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《精神现象学》是黑格尔第一部重要著作。在这部著作之后,尽管有一系列黑格尔著作如灿烂星辰在德国和世界哲学的天空中闪耀,但《精神现象学》并没有在这位思想家的成熟著作的光辉中黯然失色。至于说黑格尔学家们的兴趣,那么,他们在本世纪最为关注的正是这部《精神现象学》。无数的解释在不断说明这部著作的有趣的特点:不可穷尽性、  相似文献   
不久前,人们在分析辩证矛盾时,实际上并没有利用集合论的悖论。“除了逻辑学家和数学家看到的之外,到处都有违反亚里士多德的矛盾(不矛盾)律的情形。”目前,在我国的文献中正在形成一种用唯物主义辩证法的手段来研究集合论悖论的传统。我们把集合论的悖论,其中包括罗素悖论,作为辩证矛盾的局部情况、具体例子来加以  相似文献   
在科学共产主义发展史上,《哥达纲领批判》是《共产党宣言》和《资本论》之后最重要的里程碑。马克思和恩格斯通过预言共产主义社会形态的形成、本质和两个发展阶段,丰富了马克思主义。对于理解社会主义和共产主义的辩证法来说,《哥达纲领批判》是科学共产主义创始人最重要的著作。借助于历史唯物主义的一般社会理论和方法,尤其是关于社会经济形态的学说,马克思和恩格斯在科学共产主义形成时期就已经指出,从工人阶级的阶级斗争和解  相似文献   
艺术和哲学是社会意识和人的认识活动的形式,它们的相互关系问题,在社会的社会政治发展和精神发展的当前阶段上,具有特殊的迫切性。这一点既与艺术本身中所发生的过程(艺术的对象方面的复杂化和扩大化,艺术的精神形象因素和形式构成因素中的重要变化)有关系,又与在社会的精神生活中、在人的认识活动过程的结构中普遍的剧烈变化有关系。同时,关于艺术和哲学、艺术意识和哲学意识的相互关系问题,在哲学思想史和美学思想史中永远占有重要的位置。我们可以从人类精神文化发展的最早时代开始,来探究一下哲学家  相似文献   
马克思在巴黎时期(1844年)的经济学—哲学手稿的最后一章中研究了《精神现象学》;特别是它的最后一章——绝对知识。马克思采取的方法是把现象的意识阐述从同一哲学的框框中解脱出来,以便阐明隐藏在同一哲学中的、往往已经“远远超过黑格尔观点”的批判要素。他在这里涉及到《全书》第381和第384节,在这两节中完成了从自然哲学向精神哲学的  相似文献   
The global precedence hypothesis has been operationally defined as a faster or earlier processing of the global than of the local properties of an image (global advantage) and as interference by processing at the global level with processing at the local level (global interference). Navon (1977) proposed an association between the global advantage and interference effects. Other studies have shown a dissociation between the two effects (e.g., Lamb & Robertson, 1988). It seems that the controversy in previous research resulted from not equalizing the eccentricities of global and local properties. In the present study, the eccentricities of the two levels were equalized by using stimuli with all their elements located along their perimeters. The results of the first experiment demonstrated that although the global level was identified faster than the local level in both the central and the peripheral locations of the visual field (global advantage), the pattern of global interference varied across the visual field. Consistency of global and local levels increased the speed of processing of the local level displayed at the center of the visual field but slowed down the processing of that level at peripheral locations. The results of Experiment 2 demonstrated that it was most likely that the variation in the pattern of global interference was determined by the variable of eccentricity, rather than by the sizes of the global and local levels.  相似文献   
Suggesting false childhood events produces false autobiographical beliefs, memories and suggestion-consistent behavior. The mechanisms by which suggestion affects behavior are not understood, and whether false beliefs and memories are necessary for suggestions to impact behavior remains unexplored. We examined the relative effects of providing a personalized suggestion (suggesting that an event occurred to the person in the past), and/or a general suggestion (suggesting that an event happened to others in the past). Participants (N=122) received a personalized suggestion, a general suggestion, both or neither, about childhood illness due to spoiled peach yogurt. The personalized suggestion resulted in false beliefs, false memories, and suggestion-consistent behavioral intentions immediately after the suggestion. One week or one month later participants completed a taste test that involved eating varieties of crackers and yogurts. The personalized suggestion led to reduced consumption of only peach yogurt, and those who reported a false memory showed the most eating suppression. This effect on behavior was equally strong after one week and one month, showing a long lived influence of the personalized suggestion. The general suggestion showed no effects. Suggestions that convey personal information about a past event produce false autobiographical memories, which in turn impact behavior.  相似文献   
Spatial ability is a strong predictor of students' pursuit of higher education in science and mathematics. However, very little is known about the affective factors that influence individual differences in spatial ability, particularly at a young age. We examine the role of spatial anxiety in young children's performance on a mental rotation task. We show that even at a young age, children report experiencing feelings of nervousness at the prospect of engaging in spatial activities. Moreover, we show that these feelings are associated with reduced mental rotation ability among students with high but not low working memory (WM). Interestingly, this WM?×?spatial anxiety interaction was only found among girls. We discuss these patterns of results in terms of the problem-solving strategies that boys versus girls use in solving mental rotation problems.  相似文献   
This study used depression (CDI - Kovacs, 1981), anxiety (MASC - March, 1997) and coping strategy (CRI-Y - Moos, 1993) scales and studied the fitness and discriminant validity of reduced versions. The sample consisted of 916 Portuguese pupils, 54.3% feminine, aged 10 to 21 years old. The participants were selected from a set of public schools nation-wide. Two classes were chosen from the 5th to the 12th grades. A set of principal component analyses was carried out in a randomly chosen sample (n = 394) and all the three reduced measures were found to be strongly correlated with the previous. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) using the other part of the sample (n = 522) revealed adjustment indexes suggesting a good fit for both the whole model and gender and age groups separately. All scales revealed a good internal consistency. Globally, girls were more anxious and developed more coping strategies than boys. Older students tended to be less depressed, while younger adolescents present higher scores in depression and anxiety and less coping strategies. Reduced scales are sensitive to gender and age differences and can be used in school settings in order to establish a baseline and roadmaps for both universal and selective mental health school based programs.  相似文献   
Latent state-trait (LST) analysis is frequently applied in psychological research to determine the degree to which observed scores reflect stable person-specific effects, effects of situations and/or person-situation interactions, and random measurement error. Most LST applications use multiple repeatedly measured observed variables as indicators of latent trait and latent state residual factors. In practice, such indicators often show shared indicator-specific (or method) variance over time. In this article, the authors compare 4 approaches to account for such method effects in LST models and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach based on theoretical considerations, simulations, and applications to actual data sets. The simulation study revealed that the LST model with indicator-specific traits (Eid, 1996) and the LST model with M - 1 correlated method factors (Eid, Schneider, & Schwenkmezger, 1999) performed well, whereas the model with M orthogonal method factors used in the early work of Steyer, Ferring, and Schmitt (1992) and the correlated uniqueness approach (Kenny, 1976) showed limitations under conditions of either low or high method-specificity. Recommendations for the choice of an appropriate model are provided.  相似文献   
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