝在俗世的“诞生”(Gottesgeburt)与自我成全。在灵魂的种种能力中,理性与意志最能体现这种神圣性与高贵性,但意志由于其软弱性而需要理性的指引,因此理性才是灵魂最高贵的能力。灵魂的能力不是为了高扬灵魂自身,而是为了去除灵魂对世界、自身乃至上帝的理解中的那些会导致自我封闭的执念,如此方能达到人与上帝“合一”之境。尽管如此,埃克哈特的神秘主义并不“神秘”,因为它是理性之人皆可努力尝试的一条成圣之路。埃克哈特的神秘主义思想以其对理性与个体性的独特理解塑造了此后的德国思辨哲学,要真正理解后者,就不能局限于近代哲学框架内加以考察,而必须回溯到埃克哈特。  相似文献   
东晋十六国时期,随着佛教的进一步发展,佛教思想与中国固有文化观念的冲突日趋激化,造成了深受国家本位、祖先崇拜和灵魂不死等传统观念影响的中土佛教学者的理论困惑,也迫使他们对一些重大的佛教理论问题作出自己独立的思考和阐释。作为东晋时期中国佛教的领军人物,庐山慧远置  相似文献   
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