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本报告挑战了下述陈词滥调——在结果论和义务论之间可以作出真正有效的理论选择,同时它论证了道义论比结果论的基本洞见更加深刻.以费希特的伦理学理论为例,证明它与亚里士多德实践观的一致性,本报告认为,所有行为都因其自身之故才是值得选择的,对结果的评价必须取决于由值得选择的行为所设置的目的.因此,在按照正确行为而选择的行为与按照最佳结果而选择的行为之间,最终不应该有什么分歧.在某些情况下,一种方法比另一种方法可能有启发性的优势,但每种方法也都可能会犯视角错误.结果论应被丢在后面,但不是彻底丢掉,而是像火车车尾的守车,只要被正确的道义论引擎牵引着,它就适得其所.  相似文献   
5月14日至15日,中国伊斯兰教协会主办的“伊斯兰教中道思想研讨会”在新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市成功召开。与会的近百位伊斯兰教界人士和专家学者,围绕“坚守中道,远离极端”的主题,深刻阐释了伊斯兰教的中道思想,有力批驳了宗教极端思想的歪理邪说,强烈谴责了暴力恐怖活动,通过了《坚守中道,远离极端》倡议书,号召广大穆斯林群众积极行动起来,坚守中道、正信正行,远离极端、反对暴力,为促进我国民族团结、社会稳定和伊斯兰教的健康发展凝心聚力,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴做出新贡献。  相似文献   
Learning and adult neurogenesis: survival with or without proliferation?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent high quality papers have renewed interest in the phenomenon of neurogenesis within the adult mammalian brain. Many studies now show that neurogenesis can be modulated by environmental factors including physical activity, stress, and learning. These findings have considerable implications for neuroscience in general, including the study of learning and memory, neural network plasticity, aging, neurodegeneration, and the recovery from brain injury. Although new light has been shed on this field, many contradictory findings have been reported. Here we propose two principle issues which underlie these inconsistencies, with particular focus on the interaction between learning and neurogenesis. The first issue relates to the basic methodology of measuring the generation of new brain cells, i.e., proliferation, as compared to survival of the newly made cells. Mostly, measures of neurogenesis reported are a combination of proliferation and survival, making it impossible to distinguish between these separate processes. The second aspect is in regards to the role of environmental factors which can affect both proliferation and survival independently. Especially the interaction between stress and learning is of importance since these might counteract each other in some circumstances. Reviewing the literature while taking these issues into account indicates that, in contrast to some findings, cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus as a result of learning cannot be ruled out yet. On the other hand, increased survival of granule cells in the dentate gyrus as a result of hippocampal-dependent learning has been clearly demonstrated. Moreover, this learning-induced survival of granule cells, which were born before the actual learning experience, might provide a molecular mechanism for the 'use it or lose it' principle.  相似文献   
A variant of the process dissociation procedure was coupled with a manipulation of response signal lag to assess whether manipulations of context affect one or both of the familiarity and search processes described by the dual process model of recognition. Participants studied a list of word pairs (context+target) followed by a recognition test with target words presented in the same or different context, and in the same or different form as study (singular/plural). Participants were asked to recognize any target word regardless of changes to form (inclusion), or to only recognise words that were presented in the same form (exclusion). The standard context reinstatement effect was evident even at the short response lags. Analyses of the estimates of the contributions of familiarity and search processes suggest that the context effect demonstrated here can be attributed in part to the influence of familiarity on recognition, whereas the effect on recollection was less clear.  相似文献   
在1972年《命名与必然性》的演讲中,作者提出了直接指称论的观点:名字的语义学内容仅仅就是所指称的对象。一般认为,如果接受直接指称论就必然导致信念之谜。因为,假如专名的语义学内容仅仅就是所指称的对象,那么两个共指称的专名,比如"Cicero"("西塞罗")和"Tully"("图利"),就应该在信念语境中可以替换。但这似乎是错误的,因为,似乎"琼斯相信西塞罗是秃子但不相信图利是秃子"可以是真的,而倘若作替换,就会得出矛盾。在本文中,作者试图论证:实际上导致信念之谜的乃是两个更为基本的原则,即去引号原则和翻译原则;不能把信念之谜的产生归咎于直接指称论。通过这种间接论证,作者认为,直接指称论没有被信念之谜难题驳倒,它还是能够获得辩护的。  相似文献   
A 'simulation' theory of cognitive function can be based on three assumptions about brain function. First, behaviour can be simulated by activating motor structures, as during an overt action but suppressing its execution. Second, perception can be simulated by internal activation of sensory cortex, as during normal perception of external stimuli. Third, both overt and covert actions can elicit perceptual simulation of their normal consequences. A large body of evidence supports these assumptions. It is argued that the simulation approach can explain the relations between motor, sensory and cognitive functions and the appearance of an inner world.  相似文献   
信任是医患关系的一个基本特征,是社会和医生之间的隐性合同的一部分。合同要求双方的期望值。病人会告诉医生他们内心深处的个人隐私,信任医生会为他们保守秘密,允许医生在他们生病和悲伤时进入家里和医院。但是,要做到这些,医生必须维持包括关爱、保密和承诺的伦理标准。因为信任就像个很小但却很珍贵的宝石-很难得到,又很容易失去,失去之后想要在找回来极为困难。  相似文献   
美国医师的职责   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在此讨论的主要问题是,什么样的社会力量能使医师对诊治病人和技术操作的质量担负起责任?这种社会力量的来源之一是职业理念;另一种约束力来自于正规社会机构的直接管理,相关权限的依据是国家和地区规范医院和医师行为的法律。第三种规范的形式和政府司法部门紧密相关,它在很大程度上是一种间接性的约束力,涉及病人因医疗事故对医生及其投保的责任保险公司所进行的索赔和诉讼。强调了第三种力量,并突出了在医师和医疗行业圈之外的社会力量对医疗活动的指导作用。  相似文献   
二、计 划既然平等拍卖这一手段 (device这个词在本文第一部分译作“装置” ,似嫌不妥 ,现改译为“手段”。———译者 ) ,作为一种用以达到对于诸如荒岛这样简单情形下资源平等的富有魅力的解释的方法 (technique) ,似乎是有希望的 ,因此就出现这样一个问题 :  相似文献   
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