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论宗教的道德价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原初的道德与宗教处于混沌一体之中。二者分化以后 ,宗教以其特殊方式提供道德规范的神圣性、道德理想人格的完满性与社会正义的至善性 ;在宗教信仰的特殊形式中蕴含着对真之笃信与对存在终极性关切的道德价值精神 ,并为道德规范提供价值合理性根据。  相似文献   
During young adulthood the suicide rate among Blacks rises dramatically and approaches that of the U.S. general population, requiring that prevention efforts include a focus on Black young adults. Although most research on suicidality among Blacks has focused on risk factors observed in the dominant culture, in this study the authors examined associations between perceived discrimination, racism, and acculturation with lifetime suicidal ideation (SI) and suicide attempt (SA) among Black young adults. Two hundred fifty Black or African American individuals aged 18-24 residing in a midsize northeastern city were recruited to participate through advertisements. Participants filled out self-report questionnaires. Logistic regressions were used to examine the association of each predictor with SI and SA. Greater perceived acculturation was associated with SI in univariate and multivariate models. There were no other statistically significant results concerning the predictors of interest. The link between perceived acculturation and SI is consistent with limited available data, indicating the need for further study including the potential mechanism(s) for the association. Limitations include the cross-sectional design and reliance on subjective measures.  相似文献   
探讨后腹腔镜下肾盂、输尿管切开取石的技术要点和临床应用价值.回顾性分析34例后腹腔镜肾盂、输尿管切开取石术的临床质料.男22例,女12例,肾盂结石10例,输尿管结石24例.结果34例成功完成腹腔镜取石术,手术时间40min~90min,平均58min,术中出血10 ml~30ml,术后1例漏尿3d,术后3d~5d拔除后腹腔引流管,术后住院7d~9d,34例随访12个月~26个月,患者肾输尿管积水均明显好转,无结石复发及输尿管狭窄.后腹腔肾盂输尿管切开取石术可部分取代肾盂结石的开放手术,可作为输尿管上段结石ESWL或(和)URL治疗失败的首选治疗方案.  相似文献   
美国药物治疗管理服务的应用现状及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解决不合理用药问题,美国政府正尝试利用药师的专业技术优势加强对患者药物治疗的管理。在查阅分析国外文献的基础上介绍了美国药物治疗管理服务的形成背景、运作模式、核心要素和实施效果等应用现状,以期为我国临床药学服务的发展提供启示和政策建议。  相似文献   
CSC理论使人们对恶性肿瘤有了一个全新的认识,为临床治疗提供了一个全新视角。该理论改变目前以全部癌细胞为目标的药物治疗策略,将使治愈肿瘤成为可能。分离和鉴定CSC是CSC靶向治疗的第一步。本文就CSC的起源和鉴定方法做一简要综述。  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of face consciousness on happiness and the moderating role of financial situation on this relationship. We first examined our hypotheses in study 1 in a particular setting of consumption, and replicated our findings in study 2 in a more generalized setting of interpersonal situations. The two studies produced essentially consistent results. We found individuals high on face consciousness tend to be less happy, and the negative association between face consciousness and happiness is ameliorated by their financial situation. These results revealed the importance of face consciousness as an individual difference in predicting happiness. The implications of these findings for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
休谟的正义理论一方面坚持"互利原则",把功利视为正义的动机;另一方面,又主张"同情原则",认为同情是正义感的来源,正义来自人们对公益的关心.休谟正义理论中的这个矛盾,表明正义本身所包含的两层要素:正义既具有有利于当事双方的互利性,又要求当事双方有着互相认同的能力.  相似文献   
Rawls’ appealing to free agreement in the original position cannot be understood as the source of real commitment to principles of social justice. According to the contextualistic interpretation, to establish and clarify the reasonableness of one context, one needs to appeal to the reasonableness of some higher-order contexts. Because the two meta-contexts of global basic structure and domestic basic structure can be seen as higher-order or lower-order context relative to each, depending on concrete cases, by excluding the consideration of global situation that must have effects on the realization of domestic justice, “justice as fairness” is blind both to the global context of domestic justice and to the domestic context of global justice.  相似文献   
This study examined the main and interactive relations of stressors and coping related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) with Chinese college students' psychological adjustment (psychological symptoms, perceived general health, and life satisfaction) during the 2003 Beijing SARS epidemic. All the constructs were assessed by self-report in an anonymous survey during the final period of the outbreak. Results showed that the relations of stressors and coping to psychological adjustment varied by domain of adjustment. Regression analyses suggested that the number of stressors and use of avoidant coping strategies positively predicted psychological symptoms. Active coping positively predicted life satisfaction when controlling for stressors. Moreover, all types of coping served as a buffer against the negative impact of stressors on perceived general health. These findings hold implications for university counseling services during times of acute, large-scale stressors. In particular, effective screening procedures should be developed to identify students who experience a large number of stressors and thus are at high risk for developing mental health problems. Intervention efforts that target coping should be adapted to take account of the uncontrollability of stressors and clients' cultural preferences for certain coping strategies. A multidimensional battery of psychological adjustment should be used to monitor clients' psychological adjustment to stressors and evaluate the efficacy of intervention.  相似文献   
留置导尿是一项侵袭性操作,易引起尿道黏膜损伤,且留置导尿时间过长,容易引起泌尿系统的逆行感染。为了预防导尿管相关性感染,我们从临床角度讨论是否需要更换一次性尿袋以及更换尿袋的时间,留置导尿尿道外口的清洗,留置导尿膀胱冲洗的必要性及是否应用抗生素,更换导尿管的时间及导尿管的选择等临床问题,为临床人员做该项操作时提供参考,做出正确的临床决策。  相似文献   
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